The nxscollect is a command-line tool dedicated to collect detector images.
The append sub-commnand adds images of external formats into the NeXus master file. The images to collect should be denoted by postrun fields inside NXcollection groups or given by command-line parameters.
The link sub-commnand creates external or internal link in the NeXus master file to NeXus data files.
Synopsis for nxscollect append¶
nxscollect append [-h] [-c COMPRESSION] [-p PATH] [-i INPUTFILES]
[--separator SEPARATOR] [--dtype DATATYPE]
[--shape SHAPE] [-s] [-r] [--test] [--h5py]
[nexus_file [nexus_file ...]]
nexus_file nexus files to be collected
- Options:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
deflate compression rate from 0 to 9 (default: 2) or <filterid>:opt1,opt2,… e.g. -c 32008:0,2 for bitshuffle with lz4
- -p PATH, --path PATH
nexus path for the output field, e.g. /scan/instrument/pilatus/data
- -i INPUTFILES, --input_files INPUTFILES
input data files defined with a pattern or separated by ‘,’ e.g.’scan_%05d.tif:0:100’
- --separator SEPARATOR
input data files separator (default: ‘,’)
- --dtype DATATYPE
datatype of input data - only for raw data, e.g. ‘uint8’
- --shape SHAPE
shape of input data - only for raw data, e.g. ‘[4096,2048]’
- -s, --skip_missing
skip missing files
- -r, --replace_nexus_file
if it is set the old file is not copied into a file with .__nxscollect__old__* extension
- --test
execute in the test mode
- --h5py
use h5py module as a nexus reader/writer
- --h5cpp
use h5cpp module as a nexus reader/writer
Examples of nxscollect append¶
nxscollect append -c1 /tmp/gpfs/raw/scan_234.nxs
nxscollect append -c32008:0,2 /ramdisk/scan_123.nxs
nxscollect append --test /tmp/gpfs/raw/scan_234.nxs
nxscollect append scan_234.nxs --path /scan/instrument/pilatus/data --inputfiles 'scan_%05d.tif:0:100'
Synopsis for nxscollect link¶
nxscollect link [-h] [-n NAME] [-t TARGET] [-r] [--test]
[--h5py] [--h5cpp]
nexus_file_path nexus files with the nexus directory to place the link
- Options:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -n NAME, --name NAME
link name
- -t TARGET, --target TARGET
link target with the file name if external
- -r, --replace_nexus_file
if it is set the old file is not copied into a file with .__nxscollect__old__* extension
- --test
execute in the test mode
- --h5py
use h5py module as a nexus reader/writer
- --h5cpp
use h5cpp module as a nexus reader
Examples of nxscollect link¶
nxscollect link scan_234.nxs://entry/instrument/lambda --name data --target lambda.nxs://entry/data/data
nxscollect link scan_123.nxs://entry:NXentry/instrument/eiger:NXdetector --target eiger.nxs://entry/data/data
Synopsis for nxscollect vds¶
nxscollect vds [-h] [-e TARGETFIELDS] [--separator SEPARATOR]
[-L TARGETSLICES] [-r] [--test] [--h5cpp] [--h5py]
create a virual dataset in the master file
nexus_file_path_field nexus files with the nexus directory and a field name to create the VDS field
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -t DTYPE, --dtype DTYPE
datatype of the VDS field, e.g. ‘uint8’
- -s SHAPE, --shape SHAPE
shape of the VDS field, e.g. ‘[U,4096,2048]’ or U,4096,2048 where U means span along the field’
- -f FILLVALUE, --fill-value FILLVALUE
fill value for the gaps, default is 0
external fields with their NeXus file paths defined with a pattern or separated by ‘,’ e.g.’scan_123/lambda_%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:0:3’
- --separator SEPARATOR
input data files separator (default: ‘,’)
- -p SHAPES, --shapes SHAPES
shapes in the VDS layout hyperslab for the corresponding target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g.’,,;,300,;,600,0’ where an empty coordinate means 0
- -o OFFSETS, --offsets OFFSETS
offsets in the VDS layout hyperslab for the corresponding target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g.’,,;,300,;,600,0’ where an empty coordinate means 0
- -b BLOCKS, --blocks BLOCKS
block sizes in the VDS layout hyperslab for the corresponding target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g. ‘,256,512;,256,512;,256,512’ where an empty coordinate means 1
- -c COUNTS, --counts COUNTS
count numbers in the VDS layout hyperslabfor the corresponding target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g. ‘,1,1;,1,1;,1,1’ where an empty coordinate means span along the layout
- -d STRIDES, --strides STRIDES
stride sizes in the VDS layout hyperslabfor the corresponding target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g. ‘,,;,,;,,’ where an empty coordinate means 1
- -l SLICES, --slices SLICES
mapping slices in the VDS layoutfor the corresponding target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’ or spaces e.g. ‘:,0:50,: :,50:100,:’ where U means span along the layout
field shapes with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g.’,,;,300,;,600,0’
offsets in the view hyperslab of target fieldswith coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g.’,,;,300,;,600,0’ where an empty coordinate means 0
block sizes in the view hyperslab of target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g. ‘,256,512;,256,512;,256,512’ where an empty coordinate means 1
count numbers in the view hyperslab of target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g. ‘,1,1;,1,1;,1,1’ where an empty coordinate means span along the layout
stride sizes numbers in the view hyperslab of target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’, ‘:’ or spaces e.g. ‘,,;,,;,,’ where an empty coordinate means 1
view slices of target fields with coordinates sepatated by ‘,’ and different fields separated by ‘;’ or spaces e.g. ‘:,0:50,: :,0:50,:’ where U means span along the layout
- -r, --replace-nexus-file
if it is set the old file is not copied into a file with .__nxscollect__old__* extension
- --test
execute in the test mode
- --h5cpp
use h5cpp module as a nexus reader
- --h5py
use h5py module as a nexus reader/writer
Examples of nxscollect vds¶
nxscollect vds scan_234.nxs://entry/instrument/eiger/data --shape '1000,2048,1024' --dtype uint32 --target-fields 'eiger_%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:1:10' --shapes '100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,' --offsets '0,,:100,,:200,,:300,,:400,,:500,,:600,,:700,,:800,,:900,,'
- creates VDS (shape [1000,2048,1024]) of ten nexus files (shape [100,2048,1024]) merged in their first dimension
nxscollect vds scan_234.nxs://entry/instrument/lambda/data --shape '100,300,762' --dtype uint32 --target-fields 'lambda_%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:0:2' --shapes ',,250:,,250:,,250' --offsets ',,:,,256:,,512' --counts 'U,,:U,,:U,,' -f 1
- creates VDS (shape [100,300,762]) of three nexus files (shape [100,300,250]) merged in their third dimension,
separated with a 6 pixel gap of 1 values and unlimited first dimension
nxscollect vds scan_234.nxs://entry/instrument/percival/data --shape '4000,1600,2000' --dtype int16 --target-fields 'percival_%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:1:4' --shapes '1000,,:1000,,:1000,,:1000,,' --offsets '0,,:1,,:2,,:3,,' --counts 'U,,:U,,:U,,:U,,' --strides '4,,:4,,:4,,:4,,'
- creates VDS (shape [1000,1600,2000]) of three nexus files (shape [1000,1600,2000])
merged in their the first dimension with interlaying frames
and unlimited first dimension