#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of nxsrecconfig - NeXus Sardana Recorder Settings
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 DESY, Jan Kotanski <jkotan@mail.desy.de>
# nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with nexdatas. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" Selection state """
import json
import sys
import tango
except Exception:
import PyTango as tango
from .Utils import (
Utils, TangoUtils, MSUtils, PoolUtils, OldTangoError, PYTG_BUG_213)
from .Describer import Describer
from .CheckerThread import CheckerThread, TangoDSItem, CheckerItem
if sys.version_info > (3,):
import queue as Queue
import Queue
if sys.version_info > (3,):
unicode = str
[docs]class MacroServerPools(object):
""" sardanamacro server and pools """
def __init__(self, numberOfThreads):
""" constructor
:param numberOfThreads: number of threads
:type numberOfThreads: :obj:`str`
self.__numberOfThreads = numberOfThreads
#: (:class:`tango.Database`) tango database
self.__db = tango.Database()
#: (:obj:`str`) nexus configuration variable name in ms
self.__nxsenv = "NeXusConfiguration"
#: (:obj:`str`) macro server device name
self.__macroserver = ""
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`tango.DeviceProxy`>) pool instances
self.__pools = []
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) black list of pools
self.poolBlacklist = []
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) pure variables
self.__pureVar = [
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) tango datasources off states
self.tangoSourceErrorStates = [
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) tango datasources warning states
self.tangoSourceWarningStates = ["ALARM", "DISABLE"]
[docs] def updateMacroServer(self, door):
""" updates MacroServer and sardana pools for given door
:param door: door device name
:type door: :obj:`str`
:returns: macroserver device name
:rtype: :obj:`str`
self.__macroserver = ""
self.__pools = []
host = None
port = None
if not door:
raise Exception("Door '%s' cannot be found" % door)
if ":" in door.split("/")[0] and len(door.split("/")) > 1:
host, port = door.split("/")[0].split(":")
db = tango.Database(host, int(port))
macroserver = MSUtils.getMacroServer(db, door)
macroserver = MSUtils.getMacroServer(self.__db, door)
msp = TangoUtils.openProxy(macroserver)
pnames = msp.get_property("PoolNames")["PoolNames"]
if not pnames:
pnames = []
poolNames = list(
set(pnames) - set(self.poolBlacklist))
poolNames = ["%s/%s" % (door.split("/")[0], pn)
if (host and ":" not in pn)
else pn
for pn in poolNames]
self.__pools = TangoUtils.getProxies(poolNames)
self.__macroserver = macroserver
return self.__macroserver
[docs] def getMacroServer(self, door):
""" door macro server device name
:param door: door device name
:type door: :obj:`str`
:returns: macroserver device name
:rtype: :obj:`str`
if not self.__macroserver:
return self.__macroserver
[docs] def getPools(self, door):
""" door pool device proxies
:param door: door device name
:type door: :obj:`str`
:returns: pool device proxies
:rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`tango.DeviceProxy`>
if not self.__pools:
return self.__pools
def __toCheck(cls, configdevice, discomponentgroup, components,
datasources, channels, nonexisting):
""" prepares list of channels to check
:param configdevice: configuration device proxy
:type configdevice: :class:`tango.DeviceProxy` \
or :class:`nxsconfigserver.XMLConfigurator.XMLConfigurator`
:param discomponentgroup: name dictionary of checker items
:type discomponentgroup: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` ,
:param components: component list
:type components: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:param datasources: datasource list
:type datasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:param channels: pool channel list
:type channels: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:param nonexisting: non-exising pool channels
:type nonexisting: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:returns: list of CheckerItems
:rtype: :obj:`list` <:class:`nxsrecconfig.CheckerThread.CheckerItem`>
describer = Describer(configdevice, True, pyevalfromscript=True)
availablecomponents = TangoUtils.command(
configdevice, "availableComponents")
availabledatasouces = TangoUtils.command(
configdevice, "availableDataSources")
for k in set(components) - set(availablecomponents):
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)] = CheckerItem(Utils.tostr(k))
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)].errords = "..."
