Source code for nxsrecconfig.ProfileManager

#!/usr/bin/env python
#   This file is part of nxsrecconfig - NeXus Sardana Recorder Settings
#    Copyright (C) 2014-2017 DESY, Jan Kotanski <>
#    nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with nexdatas.  If not, see <>.

"""  ProfileManager """

import json
import sys

    import tango
except Exception:
    import PyTango as tango

from .Utils import TangoUtils, PoolUtils, MSUtils, Utils
from .Describer import Describer

    from nxstools.nxsxml import (XMLFile, NDSource)
    #: (:obj:`bool`) flag for nxstools installed
    NXSTOOLS = True
except ImportError:
    NXSTOOLS = False

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    unicode = str

#: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) default data names
DEFAULT_RECORD_KEYS = ['serialno', 'end_time', 'start_time',
                       'point_nb', 'timestamps', 'scan_title',

[docs]class ProfileManager(object): """ Manages Measurement Group and Profile from Selector""" def __init__(self, selector, syncsnapshot=False, writepoolmotorpositions=False): """ constructor :param selector: selector object :type selector: :class:`nxsrecconfig.Selector.Selector` :param syncsnapshot: preselection merges current ScanSnapshot :type syncsnapshot: :obj:`bool` :param writepoolmotorpositions: add dynamic components for all pool motor positions :type writepoolmotorpositions: :obj:`bool` """ #: (:class:`nxsrecconfig.Selector.Selector`) configuration selector self.__selector = selector #: (:obj:`str`) macro server name self.__macroServerName = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy` \ #: or :class:`nxsconfigserver.XMLConfigurator.XMLConfigurator`) \ #: configuration server proxy self.__configServer = None #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`tango.DeviceProxy`>) pool server proxies self.__pools = None #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) default preselectedComponents self.defaultPreselectedComponents = [] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) client record keys self.clientRecordKeys = [] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) timer filters self.timerFilters = ["*dgg*", "*/timer/*", "*/ctctrl0*"] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) muted PreScan attribute filters self.mutedPreScanAttrFilters = [] #: (:obj:`bool` ) master timer/monitor with the first index self.masterTimerFirst = True #: (:obj:`bool` ) set master timer/monitor like for older MGs self.masterTimer = False #: (:obj:`bool`) mntgrp with synchronization self.__withsynch = True #: (:obj:`bool`) preselection merges current ScanSnapshot self.__syncsnapshot = syncsnapshot #: (:obj:`bool`) add dynamic components for all pool motor positions self.__writepoolmotorpositions = writepoolmotorpositions def __updateMacroServer(self): """ updatas MacroServer name """ self.__macroServerName = self.__selector.getMacroServer() self.__withsynch = self.__hassynch() def __updateConfigServer(self): """ update configuration server device proxy """ self.__configServer = self.__selector.setConfigInstance() def __updatePools(self): """ update device pool proxy list """ self.__pools = self.__selector.getPools() self.__withsynch = self.__hassynch() def __hassynch(self): """ check if pool devices has TriggerGateList :returns: if pool devices has TriggerGateList :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ if self.__pools: return hasattr(self.__pools[0], "TriggerGateList") return True
[docs] def availableMntGrps(self): """ available mntgrps :returns: list of available measurement groups :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ self.__updateMacroServer() self.__updatePools() mntgrps = None amntgrp = MSUtils.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp', self.__macroServerName) fpool = self.__getActivePool(amntgrp) if fpool: mntgrps = PoolUtils.getElementNames( [fpool], 'MeasurementGroupList') mntgrps = mntgrps if mntgrps else [] try: if mntgrps: ind = mntgrps.index(amntgrp) mntgrps[0], mntgrps[ind] = mntgrps[ind], mntgrps[0] except ValueError: pass return mntgrps
[docs] def getPoolMotors(self): """ available mntgrps :returns: list of available measurement groups :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ self.__updateMacroServer() self.__updatePools() motors = None amntgrp = MSUtils.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp', self.__macroServerName) fpool = self.__getActivePool(amntgrp) if fpool: motors = PoolUtils.getMotorPositionAttributes([fpool]) motors = motors if motors else [] return motors
[docs] def components(self): """ provides selected components :returns: list of available selected components :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ cps = json.loads(self.__selector["ComponentSelection"]) ads = json.loads(self.__selector["DataSourceSelection"]) dss = [ds for ds in ads if ads[ds]] acp = self.__selector.configCommand("availableComponents") or [] res = [] if isinstance(cps, dict): res = [cp for cp in cps.keys() if cps[cp]] for ds in dss: if ds in acp: res.append(ds) return res
[docs] def preselectedComponents(self): """ provides preselected components :returns: list of available preselected components :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ cps = json.loads(self.__selector["ComponentPreselection"]) if isinstance(cps, dict): return [cp for cp in cps.keys() if cps[cp]] else: return []
[docs] def preselectedDataSources(self): """ provides preselected datasources :returns: list of available preselected components :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ cps = json.loads(self.__selector["DataSourcePreselection"]) if isinstance(cps, dict): return [cp for cp in cps.keys() if cps[cp]] else: return []
[docs] def cpdescription(self, full=False): """ provides description of components :param full: if True describes all available ones are taken otherwise selectect, preselected and mandatory :type full: :obj:`bool` :returns: description of required components :rtype: [:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ :obj:`list` <(:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, \ :obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`>)> > > ] or \ [{"dsname": :obj:`str`, "strategy": :obj:`str`, \ "dstype": :obj:`str`, "record": :obj:`str`, \ "nxstype": :obj:`str`, "shape": :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> , \ "cpname": :obj:`str`}, ...] """ self.__updateConfigServer() describer = Describer(self.__configServer, True) cp = None if not full: mcp = self.__selector.configCommand("mandatoryComponents") or [] cp = list( set(self.components()) | set(self.preselectedComponents()) | set(mcp)) res = describer.components(cp, 'STEP', '') else: res = describer.components(cp, '', '') return res
