Source code for nxswriter.NXSWriter

#    "$Name:  $";
#    "$Header:  $";
# =============================================================================
# file :
# description : Python source for the NXSDataWriter and its commands.
#                The class is derived from Device. It represents the
#                CORBA servant object which will be accessed from the
#                network. All commands which can be executed on the
#                NXSDataWriter are implemented in this file.
# project :     TANGO Device Server
# $Author:  $
# $Revision:  $
# $Log:  $
# copyleft :    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
#               BP 220, Grenoble 38043
#               FRANCE
# =============================================================================
#          This file is generated by POGO
#    (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
#         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
# =============================================================================

""" Nexus Data Writer - Tango Server """

    import tango
except Exception:
    import PyTango as tango

import sys
from threading import Thread, Lock
from datetime import datetime

from .TangoDataWriter import TangoDataWriter as TDW

[docs]class CommandThread(Thread): """ thread with server command """ def __init__(self, server, command, finalState, args=None): """constructor :param server: Tango server implementation :type server: :class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl` :param command: Thread command :type command: :obj:`str` :param finalState: Final State Code :type finalState: :class:`tango.DevState` :param args: List of command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ Thread.__init__(self) #: (:class:`tango.LatestDeviceImpl`) tango server self.server = server #: (:obj:`__callable__`) command self.command = getattr(server.tdw, command) #: (:class:`tango.DevState`) final state self.fstate = finalState #: (:class:`tango.DevState`) error state = tango.DevState.FAULT #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) command arguments self.args = args if isinstance(args, list) else [] self.dp = tango.DeviceProxy(self.server.get_name()) self.dp.set_source(tango.DevSource.DEV)
[docs] def run(self): """ runs the given command on the server and changes the state on exit """ try: self.command(*self.args) with self.server.lock: self.server.state_flag = self.fstate self.dp.state() except (tango.DevFailed, BaseException): self.__failed() raise except Exception: self.__failed() tango.Except.throw_exception( str(sys.exc_info()[0]), str(sys.exc_info()[1]), str(sys.exc_info()[2]) )
def __failed(self): with self.server.lock: self.server.state_flag = self.server.errors.append( str( + ":\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) self.dp.state()
[docs]class NXSDataWriter(tango.LatestDeviceImpl): """ Tango Server to store data in H5 files :brief: Device States Description: DevState.ON : NeXuS Data Server is switch on DevState.OFF : NeXuS Data Writer is switch off DevState.EXTRACT : H5 file is open DevState.OPEN : XML configuration is initialized DevState.RUNNING : NeXus Data Server is writing DevState.FAULT : Error state """ def __init__(self, cl, name): """ Device constructor :param cl: class name :type cl: :obj:`str` :param name: device name :type name: :obj:`str` """ tango.LatestDeviceImpl.__init__(self, cl, name) self.debug_stream("In __init__()") if not hasattr(self, "lock"): #: (:class:`threading.Lock`) thread lock self.lock = Lock() #: (:class:`tango.DevState`) state flag self.state_flag = tango.DevState.OFF #: (:class:`CommandThread`) openentry thread self.othread = None #: (:class:`CommandThread`) record thread self.rthread = None #: (:class:`CommandThread`) closentry thread self.cthread = None #: (:class:`nxswriter.TangoDataWriter.TangoDataWriter`) \ #: Tango Data Writer self.tdw = TDW(self) #: (:obj:`list`<:obj:`str`>) list with errors self.errors = [] #: (:obj:`dict` < :class:`tango.DevState`, :obj:`str`> ) \ #: status messages self.__status = { tango.DevState.OFF: "Not Initialized", tango.DevState.ON: "Ready", tango.DevState.OPEN: "File Open", tango.DevState.EXTRACT: "Entry Open", tango.DevState.RUNNING: "Writing ...", tango.DevState.FAULT: "Error", } NXSDataWriter.init_device(self)
[docs] def delete_device(self): """ Device destructor """ self.debug_stream("In delete_device()") if hasattr(self, 'tdw') and self.tdw: if hasattr(self.tdw, 'closeFile'): try: self.tdw.closeFile() del self.tdw except Exception: pass self.tdw = None self.set_state(tango.DevState.OFF)
[docs] def init_device(self): """ Device initialization """ self.debug_stream("In init_device()") if not hasattr(self, "lock"): self.lock = Lock() try: oldstate = self.get_state() self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) with self.lock: self.errors = [] if hasattr(self, 'tdw') and self.tdw: if hasattr(self.tdw, 'closeFile'): try: if oldstate not in [ tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF ]: self.tdw.closeFile() del self.tdw except Exception: pass self.tdw = None self.tdw = TDW(self) self.set_state(tango.DevState.ON) except (tango.DevFailed, BaseException): self.__failed() raise except Exception: self.__failed() tango.Except.throw_exception( str(sys.exc_info()[0]), str(sys.exc_info()[1]), str(sys.exc_info()[2]) ) self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class()) self.tdw.defaultCanFail = bool(self.DefaultCanFail) self.tdw.addingLogs = bool(self.AddingLogs)
