Welcome to nxsrecconfig's documentation!

Authors: Jan Kotanski Introduction

Tango server with Sardana Recorder settings

Tango Server API: https://nexdatas.github.io/nxsrecselector/doc_html


Install the dependencies:

sardana, tango, sphinx

From sources

Download the latest version of NeXuS Configuration Server from

Extract the sources and run

$ python3 setup.py install

Debian packages

Debian bookworm, bullseye and buster or ubuntu oracular, noble, jammy packages can be found in the HDRI repository.

To install the debian packages, add the PGP repository key

$ sudo su
$ wget -q -O - http://repos.pni-hdri.de/debian_repo.pub.gpg | apt-key add -

and then download the corresponding source list

$ cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
$ wget http://repos.pni-hdri.de/bookworm-pni-hdri.list

Finally, install module

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install python3-nxsrecselector

and the NXSRecSelector tango server

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install nxsrecselector

To instal other NexDaTaS packages

$ apt-get install python3-nxswriter nxsconfigtool nxstools python3-nxsconfigserver nxsconfigserver-db


$ apt-get install nxselector python3-sardana-nxsrecorder

for Component Selector and Sardana related packages.

From pip

To install it from pip you can

$ python3 -m venv myvenv
$ . myvenv/bin/activate

$ pip install nxsrecselector

Moreover it is also good to install

$ pip install pytango
$ pip install taurus
$ pip install sardana
$ pip install nxswriter
$ pip install nxsconfigserver
$ pip install nxstools
$ pip install pymysqldb

Setting environment

Setting Saradna

If sardana is not yet set up run

$ Pool
  • enter a new instance name

  • create the new instance

Then wait a while until Pool is started and in a new terminal run

$ MacroServer
  • enter a new instance name

  • create the new instance

  • connect pool

Next, run Astor and change start-up levels: for Pool to 2, for MacroServer to 3 and restart servers.

Alternatively, terminate Pool and MacroServer in the terminals and run

$ nxsetup -s Pool -l2

wait until Pool is started and run

$ nxsetup -s MacroServer -l3

Additionally, one can create dummy devices by running sar_demo in

$ spock

Setting NeXus Servers

To set up NeXus Servers run

$ nxsetup -x


$ nxsetup -x NXSDataWriter
$ nxsetup -x NXSConfigServer
$ nxsetup -x NXSRecSelector

for specific servers.

If the RecoderPath property of MacroServer is not set one can do it by

$ nxsetup -a /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sardananxsrecorder

where the path should point the sardananxsrecorder package.


Indices and tables