[docs] def componentDataSources(self): """ provides a list of Component DataSources :returns: list of component datasources :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ return self.__componentDataSources(self.cpdescription())
def __componentDataSources(self, description=None): """ provides a list of Component DataSources :param description: component description :type description: :obj:`bool` :returns: list of component datasources :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ if description is None: description = self.cpdescription() dds = set() for dss in description[0].values(): if isinstance(dss, dict): for ds, params in dss.items(): for param in params: if param and len(param) > 2: if param[0] == 'STEP': dds.add(ds) return list(dds) def __dataSources(self, compdatasources=None): """ provides selected datasources :param componentdatasources: component datasources :type componentdatasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :returns: list of available selected datasources :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ if compdatasources is None: compdatasources = self.__componentDataSources() if not isinstance(compdatasources, list): compdatasources = [] dss = json.loads(self.__selector["DataSourceSelection"]) if isinstance(dss, dict): return [ds for ds in dss.keys() if dss[ds] and ds not in compdatasources] else: return []
[docs] def dataSources(self): """ provides selected datasources :returns: list of available selected datasources :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ return self.__dataSources()
[docs] def deleteProfile(self, name): """ deletes mntgrp :param name: mntgrp name :type name: :obj:`str` """ self.__updatePools() for pool in self.__pools: mntgrps = PoolUtils.getElementNames([pool], 'MeasurementGroupList') if name in mntgrps: TangoUtils.command( pool, "DeleteElement", Utils.tostr(name)) if MSUtils.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp', self.__macroServerName) == name: MSUtils.usetEnv("ActiveMntGrp", self.__macroServerName) inst = self.__selector.setConfigInstance() if name in inst.AvailableSelections(): inst.deleteSelection(name)
[docs] def updateProfile(self, sync=False, resetDoor=False): """ sets active measurement group from components and import setting from active measurement :param sync: make profile and mntgrp synchronization :type sync: :obj:`bool` :param sync: reset door device name flag :type sync: :obj:`bool` :returns: json dictionary with mntgrp configuration information :rtype: :obj:`str` """ mcp = self.__selector.configCommand("mandatoryComponents") or [] components = list( set(self.components()) | set(self.preselectedComponents()) | set(mcp)) self.__updateConfigServer() describer = Describer(self.__configServer, True) description = describer.components(components, '', '') componentdatasources = self.__componentDataSources(description) datasources = self.__dataSources(componentdatasources) # conf, mntgrp mginfo = self.__createMntGrpConf( datasources, componentdatasources, description) conf = mginfo['configuration'] dpmg = TangoUtils.openProxy(Utils.tostr(mginfo['device'])) dpmg.Configuration = conf conf = Utils.tostr(dpmg.configuration) self.__selector['MntGrpConfiguration'] = conf mginfo['configuration'] = conf if resetDoor: self.__selector["Door"] = "" if sync: self.__setFromMntGrpConf(conf, componentdatasources) self.__selector.storeSelection() if self.mutedPreScanAttrFilters: mginfo['snapshot'] = PoolUtils.filterOutTango( mginfo['snapshot'], self.mutedPreScanAttrFilters) unique_snapshot = [] unique_names = [] for sn in mginfo['snapshot']: if sn[0] not in unique_names and \ sn[1] not in unique_names: unique_names.append(sn[0]) unique_names.append(sn[1]) unique_snapshot.append(sn) mginfo['snapshot'] = unique_snapshot MSUtils.setEnvs( {'PreScanSnapshot': mginfo['snapshot'], 'ActiveMntGrp': mginfo['alias']}, self.__macroServerName ) return conf
[docs] def switchProfile(self, toActive=True): """ switchProfile to active measurement :param toActive: if False update the current profile :type toActive: :obj:`bool` """ if toActive: ms = self.__selector.getMacroServer() amntgrp = MSUtils.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp', ms) if not toActive or amntgrp: self.__selector["MntGrp"] = amntgrp self.fetchProfile() jconf = self.mntGrpConfiguration() self.__updateConfigServer() if self.__setFromMntGrpConf(jconf): self.__selector.storeSelection()
[docs] def mntGrpConfiguration(self): """ provides configuration of mntgrp :returns: string with mntgrp configuration :rtype: :obj:`str` """ self.__updatePools() self.__updateMacroServer() mntGrpName = self.__selector["MntGrp"] fullname = Utils.tostr(PoolUtils.getMntGrpName( self.__pools, mntGrpName)) dpmg = TangoUtils.openProxy(fullname) if fullname else None if not dpmg: return "{}" return Utils.tostr(dpmg.Configuration)
[docs] def isMntGrpUpdated(self): """ check if active measurement group was changed :returns: True if it is different to the current setting :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ mcp = self.__selector.configCommand("mandatoryComponents") or [] components = list( set(self.components()) | set(self.preselectedComponents()) | set(mcp)) self.__updateConfigServer() describer = Describer(self.__configServer, True) description = describer.components(components, '', '') componentdatasources = self.__componentDataSources(description) datasources = self.__dataSources(componentdatasources) mgconf = json.loads(self.mntGrpConfiguration()) state = self.__selector.get() amg = MSUtils.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp', self.__macroServerName) mginfo = self.__createMntGrpConf( datasources, componentdatasources, description) llconf = mginfo["configuration"] dpmg = TangoUtils.openProxy(Utils.tostr(mginfo['device'])) oldconf = Utils.tostr(dpmg.configuration) dpmg.Configuration = llconf llconf = Utils.tostr(dpmg.configuration) dpmg.Configuration = oldconf amg2 = MSUtils.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp', self.__macroServerName) if amg != amg2: MSUtils.setEnv( 'ActiveMntGrp', Utils.tostr(amg), self.__macroServerName) state2 = self.__selector.get() if json.dumps(state) != json.dumps(state2): self.__selector.set(state) lsconf = json.loads(llconf) return Utils.compareDict(mgconf, lsconf)