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """set_state method :param state: State Code :type state: :class:`tango.DevState` """ with self.lock: if state is not None: self.state_flag = state tango.LatestDeviceImpl.set_state(self, self.state_flag)
[docs] def dev_state(self): """ dev_state method :returns: State Code :rtype: :class:`tango.DevState` """ with self.lock: tango.LatestDeviceImpl.set_state(self, self.state_flag) if self.state_flag != tango.DevState.ALARM: tango.LatestDeviceImpl.dev_state(self) return tango.LatestDeviceImpl.get_state(self)
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self): """ Always excuted hook method """ self.debug_stream("In always_excuted_hook()")
# ================================================================== # # NXSDataWriter read/write attribute methods # # ==================================================================
[docs] def read_attr_hardware(self, _): """ Read Attribute Hardware """ self.debug_stream("In read_attr_hardware()")
def __failed(self): """ on error """ self.set_state(tango.DevState.FAULT) with self.lock: self.errors.append( str( + ":\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
[docs] def read_CurrentFileId(self, attr): """ Read CurrentFileId :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_CurrentFileId()") attr.set_value(self.tdw.currentfileid)
[docs] def read_XMLSettings(self, attr): """ Read XMLSettings attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_XMLSettings()") attr.set_value(self.tdw.xmlsettings)
[docs] def write_XMLSettings(self, attr): """ Write XMLSettings attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In write_XMLSettings()") self.tdw.xmlsettings = attr.get_write_value()
[docs] def is_XMLSettings_allowed(self, _): """XMLSettings attribute State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.EXTRACT, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def read_JSONRecord(self, attr): """ Read JSONRecord attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_JSONRecord()") attr.set_value(self.tdw.jsonrecord)
[docs] def write_JSONRecord(self, attr): """ Write JSONRecord attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In write_JSONRecord()") self.tdw.jsonrecord = attr.get_write_value()
[docs] def is_JSONRecord_allowed(self, _): """ JSONRecord attribute State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def read_FileName(self, attr): """ Read FileName attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_FileName()") attr.set_value(self.tdw.fileName)
[docs] def write_FileName(self, attr): """ Write FileName attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In write_FileName()") if self.is_FileName_write_allowed(): self.tdw.fileName = attr.get_write_value() else: self.warn_stream("To change the file name please close the file.") raise Exception( "To change the file name please close the file.")
[docs] def is_FileName_write_allowed(self): """ FileName attribute Write State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.EXTRACT, tango.DevState.OPEN, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def is_FileName_allowed(self, _): """FileName attribute State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF]: return False return True
[docs] def read_CanFail(self, attr): """ Read CanFail attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_CanFail()") attr.set_value(self.tdw.canfail)
[docs] def write_CanFail(self, attr): """ Write CanFail attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In write_CanFail()") if self.is_CanFail_write_allowed(): self.tdw.canfail = attr.get_write_value() else: self.warn_stream("To change the can fail flag please" " close the file.") raise Exception( "To change the can fail flag please close the file.")
[docs] def is_CanFail_write_allowed(self): """ CanFail attribute Write State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.EXTRACT, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def is_CanFail_allowed(self, _): """CanFail attribute State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF]: return False return True
[docs] def read_SkipAcquisition(self, attr): """ Read SkipAcquisition attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_SkipAcquisition()") attr.set_value(self.tdw.skipacquisition)
[docs] def write_SkipAcquisition(self, attr): """ Write SkipAcquisition attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In write_SkipAcquisition()") if self.is_SkipAcquisition_write_allowed(): self.tdw.skipacquisition = attr.get_write_value() else: self.warn_stream("To change the file name please close the file.") raise Exception( "To change the file name please close the file.")
[docs] def is_SkipAcquisition_write_allowed(self): """ SkipAcquisition attribute Write State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def is_SkipAcquisition_allowed(self, _): """SkipAcquisition attribute State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF]: return False return True
[docs] def read_StepsPerFile(self, attr): """ Read StepsPerFile attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_StepsPerFile()") attr.set_value(self.tdw.stepsperfile)
[docs] def write_StepsPerFile(self, attr): """ Write StepsPerFile attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In write_StepsPerFile()") if self.is_StepsPerFile_write_allowed(): self.tdw.stepsperfile = attr.get_write_value() else: self.warn_stream("To change the file name please close the file.") raise Exception( "To change the file name please close the file.")
