The nxsetup is is a command-line setup tool for NeXus servers. It allows to set NXSDataWriter, NXSConfigServer and NXSRecSelector in Tango environment, restart them or change property names.
nxscreate <command> [ <options>] [<arg1> [<arg2> ...]]
The following commands are available: set, restart, start, stop, move-prop, change-prop, add-recorder-path
nxsetup set¶
usage: nxsetup set [-h] [-b BEAMLINE] [-m MASTERHOST] [-u USER] [-d DBNAME]
[server_name [server_name ...]]
set up NXSConfigServer NXSDataWriter and NXSRecSelector servers
positional arguments:
server_name server names, e.g.: NXSRecSelector NXSDataWriter/TDW1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BEAMLINE, --beamline BEAMLINE
name of the beamline ( default: 'nxs' )
the host that stores the Mg ( default: <localhost> )
the host to run the config server ( default: <mysqlhost> )
-r RUNHOST, --runhost RUNHOST
the host to run the server ( default: localhost )
-u USER, --user USER the local user ( default: 'tango' )
-d DBNAME, --database DBNAME
the database name ( default: 'nxsconfig')
-j CSJSON, --csjson CSJSON
JSONSettings for the configuration server. ( default:
'{"host": "localhost","db": <DBNAME>, "use_unicode":
true', "read_default_file": <MY_CNF_FILE>}' where
<MY_CNF_FILE> stays for "/home/<USER>/.my.cnf" or
"/var/lib/nxsconfigserver/.my.cnf" )
-k CLASSNAME, --class-name CLASSNAME
tango server class name
-y PROPJSON, --json-device-properties PROPJSON
JSON tango device properties ( default: '{}' )
-t, --postpone do not start the server
nxsetup set
nxsetup set -b p09 -m haso228 -u p09user -d nxsconfig NXSConfigServer
nxsetup set NexusWriter/haso228 -k NexusWriter -y '{"p00/bliss_nexuswriter/test_session":{"session":"test_session","beacon_host":"haso228:25000"}}' -t
nxsetup restart¶
usage: nxsetup restart [-h] [-l LEVEL] [server_name [server_name ...]]
restart tango server
positional arguments:
server_name server names, e.g.: NXSRecSelector NXSDataWriter/TDW1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
startup level
-z TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds
-e, --no-wait do not wait
nxsetup restart Pool/haso228 -l 2
nxsetup start¶
usage: nxsetup start [-h] [-l LEVEL] [server_name [server_name ...]]
start tango server
positional arguments:
server_name server names, e.g.: NXSRecSelector NXSDataWriter/TDW1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
startup level
-z TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds
-e, --no-wait do not wait
nxsetup start Pool/haso228 -l 2
nxsetup stop¶
usage: nxsetup stop [-h] [server_name [server_name ...]]
stop tango server
positional arguments:
server_name server names, e.g.: NXSRecSelector NXSDataWriter/TDW1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
nxsetup stop Pool/haso228
nxsetup wait¶
usage: nxsetup wait [-h] [server_name [server_name ...]]
stop tango server
positional arguments:
server_name server names, e.g.: NXSRecSelector NXSDataWriter/TDW1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-z TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds
nxsetup wait Pool/haso228
nxsetup move-prop¶
usage: nxsetup move-prop [-h] [-n NEWNAME] [-o OLDNAME]
[server_name [server_name ...]]
change property name
positional arguments:
server_name server names, e.g.: NXSRecSelector NXSDataWriter/TDW1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NEWNAME, --newname NEWNAME
(new) property name
-o OLDNAME, --oldname OLDNAME
old property name
-t, --postpone do not restart the server
-z TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds
-e, --no-wait do not wait
nxsetup move-prop -n DefaultPreselectedComponents -o DefaultAutomaticComponents NXSRecSelector
nxsetup move-prop -t -n DefaultPreselectedComponents -o DefaultAutomaticComponents NXSRecSelector
nxsetup change-prop¶
usage: nxsetup change-prop [-h] [-n NEWNAME] [-w PROPVALUE]
[server_name [server_name ...]]
change property value
positional arguments:
server_name server names, e.g.: NXSRecSelector NXSDataWriter/TDW1
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NEWNAME, --newname NEWNAME
(new) property name
new property value
-t, --postpone do not restart the server
-z TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds
-e, --no-wait do not wait
nxsetup change-prop -n ClientRecordKeys -t -w "[\"phoibos_scan_command\",\"phoibos_scan_comment\"]" NXSRecSelector/r228
nxsetup change-prop -n DefaultPreselectedComponents -w "[\"pinhole1\",\"slit2\"]" NXSRecSelector/r228
nxsetup change-prop -n StartDsPath -w "[\"/usr/bin\",\"/usr/lib/tango\"]" Starter
nxsetup add-recorder-path¶
usage: nxsetup add-recorder-path [-h] recorder_path
add-recorder-path into MacroServer(s) property
positional arguments:
recorder_path sardana recorder path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --postpone do not restart the server
-z TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout in seconds
-e, --no-wait do not wait
-i INSTANCE, --instance INSTANCE
macroserver instance name, i.e. haso ( default: '*')
nxsetup add-recorder-path /usr/share/pyshared/sardananxsrecorder
nxsetup add-recorder-path -t /usr/share/pyshared/sardananxsrecorder