[docs] def importMntGrp(self): """ import setting from active measurement """ self.__updateMacroServer() self.__updateConfigServer() jconf = self.mntGrpConfiguration() if self.__setFromMntGrpConf(jconf): self.__selector.storeSelection()
def __addPreselectedComponents(self, components): """ add preselected components to set of given components :param components: new selection preselected components :type components: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ if not self.__macroServerName: self.__updateMacroServer() snapshot = [] tangods = [] snpds = {} if self.__syncsnapshot: snapshot = MSUtils.getEnv( 'PreScanSnapshot', self.__macroServerName) tangods = [[ds[1], ds[1], ds[0]] for ds in snapshot] poolds = [] if self.__writepoolmotorpositions: poolds = self.getPoolMotors() if poolds: tangods.extend(poolds) snpds = dict([(ds[0], False) for ds in tangods]) mydsg = {} self.createDataSources(tangods, mydsg) jpcps = json.loads(self.__selector["ComponentPreselection"]) jpdss = json.loads(self.__selector["DataSourcePreselection"]) predss = set(json.loads(self.__selector["PreselectingDataSources"])) changed = False for cp in components: if cp not in jpcps.keys(): jpcps[cp] = False cps = set(self.__selector.configCommand("mandatoryComponents") or []) | set(list(jpcps.keys())) describer = Describer(self.__configServer, True) description = describer.components(list(cps), '', '') for cp, dss in description[0].items(): if isinstance(dss, dict): cpdss = set() fdss = set() for ds, params in dss.items(): for param in params: if param and len(param) > 2: if param[0] in ['INIT', 'FINAL']: if param[1] == 'TANGO' or ds in predss: cpdss.add(ds) if ds in snpds.keys(): fdss.add(ds) if fdss: if not (cpdss - fdss): if cp in jpcps.keys() and jpcps[cp] is False: jpcps[cp] = None for ds in fdss: if ds not in poolds: snpds[ds] = True for ds, val in snpds.items(): if val is not True: jpdss[ds] = None pcps = json.dumps(jpcps) pdss = json.dumps(jpdss) if pcps != self.__selector["ComponentPreselection"]: self.__selector["ComponentPreselection"] = pcps changed = True if pdss != self.__selector["DataSourcePreselection"]: self.__selector["DataSourcePreselection"] = pdss changed = True return changed
[docs] def fetchProfile(self): """ fetches the profile configuration """ self.__updateConfigServer() if self.__selector.fetchSelection() is False: avmg = self.availableMntGrps() if self.__selector["MntGrp"] in avmg: self.__selector.deselect() self.importMntGrp() if self.__syncsnapshot or self.__writepoolmotorpositions: self.__addPreselectedComponents( self.defaultPreselectedComponents) self.__selector.resetPreselectedComponents( self.defaultPreselectedComponents) self.__selector.preselect() elif self.__syncsnapshot or self.__writepoolmotorpositions: changed = self.__addPreselectedComponents( self.defaultPreselectedComponents) if changed: self.__selector.preselect()
def __createMntGrpConf(self, datasources, componentdatasources, description): """ sets active measurement group from components :param components: component list :type components: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> :param datasources: datasource list :type datasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> :param componentdatasources: component datasource list :type componentdatasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> :param description: component description :type description: [:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ :obj:`list` <(:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, \ :obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`>)> > > ] :returns: dictionary of MntGrp configuration and MntGrp Device name :rtype: {"alias": :obj:`str` , "device": :obj:`str` , \ "configuration": :obj:`str` , \ "snapshot": :obj:`list` <(:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` )>} """ self.__updatePools() self.__updateMacroServer() cnf = {} cnf['controllers'] = {} cnf['description'] = "Measurement Group" cnf['label'] = "" dontdisplay = set(json.loads(self.__selector["UnplottedComponents"])) ltimers = set() timer = self.__prepareTimers(cnf, ltimers) aliases, snapshot = self.__fetchChannels( datasources, componentdatasources, dontdisplay, set(ltimers) | set([timer]), description) mfullname = self.__prepareMntGrp(cnf, timer) index = 0 fullnames = PoolUtils.getFullDeviceNames(self.__pools, aliases) sources = PoolUtils.getChannelSources(self.__pools, aliases) props = json.loads(self.__selector["ChannelProperties"]) synchronizer = props["synchronizer"] \ if "synchronizer" in props.keys() else {} synchronization = props["synchronization"] \ if "synchronization" in props.keys() else {} valuerefenabled = props["value_ref_enabled"] \ if "value_ref_enabled" in props.keys() else {} valuerefpattern = props["value_ref_pattern"] \ if "value_ref_pattern" in props.keys() else {} tchannels = set(PoolUtils.getElementNames( self.__pools, 'ExpChannelList', ['CTExpChannel', 'OneDExpChannel', 'TwoDExpChannel'])) tchannels = tchannels | ltimers if self.masterTimerFirst and timer and timer in aliases: index = 1 for al in aliases: if self.masterTimerFirst and al == timer: curindex = index index = 0 index = self.__addDevice( al, dontdisplay, cnf, al if al in tchannels else timer, index, fullnames, sources, synchronizer[al] if al in synchronizer.keys() else None, int(synchronization[al]) if al in synchronization.keys() else None, valuerefenabled[al] if al in valuerefenabled.keys() else None, valuerefpattern[al] if al in valuerefpattern.keys() else None, ) if self.masterTimerFirst and al == timer: index = curindex conf = json.dumps(cnf) mginfo = { "alias": Utils.tostr(cnf['label']), "device": mfullname, "configuration": Utils.tostr(conf), "snapshot": snapshot } return mginfo def __setFromMntGrpConf(self, jconf, compdatasources=None): """ import setting from active measurement :param jconf: json with mntgrp configuration :type jconf: :obj:`str` :param componentdatasources: component datasources :type componentdatasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> :returns: if profile has been changed :rtype: :obj:`bool` """ self.