[docs] def is_StepsPerFile_write_allowed(self): """ StepsPerFile attribute Write State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.EXTRACT, tango.DevState.OPEN, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def is_StepsPerFile_allowed(self, _): """StepsPerFile attribute State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF]: return False return True
[docs] def read_Errors(self, attr): """ Read Errors attribute :param attr: attribute object :type attr: :class:`tango.Attribute` """ self.debug_stream("In read_Errors()") with self.lock: attr.set_value(self.errors)
# ================================================================== # # NXSDataWriter command methods # # ==================================================================
[docs] def dev_status(self): """ Status command :brief: This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. :returns: Status description :rtype: :obj:`str` """ self.debug_stream("In dev_status()") self.set_state(None) with self.lock: state = self.state_flag self.set_status(self.__status[state]) return self.__status[state]
[docs] def OpenFile(self): """OpenFile command :brief: Opens the H5 file """ self.debug_stream("In OpenFile()") state = self.get_state() if state in [tango.DevState.OPEN]: try: self.CloseFile() except Exception: pass self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) with self.lock: self.errors = [] try: self.tdw.writer = self.Writer self.tdw.metadataOutput = self.MetadataOutput self.tdw.openFile() self.set_state(tango.DevState.OPEN) except (tango.DevFailed, BaseException): self.__failed() raise except Exception: self.__failed() tango.Except.throw_exception( str(sys.exc_info()[0]), str(sys.exc_info()[1]), str(sys.exc_info()[2]) )
[docs] def is_OpenFile_allowed(self): """ OpenFile command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.EXTRACT, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def OpenEntry(self): """ OpenEntry command :brief: Creates the new entry """ self.debug_stream("In OpenEntry()") self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) try: self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class()) self.tdw.numberOfThreads = self.NumberOfThreads self.tdw.maxRecordRuntime = self.MaxRecordRuntime self.tdw.maxElementRuntime = self.MaxElementRuntime self.tdw.openEntry() self.set_state(tango.DevState.EXTRACT) except (tango.DevFailed, BaseException): self.__failed() raise except Exception: self.__failed() tango.Except.throw_exception( str(sys.exc_info()[0]), str(sys.exc_info()[1]), str(sys.exc_info()[2]) )
[docs] def is_OpenEntry_allowed(self): """ OpenEntry command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.EXTRACT, tango.DevState.FAULT, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def Record(self, argin): """ Record command :brief: Records data for one scan step :param argin: JSON string with data :type argin: :obj:`str` """ self.debug_stream("In Record()") self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) try: self.tdw.record(argin) self.set_state(tango.DevState.EXTRACT) except (tango.DevFailed, BaseException): self.__failed() raise except Exception: self.__failed() tango.Except.throw_exception( str(sys.exc_info()[0]), str(sys.exc_info()[1]), str(sys.exc_info()[2]) )
[docs] def is_Record_allowed(self): """ Record command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.OPEN, tango.DevState.FAULT, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def CloseEntry(self): """ CloseEntry command :brief: Closes the entry """ self.debug_stream("In CloseEntry()") state = self.get_state() if state != tango.DevState.FAULT: state = tango.DevState.OPEN self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) try: self.tdw.closeEntry() self.set_state(state) except (tango.DevFailed, BaseException): self.__failed() raise except Exception: self.__failed() tango.Except.throw_exception( str(sys.exc_info()[0]), str(sys.exc_info()[1]), str(sys.exc_info()[2]) )
[docs] def is_CloseEntry_allowed(self): """ CloseEntry command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.OPEN, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def OpenEntryAsynch(self): """ OpenEntryAsynch command :brief: Creates the new entry in asynchronous mode """ self.debug_stream("In OpenEntryAsynch()") self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class()) self.tdw.numberOfThreads = self.NumberOfThreads self.tdw.maxRecordRuntime = self.MaxRecordRuntime self.tdw.maxElementRuntime = self.MaxElementRuntime self.tdw.writer = self.Writer self.tdw.metadataOutput = self.MetadataOutput self.othread = CommandThread( self, "openEntry", tango.DevState.EXTRACT) self.othread.start()
[docs] def is_OpenEntryAsynch_allowed(self): """ OpenEntryAsynch command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.FAULT, tango.DevState.EXTRACT, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def RecordAsynch(self, argin): """ RecordAsynch command :brief: Records data for one scan step in asynchronous mode :param argin: DevString JSON string with data :type argin: :obj:`str` """ self.debug_stream("In RecordAsynch()") self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) self.rthread = CommandThread( self, "record", tango.DevState.EXTRACT, [argin]) self.rthread.start()