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)].active = False
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)].message = \
"%s not defined in Configuration Server" % k
for k in set(datasources) - set(availabledatasouces):
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)] = CheckerItem(Utils.tostr(k))
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)].errords = k
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)].active = False
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(k)].message = \
"%s not defined i<n Configuration Server" % k
toCheck = {}
cps = set(components) & set(availablecomponents)
for acp in cps:
res = describer.components([acp], '', '')
for cp, dss in res[0].items():
for ds in dss.keys():
if ds not in availabledatasouces:
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(cp)] = CheckerItem(
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(cp)].errords = ds
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(cp)].active = False
discomponentgroup[Utils.tostr(cp)].message = \
"%s of %s not defined in Configuration Server" \
% (ds, cp)
cls.__createCheckItem(cp, dss, toCheck, nonexisting,
discomponentgroup, channels, describer)
adss = set(datasources) & set(availabledatasouces)
for ads in adss:
res = describer.dataSources([ads])
if ads not in res[0].keys():
res[0][ads] = None
cls.__createCheckItem(ads, res[0], toCheck, nonexisting,
discomponentgroup, channels, describer)
return list(toCheck.values())
def __createCheckItem(cls, name, dss, toCheck, nonexisting,
discomponentgroup, channels, describer):
""" creates Checker Item
:param name: item name
:type name: :obj:`str`
:param dss: datasource dictionary
:type dss: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`>
:param toCheck: dictionary with checker items
:type toCheck: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` ,
:param nonexisting: non-exising pool channels
:type nonexisting: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:param discomponentgroup: name dictionary of checker items
:type discomponentgroup: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` ,
:param channels: pool channel list
:type channels: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:param describer: describer instance
:type describer: :class:`nxsrecconfig.Describer.Describer`
if isinstance(dss, dict):
tgds = describer.dataSources(list(dss.keys()), 'TANGO')[0]
for ds in dss.keys():
if ds in tgds.keys():
if name not in toCheck.keys():
toCheck[name] = CheckerItem(name)
srec = tgds[ds].record.split("/")
attr = srec[-1]
elif ds in nonexisting:
discomponentgroup[name] = CheckerItem(name)
discomponentgroup[name].errords = ds
discomponentgroup[name].active = False
discomponentgroup[name].message = \
"%s not defined in Pool" % ds
if name in list(toCheck.keys()):
elif ds in channels:
if name not in toCheck.keys():
toCheck[name] = CheckerItem(name)
[docs] def checkChannels(self, door, configdevice, channels,
componentgroup, datasourcegroup,
""" checks component channels
:param door: door device name
:type door: :obj:`str`
:param configdevice: configuration server
:type configdevice: :class:`tango.DeviceProxy` \
or :class:`nxsconfigserver.XMLConfigurator.XMLConfigurator`
:param channels: pool channels
:type channels: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:param componentgroup: preselected component group
:type componentgroup: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`bool`>
:param channelerrors: list of deactivated component errors
:type channelerrors: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:returns: json dictionary with selected active components
:rtype: :obj:`str`
channelerrors[:] = []
discomponentgroup = {}
threads = []
pools = self.getPools(door)
fnames = PoolUtils.getFullDeviceNames(pools, channels)
nonexisting = [dev for dev in channels if dev not in fnames.keys()]
toCheck = self.__toCheck(
configdevice, discomponentgroup,
[cp for cp in componentgroup.keys()
if componentgroup[cp] is not False],
[ds for ds in datasourcegroup.keys()
if datasourcegroup[ds] is not False],
channels, nonexisting)
cqueue = Queue.Queue()
for checkeritem in toCheck:
if self.__numberOfThreads < 1:
self.__numberOfThreads = len(toCheck)
for i in range(min(self.__numberOfThreads, len(toCheck))):
thd = CheckerThread(i, cqueue)
thd.tangoSourceErrorStates = self.tangoSourceErrorStates
thd.tangoSourceWarningStates = self.tangoSourceWarningStates
for th in threads:
for checkeritem in toCheck:
if checkeritem.errords is not None:
discomponentgroup[checkeritem.name] = checkeritem
self.__updategroup(componentgroup, discomponentgroup,
self.__updategroup(datasourcegroup, discomponentgroup,
return (json.dumps(componentgroup), json.dumps(datasourcegroup))
def __updategroup(cls, group, disgroup, channelerrors):