__updatePools() conf = json.loads(jconf) otimers = None ochs = None timers = {} idch = {} dsg = json.loads(self.__selector["DataSourceSelection"]) hel = set(json.loads(self.__selector["UnplottedComponents"])) props = json.loads(self.__selector["ChannelProperties"]) # synchronizer = props["synchronizer"] \ # if "synchronizer" in props.keys() else {} synchronizer = {} # synchronization = props["synchronization"] \ # if "synchronization" in props.keys() else {} synchronization = {} valuerefenabled = {} valuerefpattern = {} self.__clearChannels(dsg, hel, compdatasources) # fill in dsg, timers hel if "controllers" in conf.keys() and \ (not self.masterTimer or "timer" in conf.keys()): avtimers = PoolUtils.getTimers(self.__pools, self.timerFilters) tangods = self.__readChannels( conf, timers, dsg, hel, synchronizer, synchronization, idch, valuerefenabled, valuerefpattern) self.__readTangoChannels( conf, tangods, dsg, hel, synchronizer, synchronization) otimers = self.__reorderTimers(conf, timers, dsg, hel, avtimers) ochs = self.__reorderChannels(idch) props["synchronizer"] = synchronizer props["synchronization"] = synchronization props["value_ref_enabled"] = valuerefenabled props["value_ref_pattern"] = valuerefpattern changed = False jdsg = json.dumps(dsg) if self.__selector["DataSourceSelection"] != jdsg: self.__selector["DataSourceSelection"] = jdsg changed = True jprops = json.dumps(props) if self.__selector["ChannelProperties"] != jprops: self.__selector["ChannelProperties"] = jprops changed = True if set(json.loads(self.__selector["UnplottedComponents"])) != hel: self.__selector["UnplottedComponents"] = json.dumps(list(hel)) changed = True if otimers is not None: jtimers = json.dumps(otimers) if self.__selector["Timer"] != jtimers: self.__selector["Timer"] = jtimers changed = True if ochs is not None: jochs = json.dumps(ochs) if self.__selector["OrderedChannels"] != jochs: self.__selector["OrderedChannels"] = jochs changed = True if self.__selector["MntGrp"] not in \ self.__configServer.availableSelections(): changed = True return changed def __clearChannels(self, dsg, hel, compdatasources=None): """ clears profile channels :param dsg: datasource selection dictionary :type dsg: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`bool` or `None`> :param hel: list of hidden elements :type hel: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param componentdatasources: component datasources :type componentdatasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> """ if compdatasources is None: compdatasources = self.componentDataSources() describer = Describer(self.__configServer, True) ads = TangoUtils.command(self.__configServer, "availableDataSources") dsres = describer.dataSources(ads, 'TANGO')[0] tangods = [Utils.tostr( for dsr in dsres.values() if not in compdatasources] channels = set( PoolUtils.getElementNames(self.__pools, 'ExpChannelList') or []) channels.update(set(tangods)) for ch in channels: if ch in dsg.keys(): dsg[ch] = False if ch in hel: hel.remove(ch) def __readChannels(self, conf, timers, dsg, hel, synchronizer, synchronization, idch=None, valuerefenabled=None, valuerefpattern=None): """ reads channels from mntgrp configutation :param conf: mntgrp configuration :type jconf: :obj:`str` :param timers: timer dictionary :type timers: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param dsg: datasource selection dictionary :type dsg: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`bool` or `None`> :param hel: list of hidden elements :type hel: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param synchronizer: channel synchronizer, default = 'software' :type synchronizer: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param synchronization: channel synchronization, i.e. Trigger=0, Gate=1, Start=2 :type synchronization: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`int`> :param idch: index channels :type idch: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str`> :param valuerefenabled: channel value ref enabled :type valuerefenabled: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`bool`> :param valuerefpattern: channel value ref pattern :type valuerefpattern: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str`> :returns: tango datasources list with elements (name, label, source) :rtype: :obj:`list` < [:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` ] > """ tangods = [] if self.masterTimer: timers[conf["timer"]] = '' for ctrlname, ctrl in conf["controllers"].items(): if 'units' in ctrl.keys() and \ '0' in ctrl['units'].keys(): uctrl = ctrl['units']['0'] else: uctrl = ctrl if 'timer' in uctrl.keys(): timers[uctrl['timer']] = '' if 'channels' in uctrl.keys(): for ch in uctrl['channels'].values(): if ctrlname == "__tango__" or \ ('_controller_name' in ch.keys() and ch['_controller_name'] == '__tango__'): tangods.append( [ch['name'], ch['label'], ch["source"]]) else: dsg[ch['name']] = True if not bool(ch['plot_type']): hel.add(ch['name']) elif ch['name'] in hel: hel.remove(ch['name']) if idch is not None and 'index' in ch: idch[int(ch["index"])] = ch['name'] if valuerefenabled is not None and \ 'value_ref_enabled' in ch and \ ch["value_ref_enabled"] is not None: # print("GET R", ch['name'], # ch["value_ref_enabled"], # bool(ch["value_ref_enabled"])) valuerefenabled[ch['name']] = \ bool(ch["value_ref_enabled"]) if valuerefpattern is not None and \ 'value_ref_pattern' in ch and \ ch["value_ref_pattern"] is not None: # print("GET R", ch['name'], # ch["value_ref_pattern"]) valuerefpattern[ch['name']] = \ ch["value_ref_pattern"] if 'synchronizer' in ctrl \ and ctrl['synchronizer'].lower() != 'software': synchronizer[ch['name']] = ctrl['synchronizer'] if 'synchronization' in ctrl \ and ctrl['synchronization'] != 0: synchronization[ch['name']] = \ ctrl['synchronization'] return tangods def __readTangoChannels(self, conf, tangods, dsg, hel, synchronizer, synchronization, idch=None): """ reads Tango channels from mntgrp configutation :param conf: mntgrp configuration :type conf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param tangods: tango datasources list with elements (name, label, source) :type tangods: :obj:`list` < [:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` ] > :param dsg: datasource selection dictionary :type dsg: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`bool` or `None`> :param synchronizer: channel synchronizer, default = 'software' :type synchronizer: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param synchronization: channel synchronization, i.e. Trigger=0, Gate=1 :type synchronization: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`int`> :param idch: index channels :type idch: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str`> :param hel: list of hidden elements :type hel: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ if tangods and NXSTOOLS: jds = self.createDataSources(tangods, dsg) for ctrlname, ctrl in conf["controllers"].items(): if 'units' in ctrl.keys() and \ '0' in ctrl['units'].keys(): uctrl = ctrl['units']['0'] else: uctrl = ctrl if 'channels' in uctrl.keys(): for ch in uctrl['channels'].values(): if ctrlname == "__tango__" or \ ('_controller_name' in ch.keys() and ch['_controller_name'] == '__tango__'): if ch["source"] in jds.keys(): name = jds[ch["source"]] dsg[name] = True if not bool(ch['plot_type']): hel.add(name) elif ch['name'] in hel: hel.remove(name) if idch is not None and 'index' in ch: idch[int(ch["index"])] = ch['name'] if 'synchronizer' in ctrl and \ ctrl['synchronizer'].lower() != 'software': synchronizer[name] = \ ctrl['synchronizer'] if 'synchronization' in ctrl and \ ctrl['synchronization'] != 0: synchronization[name] = \ ctrl['synchronization'] def __reorderTimers(self, conf, timers, dsg, hel, avtimers=None): """ reads timer aliases and reoder it according to mntgrp :param conf: mntgrp configuration :type conf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param timers: timer device name list :type timers: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param dsg: datasource selection dictionary :type dsg: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`bool` or `None`> :param hel: list of hidden elements :type hel: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param avtimers: available timers :type avtimers :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :returns: timer alias list :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ dtimers = PoolUtils.getAliases(self.__pools, timers) avtimers = avtimers or [] otimers = [tm for tm in dtimers.values() if tm in avtimers] if "timer" in conf and dtimers[conf["timer"]] in otimers: otimers.remove(dtimers[conf["timer"]]) otimers.insert(0, dtimers[conf["timer"]]) elif "timer" in conf and not otimers: otimers.insert(0, dtimers[conf["timer"]]) tms = json.loads(self.__selector["Timer"]) tms.extend(otimers) for tm in tms: if tm in hel: if tm in dsg.keys(): dsg[tm] = False hel.remove(tm) return otimers def __reorderChannels(self, idch): """ reorder ordered channels :param idch: index channels :type idch: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`int`, :obj:`str`> :returns: new orderedchannels :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ lindex = -1 pchannels = None if hasattr(idch, "items"): pchs = json.loads(self.__selector["OrderedChannels"]) pchannels = [] for ch in pchs: if ch not in pchannels: pchannels.append(ch) sidch = sorted(idch.items()) for ind, name in sidch: if name not in pchannels: lindex += 1 pchannels.insert(lindex, name) else: oind = pchannels.index(name) if oind < lindex: pchannels.pop(oind) pchannels.insert(lindex, name) else: lindex = oind return pchannels def __checkClientRecords(self, datasources, description): """ checks client records :param datasources: datasource list :type datasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param description: component description :type description: [:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ :obj:`list` <(:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, \ :obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`>)> > > ] """ describer = Describer(self.__configServer, True) frecords = PoolUtils.getFullDeviceNames(self.__pools) dsres = describer.dataSources( set(datasources) - set(frecords.keys()), 'CLIENT')[0] records = [Utils.tostr(dsr.record) for dsr in dsres.values()] for grp in description: for dss in grp.values(): for dsrs in dss.values(): for dsr in dsrs: if dsr[1] == 'CLIENT': records.append(Utils.tostr(dsr[2])) urecords = list(json.loads(self.__selector["UserData"]).keys()) precords = list(frecords.values()) missing = sorted(set(records) - set(DEFAULT_RECORD_KEYS) - set(self.clientRecordKeys) - set(urecords) - set(precords)) if missing: raise Exception( "User Data not defined %s\n" "Please set it with the `nxsetudata` macro, " "the `nxselector` gui or the NXSRecSelector tango server" % Utils.tostr(missing)) def __getActivePool(self, mntgrp=None): """ get the active pool :param mntgrp: current mntgrp :type mntgrp: :obj:`str` :returns: active pool proxy :rtype: :obj:`tango.DeviceProxy`: """ apool = [] lpool = [None, 0] fpool = None for pool in self.__pools: if not fpool: fpool = pool mntgrps = PoolUtils.getElementNames([pool], 'MeasurementGroupList') if mntgrp in mntgrps: if not apool: fpool = pool apool.append(pool) if lpool[1] < len(mntgrps): lpool = [pool, len(mntgrps)] if fpool is None: fpool = lpool[0] return fpool def __createMntGrpDevice(self, mntGrpName, timer): """ creates mntgrp devices :param mntgrpName: measurement group name :type mntgrpName: :obj:`str` :param timer: master timer name :type time: :obj:`str` :returns: measurement group full name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ amntgrp = MSUtils.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp', self.__macroServerName) apool = self.__getActivePool(amntgrp) if apool: try: TangoUtils.command(apool, "CreateMeasurementGroup", [mntGrpName, timer]) except tango.CommunicationFailed as cf: if len(cf.args) >= 2 and \ cf.args[1].reason == "API_DeviceTimedOut": TangoUtils.wait(apool) else: raise mfullname = Utils.tostr(PoolUtils.getMntGrpName( self.