[docs] def is_RecordAsynch_allowed(self): """ RecordAsynch command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.FAULT, tango.DevState.OPEN, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def CloseEntryAsynch(self): """CloseEntryAsynch command :brief: Closes the entry is asynchronous mode """ self.debug_stream("In CloseEntryAsynch()") state = self.get_state() if state != tango.DevState.FAULT: state = tango.DevState.OPEN self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) self.cthread = CommandThread( self, "closeEntry", state) self.cthread.start()
[docs] def is_CloseEntryAsynch_allowed(self): """ CloseEntryAsynch command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.OPEN, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs] def CloseFile(self): """CloseFile command :brief: Close the H5 file """ self.debug_stream("In CloseFile()") state = self.get_state() if state in [tango.DevState.EXTRACT]: self.CloseEntry() if state != tango.DevState.FAULT: state = tango.DevState.ON self.set_state(tango.DevState.RUNNING) try: self.tdw.closeFile() self.set_state(state) except (tango.DevFailed, BaseException): self.__failed() raise except Exception: self.__failed() tango.Except.throw_exception( str(sys.exc_info()[0]), str(sys.exc_info()[1]), str(sys.exc_info()[2]) )
[docs] def is_CloseFile_allowed(self): """ CloseFile command State Machine :returns: True if the operation allowed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.get_state() in [tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.OFF, tango.DevState.RUNNING]: return False return True
[docs]class NXSDataWriterClass(tango.DeviceClass): """ NXSDataWriterClass class definition """ #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ #: [ :obj:`str`, :class:`tango.CmdArgType`, \ #: [ :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> ] ] > ) Class Properties class_property_list = { } #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ #: [ :obj:`str`, :class:`tango.CmdArgType`, \ #: [ :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> ] ] > ) Device Properties device_property_list = { 'NumberOfThreads': [tango.DevLong, "maximal number of threads", [100]], 'MaxRecordRuntime': [tango.DevDouble, "maximal runtime for a record command in seconds", [0.0]], 'MaxElementRuntime': [tango.DevDouble, "maximal runtime for a thread element in seconds", [0.0]], 'Writer': [tango.DevString, "writer module", [""]], 'DefaultCanFail': [tango.DevBoolean, "Default value of CanFail attribute", [True]], 'AddingLogs': [tango.DevBoolean, "Add XML logs", [True]], 'MetadataOutput': [tango.DevString, "metadata output", [""]], } #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ #: [[ :class:`tango.CmdArgType`, :obj:`str`]] >) #: Command definitions cmd_list = { 'OpenFile': [[tango.DevVoid, ""], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], 'OpenEntry': [[tango.DevVoid, ""], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], 'Record': [[tango.DevString, "JSON string with data"], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], 'CloseEntry': [[tango.DevVoid, ""], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], 'OpenEntryAsynch': [[tango.DevVoid, ""], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], 'RecordAsynch': [[tango.DevString, "JSON string with data"], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], 'CloseEntryAsynch': [[tango.DevVoid, ""], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], 'CloseFile': [[tango.DevVoid, ""], [tango.DevVoid, ""]], } #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ #: [[ :class:`tango.CmdArgType`, :class:`tango.AttrDataFormat`, \ #: :class:`tango.AttrWriteType`], :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, any> ] > ) \ #: Attribute definitions attr_list = { 'XMLSettings': [[tango.DevString, tango.SCALAR, tango.READ_WRITE], { 'label': "XML Configuration", 'description': "An XML string with Nexus configuration.", 'Display level': tango.DispLevel.EXPERT, }], 'JSONRecord': [[tango.DevString, tango.SCALAR, tango.READ_WRITE], { 'label': "JSON string with client data", 'description': "A JSON string with global client data.", 'Display level': tango.DispLevel.EXPERT, }], 'FileName': [[tango.DevString, tango.SCALAR, tango.READ_WRITE], { 'label': "Output file with its path", 'description': "A name of H5 output file with its full path", }], 'CanFail': [[tango.DevBoolean, tango.SCALAR, tango.READ_WRITE], { 'label': "Can fail", 'description': "Global can fail flag. By default it is False", }], 'SkipAcquisition': [[tango.DevBoolean, tango.SCALAR, tango.READ_WRITE], { 'label': "Skip acquisition", 'description': "Skip acquisition. " "It is set to default False value " "after excuting the OpenEntry, Record or CloseEntry", }], 'Errors': [[tango.DevString, tango.SPECTRUM, tango.READ, 1000], { 'label': "List of errors", 'description': "list of errors", }], 'CurrentFileId': [[tango.DevLong, tango.SCALAR, tango.READ], { 'label': "Current file id", 'description': "current file id", }], 'StepsPerFile': [[tango.DevLong, tango.SCALAR, tango.READ_WRITE], { 'label': "Steps per file", 'description': "Number of steps per file", 'Memorized': "true" }], } def __init__(self, name): """ NXSDataWriterClass Constructor """ tango.DeviceClass.__init__(self, name) self.set_type(name) print("In NXSDataWriterClass constructor")
# NXSDataWriter class main method if __name__ == '__main__': pass