#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of nexdatas - Tango Server for NeXus data writer
# Copyright (C) 2012-2017 DESY, Jan Kotanski <jkotan@mail.desy.de>
# nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with nexdatas. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" Definitions of tag evaluation classes """
from .Element import Element
from .FElement import FElement
from .DataHolder import DataHolder
[docs]class EFile(FElement):
""" file H5 element
def __init__(self, attrs, last, h5fileObject, streams=None):
""" constructor
:param attrs: dictionary of the tag attributes
:type attrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>
:param last: the last element from the stack
:type last: :class:`nxswriter.Element.Element`
:param h5fileObject: H5 file object
:type h5fileObject: :class:`nxswriter.FileWriter.FTfile`
:param streams: tango-like steamset class
:type streams: :class:`StreamSet` or :class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl`
FElement.__init__(self, "file", attrs, last, h5fileObject,
[docs]class EDoc(Element):
""" doc tag element
def __init__(self, attrs, last, streams=None):
""" constructor
:param attrs: dictionary of the tag attributes
:type attrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>
:param last: the last element from the stack
:type last: :class:`nxswriter.Element.Element`
:param streams: tango-like steamset class
:type streams: :class:`StreamSet` or :class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl`
Element.__init__(self, "doc", attrs, last, streams=streams)
[docs] def store(self, xml=None, globalJSON=None):
""" stores the tag content
:param xml: xml setting
:type xml: :obj: `str`
:param globalJSON: global JSON string
:type globalJSON: \
: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, any>>
if self._beforeLast():
self._beforeLast().doc += "".join(xml[1])
[docs]class ESymbol(Element):
""" symbol tag element
def __init__(self, attrs, last, streams=None):
""" constructor
:param attrs: dictionary of the tag attributes
:type attrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>
:param last: the last element from the stack
:type last: :class:`nxswriter.Element.Element`
:param streams: tango-like steamset class
:type streams: :class:`StreamSet` or :class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl`
Element.__init__(self, "symbol", attrs, last, streams=streams)
#: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>) \
#: dictionary with symbols4
self.symbols = {}
[docs] def store(self, xml=None, globalJSON=None):
""" stores the tag content
:param xml: xml setting2
:type xml: :obj: `str`
:param globalJSON: global JSON string
:type globalJSON: \
: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, any>>
if "name" in self._tagAttrs.keys():
self.symbols[self._tagAttrs["name"]] = self.last.doc
[docs]class EDimensions(Element):
""" dimensions tag element
def __init__(self, attrs, last, streams=None):
""" constructor
:param attrs: dictionary of the tag attributes
:type attrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>
:param last: the last element from the stack
:type last: :class:`nxswriter.Element.Element`
:param streams: tango-like steamset class
:type streams: :class:`StreamSet` or :class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl`
Element.__init__(self, "dimensions", attrs, last, streams=streams)
if "rank" in attrs.keys():
self.last.rank = attrs["rank"]
[docs]class EDim(Element):
""" dim tag element
def __init__(self, attrs, last, streams=None):
""" constructor
:param attrs: dictionary of the tag attributes
:type attrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>
:param last: the last element from the stack
:type last: :class:`nxswriter.Element.Element`
:param streams: tango-like steamset class
:type streams: :class:`StreamSet` or :class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl`
Element.__init__(self, "dim", attrs, last, streams=streams)
if ("index" in attrs.keys()) and ("value" in attrs.keys()):
self._beforeLast().lengths[attrs["index"]] = attrs["value"]
#: (:obj:`str`) index attribute
self.__index = None
#: (:class:`nxswriter.DataSources.DataSource`) data source
self.source = None
#: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) tag content
self.content = []
if "index" in attrs.keys():
self.__index = attrs["index"]
[docs] def store(self, xml=None, globalJSON=None):
""" stores the tag content
:param xml: xml setting
:type xml: :obj: `str`
:param globalJSON: global JSON string
:type globalJSON: \
: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, any>>
if self.__index is not None and self.source:
dt = self.source.getData()
if dt and isinstance(dt, dict):
dh = DataHolder(streams=self._streams, **dt)
if dh:
self._beforeLast().lengths[self.__index] = str(
[docs]class EFilter(Element):
""" filter tag element
def __init__(self, attrs, last, streams=None):
""" constructor
:param attrs: dictionary of the tag attributes
:type attrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`>
:param last: the last element from the stack
:type last: :class:`nxswriter.Element.Element`
:param streams: tango-like steamset class
:type streams: :class:`StreamSet` or :class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl`
Element.__init__(self, "filter", attrs, last, streams=streams)
index = 0
if ("index" in attrs.keys()):
index = int(attrs["index"])
except Exception:
filter_id = int(attrs["id"])
except Exception:
filter_id = 0
name = attrs["name"]
except Exception:
name = ""
cd_values = attrs["cd_values"]
except Exception:
cd_values = ""
availability = attrs["availability"]
except Exception:
availability = ""
if filter_id or name:
self._beforeLast().filters[index] = (
filter_id, name, cd_values, availability)
#: (:obj:`int`) index attribute
self.__index = index