__pools, mntGrpName)) return mfullname def __prepareTimers(self, cnf, ltimers): """ prepares timers :param cnf: mntgrp configuration :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param ltimers: slave timer list :type ltimers: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :returns: master timer :rtype: :obj:`str` """ mtimers = json.loads(self.__selector["Timer"]) # avtimers = PoolUtils.getTimers(self.__pools, self.timerFilters) # mtimers = mtimers or [] # mtimers = [tm for tm in mtimers if tm in avtimers] timer = mtimers[0] if mtimers else '' if self.masterTimer: if not timer: raise Exception( "Timer or Monitor not defined") fullname = PoolUtils.getFullDeviceNames( self.__pools, [timer])[timer] if not fullname: raise Exception( "Timer or Monitor cannot be found amount the servers") cnf['monitor'] = fullname cnf['timer'] = fullname if len(mtimers) > 1: ltimers.clear() ltimers.update(set(mtimers[1:])) if timer in ltimers: ltimers.remove(timer) return timer def __fetchChannels(self, datasources, componentdatasources, dontdisplay, timers, description): """ fetches component channels from config server and preselect datasources :param datasources: datasource list :type datasources: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> :param componentdatasources: component datasources :param componentdatasources: component datasource list :param dontdisplay: hidden channel list :type dontdisplay: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param timers: timers list :type timers: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param description: component description :type description: [:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, \ :obj:`list` <(:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`str`, \ :obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`>)> > > ] :returns: (ordered pool channels, snapshot tuple list) :rtype: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> , \ :obj:`list` <(:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` )>) """ aliases = [] initsources = {} self.__checkClientRecords(datasources, description) if isinstance(datasources, list): aliases = list(datasources) pchannels = json.loads(self.__selector["OrderedChannels"]) dsg = json.loads(self.__selector["DataSourceSelection"]) aliases.extend( list(set(pchannels) & set(componentdatasources))) describer = Describer(self.__configServer, True) for grp in description: for cp, dss in grp.items(): ndcp = cp in dontdisplay for ds, params in dss.items(): for param in params: if param and len(param) > 2: if param[0] == 'STEP' \ and param[1] in ['TANGO', 'CLIENT']: aliases.append(Utils.tostr(ds)) dsg[Utils.tostr(ds)] = True if not ndcp and Utils.tostr(ds) in dontdisplay: dontdisplay.remove(Utils.tostr(ds)) elif param[0] in ['FINAL', 'INIT'] and \ param[1] in ['TANGO']: initsources[Utils.tostr(ds)] = \ TangoUtils.getFullAttrName( param[2], self.__withsynch) devices = self.preselectedDataSources() if devices: sds = describer.dataSources(devices) if sds: for ds in sds[0].values(): if ds.dstype == 'TANGO': initsources[] = \ TangoUtils.getFullAttrName( ds.record, self.__withsynch) snapshot = [(initsources[dsname], dsname) for dsname in sorted(initsources.keys()) if ('@' not in initsources[dsname] and '()' not in initsources[dsname])] for tm in timers: if tm in dontdisplay: if tm in dsg.keys(): dsg[Utils.tostr(tm)] = False self.__selector["DataSourceSelection"] = json.dumps(dsg) self.__selector["UnplottedComponents"] = json.dumps( list(dontdisplay)) aliases = list(set(aliases)) for tm in timers: if tm not in aliases: aliases.append(tm) dontdisplay.add(tm) pchannels = [ch for ch in pchannels if ch in aliases] aliases = sorted(list(set(aliases) - set(pchannels))) pchannels.extend(aliases) return pchannels, snapshot def __prepareMntGrp(self, cnf, timer): """ creates mntgrp if does not exists :param cnf: mntgrp configuration :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param timer: master timer :type timer: :obj:`str` :returns: full mntgrp name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ mntGrpName = self.__selector["MntGrp"] mfullname = Utils.tostr(PoolUtils.getMntGrpName( self.__pools, mntGrpName)) if not mfullname: mfullname = self.__createMntGrpDevice(mntGrpName, timer) cnf['label'] = mntGrpName return mfullname @classmethod def __findSources(cls, tangods, extangods, exsource): """ finds sources of tango datasources :param tangods: tango datasources list with elements (name, label, source) :type tangods: :obj:`list` < [:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` ] > :param extangods: tango datasources list with elements (ds name, input source, source without 'tango://', sources with host) :type extangods: :obj:`list` < [:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , \ :obj:`str` ,:obj:`str` ,:obj:`str` ] > """ for name, _, initsource in tangods: source = initsource if initsource[:8] != 'tango://' \ else initsource[8:] msource = None spsource = source.split("/") if len(spsource) > 3 and ":" in spsource[0]: host, port = spsource[0].split(":") mhost = host.split(".")[0] msource = "/".join(spsource[1:]) if mhost != host: msource = "%s:%s/%s" % (mhost, port, msource) device = "/".join(spsource[1:-1]) attribute = spsource[-1] exsource[source] = [host, port, device, attribute] extangods.append( [name, initsource, source, msource]) @classmethod def __addKnownSources(cls, extangods, sds, existing=None): """ adds known sources :param extangods: tango datasources list with elements (ds name, input source, source without 'tango://', sources with host) :type extangods: :obj:`list` < [:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , \ :obj:`str` ,:obj:`str` ,:obj:`str` ] > :param sds: list of json datasource descriptions :type sds: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param existing: list of existing datasources :type existing: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :returns: dictionary with known sources :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> """ jds = {} found = set() if not existing: existing = [] for ds in sds: js = json.loads(ds) if js["dsname"] in existing: for _, initsource, source, msource in extangods: if source == js["record"]: jds[initsource] = js["dsname"] found.add(Utils.tostr(js["record"])) break elif msource == js["record"]: jds[initsource] = js["dsname"] found.add(Utils.tostr(js["record"])) break