""" updates selection dictionary
:param group: selection dictionary
:type group: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`bool`>
:param disgroup: dictionary with checker items
:type disgroup: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` ,
:param channelerrors: list with channel errors
:type channelerrors: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
for acp in group.keys():
if acp in disgroup.keys():
checkeritem = disgroup[acp]
{"component": Utils.tostr(acp),
"datasource": Utils.tostr(checkeritem.errords),
"message": Utils.tostr(checkeritem.message)}
if checkeritem.active is False:
group[acp] = None
elif group[acp] is not False:
group[acp] = True
if group[acp] is not False:
group[acp] = True
[docs] def isDoorRunning(self, ms):
""" check if any door server is running
:param ms: macroserver device name
:type ms: :obj:`str`
:returns: if any door running
:rtype: :obj:`bool`
status = False
error = None
if ms:
msp = TangoUtils.openProxy(ms)
doors = msp.doorList
for door in doors:
dp = tango.DeviceProxy(door)
if dp.state() == tango.DevState.RUNNING:
status = True
except Exception as e:
error = str(e)
if error:
raise Exception(
"Cannot connect to the door: %s" % error)
return status
[docs] def getSelectorEnv(self, door, names, data):
""" imports Environment Data
:param door: door device
:type door: :obj:`str`
:param names: names of required variables
:type names: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>
:param data: dictionary with resulting data
:type data: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , `any`>
params = ["ScanDir",
msp = TangoUtils.openProxy(self.getMacroServer(door))
if PYTG_BUG_213:
raise OldTangoError(
"Reading Encoded Attributes not supported in tango < 9.2.5")
rec = msp.Environment
nenv = {}
vl = None
if rec[0] == 'pickle':
dc = Utils.pickleloads(rec[1])
if 'new' in dc.keys():
if self.__nxsenv in dc['new'].keys():
nenv = dc['new'][self.__nxsenv]
for var in names:
name = var if var in params else ("NeXus%s" % var)
if name in dc['new'].keys():
vl = dc['new'][name]
elif var in nenv.keys():
vl = nenv[var]
if type(vl) not in [str, bool, int, unicode, float]:
vl = json.dumps(vl)
data[var] = vl
[docs] def setSelectorEnv(self, door, data, cmddata=None):
""" exports all Environment Data
:param door: door device
:type door: :obj:`str`
:param data: data dictionary
:type data: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , `any`>
:param cmddata: command data dictionary
:type cmddata: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , `any`>
params = ["ScanDir",
msp = TangoUtils.openProxy(self.getMacroServer(door))
if PYTG_BUG_213:
raise OldTangoError(
"Reading Encoded Attributes not supported in tango < 9.2.5")
rec = msp.Environment
if rec[0] == 'pickle':
dc = Utils.pickleloads(rec[1])
if 'new' in dc.keys():
dc = {'new': {}}
if self.__nxsenv not in dc['new'].keys() \
or not isinstance(dc['new'][self.__nxsenv], dict):
dc = {'new': {self.__nxsenv: {}}}
dc = {'new': {self.__nxsenv: dc['new'][self.__nxsenv]}}
nenv = dc['new'][self.__nxsenv]
for var in data.keys():
if var in self.__pureVar:
vl = data[var]
vl = json.loads(data[var])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
vl = data[var]
if var in params:
dc['new'][Utils.tostr(var)] = vl
nenv[("%s" % var)] = vl
if cmddata:
for name, value in cmddata.items():
nenv[Utils.tostr(name)] = value
MSUtils.writeEnvAttr(dc, msp)
[docs] def getScanEnv(self, door):
""" fetches Scan Environment Data
:param door: door device
:type door: :obj:`str`
:returns: JSON String with important variables
:rtype: :obj:`str`
params = ["ScanDir",
# "ActiveMntGrp",
res = {}
msp = TangoUtils.openProxy(self.getMacroServer(door))
if PYTG_BUG_213:
raise OldTangoError(
"Reading Encoded Attributes not supported in "
"tango < 9.2.5")
rec = msp.Environment
if rec[0] == 'pickle':
dc = Utils.pickleloads(rec[1])
if 'new' in dc.keys():
for var in params:
if var in dc['new'].keys():
res[var] = dc['new'][var]
return json.dumps(res)
[docs] def setScanEnv(self, door, jdata):
""" stores Scan Environment Data
:param door: door device
:type door: :obj:`str`
:param jdata: JSON String with important variables
:type jdata: :obj:`str`
jdata = Utils.stringToDictJson(jdata)
data = json.loads(jdata)
scanID = -1
msp = TangoUtils.openProxy(self.getMacroServer(door))
if PYTG_BUG_213:
raise OldTangoError(
"Reading Encoded Attributes not supported in "
"tango < 9.2.5")
rec = msp.Environment
if rec[0] == 'pickle':
dc = Utils.pickleloads(rec[1])
if 'new' in dc.keys():
if 'ScanID' in dc['new'].keys():
scanID = int(dc['new']["ScanID"])
dc = {'new': {}}
for var in data.keys():
dc['new'][Utils.tostr(var)] = Utils.toString(data[var])
if 'ScanID' in dc['new'].keys():
scanID = int(dc['new']["ScanID"])
MSUtils.writeEnvAttr(dc, msp)
return scanID