for ds in sds: js = json.loads(ds) if js["dsname"] not in existing and \ js["record"] not in found: for _, initsource, source, msource in extangods: if source == js["record"]: jds[initsource] = js["dsname"] found.add(Utils.tostr(js["dsname"])) break elif msource == js["record"]: jds[initsource] = js["dsname"] found.add(Utils.tostr(js["dsname"])) break return jds @classmethod def __createXMLSource(cls, name, source, exsource): """ creates datasource XML for sources :param name: datasource name :type name: :obj:`str` :param source: datasource source string :type source: :obj:`str` :param exsource: dictioanry of source attributes \ with value (host, port, device, attribute) :type exsource: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , \ (:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` )> :returns: xml string :rtype :obj:`str` """ host, port, device, attribute = exsource[source] df = XMLFile("ds.xml") sr = NDSource(df) sr.initTango( name, device, "attribute", attribute, host, port, group='__CLIENT__') return df.prettyPrint() def __createUnknownSources(self, extangods, exsource, ads, jds): """ creates datasource XMLs for unknown datasources :param extangods: tango datasources list with elements (ds name, input source, source without 'tango://', sources with host) :type extangods: :obj:`list` < [:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , \ :obj:`str` ,:obj:`str` ,:obj:`str` ] > :param exsource: dictioanry of source attributes \ with value (host, port, device, attribute) :type exsource: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , \ (:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` )> :param ads: availaible datasources :type ads: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param jds: dictionary with of source alias names :type jds: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` > """ for name, initsource, source, _ in extangods: if initsource not in jds: jds[initsource] = None i = 0 nname = name while nname in ads: i += 1 nname = "%s_%s" % (name, i) name = nname if source in exsource: xml = self.__createXMLSource(name, source, exsource) self.__configServer.xmlstring = Utils.tostr(xml) TangoUtils.command(self.__configServer, "storeDataSource", Utils.tostr(name)) jds[initsource] = name
[docs] def createDataSources(self, tangods, dsg=None): """adds known and creates unknown datasources :param tangods: tango datasources list with elements (name, label, source) :type tangods: :obj:`list` < [:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` , :obj:`str` ] > :param dsg: datasource selection dictionary :type dsg: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`bool` or `None`> :returns: dictionary with of source alias names :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` > """ extangods = [] exsource = {} dsg = dsg or {} ads = TangoUtils.command(self.__configServer, "availableDataSources") if not ads: ads = [] describer = Describer(self.__configServer) sds = describer.dataSources(ads) self.__findSources(tangods, extangods, exsource) jds = self.__addKnownSources(extangods, sds, list(dsg.keys())) self.__createUnknownSources(extangods, exsource, ads, jds) return jds
def __addDevice(self, device, dontdisplay, cnf, timer, index, fullnames=None, sources=None, synchronizer=None, synchronization=None, valuerefenabled=None, valuerefpattern=None): """ adds device into configuration dictionary :param device: device alias :type device: :obj:`str` :param dontdisplay: list of devices component for display :type dontdisplay: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param cnf: mntgrp configuration dictionary :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param timer: device timer :type timer: :obj:`str` :param index: device index :type index: :obj:`int` :param fullnames: dictionary with full names :type fullnames: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param sources: dictionary with source names :type sources: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param synchronizer: name of trigger or gate device :type synchronizer: :obj:`str` :param synchronization: trigger:0 or gate:1 :type synchronization: :obj:`int` :param valuerefenabled: value ref enabled :type valuerefenabled: :obj:`bool` :param valuerefpattern: value ref pattern :type valuerefpattern: :obj:`str` :returns: next device index :rtype: :obj:`int` """ if not fullnames: fullnames = PoolUtils.getFullDeviceNames( self.__pools, [device, timer]) ctrls = PoolUtils.getDeviceControllers(self.__pools, [device]) ctrl = ctrls[device] if ctrls and device in ctrls.keys() else "" timers = PoolUtils.getFullDeviceNames(self.__pools, [timer]) fulltimer = fullnames[timer] \ if timers and timer in fullnames.keys() else "" if ctrl: self.__addController(cnf, ctrl, fulltimer) fullname = fullnames[device] \ if fullnames and device in fullnames.keys() else "" source = sources[device] \ if sources and device in sources.keys() else "" index = self.__addChannel(cnf, ctrl, device, fullname, dontdisplay, index, source, valuerefenabled, valuerefpattern) else: describer = Describer(self.__configServer) sds = describer.dataSources([device]) if sds: js = json.loads(sds[0]) if js["dstype"] == 'TANGO': ctrl = "__tango__" self.__addController(cnf, ctrl, fulltimer) index = self.__addTangoChannel( cnf, ctrl, device, Utils.tostr(js["record"]), dontdisplay, index) synchronization = synchronization or None synchronizer = synchronizer or None if synchronization is not None: cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'synchronization'] = \ int(synchronization) if synchronizer is not None and ctrl not in ['__tango__']: cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'synchronizer'] = synchronizer return index def __addController(self, cnf, ctrl, fulltimer): """ adds controller into mntgrp configuration dictionary :param cnf: mntgrp configuration dictionary :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param ctrl: controller device name :type ctrl: :obj:`str` :param fulltimer: full timer name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if not self.__withsynch: self.__addController1(cnf, ctrl, fulltimer) else: self.__addController2(cnf, ctrl, fulltimer) @classmethod def __addController1(cls, cnf, ctrl, fulltimer): """ adds controller into mntgrp configuration dictionary :param cnf: mntgrp configuration dictionary :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param ctrl: controller device name :type ctrl: :obj:`str` :param fulltimer: full timer name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if 'controllers' not in cnf.keys(): cnf['controllers'] = {} if ctrl not in cnf['controllers'].keys(): cnf['controllers'][ctrl] = {} cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units'] = {} cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0'] = {} cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0'][ u'channels'] = {} cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0']['id'] = 0 cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0'][ u'monitor'] = fulltimer cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0'][ u'timer'] = fulltimer cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0'][ u'trigger_type'] = 0 @classmethod def __addController2(cls, cnf, ctrl, fulltimer): """ adds controller into mntgrp configuration dictionary :param cnf: mntgrp configuration dictionary :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param ctrl: controller device name :type ctrl: :obj:`str` :param fulltimer: full timer name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if 'controllers' not in cnf.keys(): cnf['controllers'] = {} if ctrl not in cnf['controllers'].keys(): cnf['controllers'][ctrl] = {} cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'channels'] = {} # 0 old trigger_type cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'synchronization'] = 0 if ctrl not in ['__tango__']: cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'monitor'] = fulltimer cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'timer'] = fulltimer cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'synchronizer'] = 'software' @classmethod def __addChannel(cls, cnf, ctrl, device, fullname, dontdisplay, index, source, valuerefenabled=None, valuerefpattern=None): """ adds channel into mngrp configuration dictionary :param cnf: mntgrp configuration dictionary :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param ctrl: controller device name :type ctrl: :obj:`str` :param device: alias device name :type device: :obj:`str` :param fullname: full device name :type fullname: :obj:`str` :param dontdisplay: hidden channels :type dontdisplay: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param index: channel index :type index: :obj:`int` :param source: channel source :type source: :obj:`str` :param valuerefenabled: value ref enabled :type valuerefenabled: :obj:`bool` :param valuerefenabled: value rrf pattern :type valuerefpattern: :obj:`str` :returns: next index :rtype: :obj:`int` """ if 'units' in cnf['controllers'][ctrl].keys(): ctrlChannels = cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0'][ u'channels'] else: ctrlChannels = cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'channels'] if fullname not in ctrlChannels.keys(): dsource = source.encode() or PoolUtils.getSource(fullname) if not dsource: dsource = '%s/%s' % (fullname.encode(), 'Value') shp, dt, ut = TangoUtils.getShapeTypeUnit(dsource) dct = {} dct['_controller_name'] = Utils.tostr(ctrl) dct['_unit_id'] = u'0' dct['conditioning'] = u'' dct['data_type'] = dt dct['data_units'] = ut dct['enabled'] = True dct['full_name'] = fullname dct['index'] = index index += 1 dct['instrument'] = None dct['label'] = Utils.tostr(device) dct['name'] = Utils.tostr(device) dct['nexus_path'] = u'' dct['normalization'] = 0 dct['output'] = True dct['shape'] = shp if device in dontdisplay: dct['plot_axes'] = [] dct['plot_type'] = 0 dct['ndim'] = len(dct['shape'] or []) elif dct['shape'] and len(dct['shape']) == 1: dct['plot_axes'] = ['<idx>'] dct['plot_type'] = 1 dct['ndim'] = 1 elif dct['shape'] and len(dct['shape']) == 2: dct['plot_axes'] = ['<idx>', '<idx>'] dct['plot_type'] = 2 dct['ndim'] = 2 else: dct['plot_axes'] = ['<mov>'] dct['plot_type'] = 1 dct['ndim'] = 0 if valuerefenabled is not None: dct['value_ref_enabled'] = valuerefenabled # print("SET R", Utils.tostr(device), valuerefenabled) if valuerefpattern is not None: dct['value_ref_pattern'] = valuerefpattern # print("SET R", Utils.tostr(device), valuerefpattern) dct['source'] = Utils.tostr(dsource) ctrlChannels[fullname] = dct return index @classmethod def __addTangoChannel(cls, cnf, ctrl, device, record, dontdisplay, index): """ adds tango channel into mntgrp configuration dictionary :param cnf: mntgrp configuration dictionary :type cnf: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param ctrl: controller device name :type ctrl: :obj:`str` :param device: alias device name :type device: :obj:`str` :param record: tango channel sources :type record: :obj:`str` :param dontdisplay: hidden channels :type dontdisplay: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param index: channel index :type index: :obj:`int` :returns: next index :rtype: :obj:`int` """ if 'units' in cnf['controllers'][ctrl].keys(): ctrlChannels = cnf['controllers'][ctrl]['units']['0'][ u'channels'] else: ctrlChannels = cnf['controllers'][ctrl][u'channels'] fullname = "tango://%s" % record srecord = record.split("/") if srecord and len(srecord) > 1 and ":" in srecord[0]: label = "/".join(srecord[1:]) else: label = record if fullname not in ctrlChannels.keys(): source = record shp, dt, ut = TangoUtils.getShapeTypeUnit(source) dct = {} dct['_controller_name'] = Utils.tostr(ctrl) dct['_unit_id'] = u'0' dct['conditioning'] = u'' dct['data_type'] = dt dct['data_units'] = ut dct['enabled'] = True dct['full_name'] = fullname dct['index'] = index index += 1 dct['instrument'] = None dct['label'] = Utils.tostr(label) dct['name'] = Utils.tostr(device) dct['nexus_path'] = u'' dct['normalization'] = 0 dct['output'] = True dct['shape'] = shp if device in dontdisplay: dct['plot_axes'] = [] dct['plot_type'] = 0 dct['ndim'] = len(dct['shape'] or []) elif dct['shape'] and len(dct['shape']) == 1: dct['plot_axes'] = ['<idx>'] dct['plot_type'] = 1 dct['ndim'] = 1 elif dct['shape'] and len(dct['shape']) == 2: dct['plot_axes'] = ['<idx>', '<idx>'] dct['plot_type'] = 2 dct['ndim'] = 2 else: dct['plot_axes'] = ['<mov>'] dct['plot_type'] = 1 dct['ndim'] = 0 dct['source'] = Utils.tostr(source) ctrlChannels[fullname] = dct return index