

The nxscreate program allows one to create simple datasources and components.


nxscreate  <command> [ <options>]  [<arg1> [<arg2>  ...]]

The following commands are available: clientds, tangods, deviceds, onlineds, onlinecp, poolds, stdcomp, comp, secopcp, compare.

nxscreate clientds

It creates a set of CLIENT datasources.


nxscreate clientds [options] [name1] [name2]
  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • without -b: datasources are created on the local filesystem in -d <directory>

  • default <directory> is ‘.’

  • default <server> is taken from Tango DB

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v DEVICE, --device-prefix=DEVICE

device prefix, i.e. exp_c (mandatory w/o <name1>)

-f FIRST, --first=FIRST

first index (mandatory w/o <name1>)

-l LAST, --last=LAST

last index (mandatory w/o <name1>)

-o, --overwrite

overwrite existing datasources


output datasource directory

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter

-s DSOURCE, --datasource-prefix=DSOURCE

datasource prefix, i.e. counter (useful for avoiding duplicated datasource names)

-b, --database

store datasources in Configuration Server database

-m, --minimal_device

device name without first ‘0’

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name


nxscreate clientds starttime -b
nxscreate clientds title -d /home/user/xmldir
nxscreate clientds -v exp_c -f1 -l4 -b
nxscreate clientds -v hasppXX:10000/expchan/vfcadc_exp/ -f1 -l8  -m -b -s exp_vfc

nxscreate tangods

It creates a set of TANGO datasources.


nxscreate tangods [options]
  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • without -b: datasources are created on the local filesystem in -d <directory>

  • default <directory> is ‘.’

  • default <server> is taken from Tango DB

  • default <datasource> is ‘exp_mot’

  • default <host>, <port> are taken from <server>

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v DEVICE, --device-prefix=DEVICE

device prefix, i.e. exp_c (mandatory)

-f FIRST, --first=FIRST

first index

-l LAST, --last=LAST

last index


tango attribute name

-s DATASOURCE, --datasource-prefix=DATASOURCE

datasource-prefix (useful for avoiding duplicated datasource names)

-o, --overwrite

overwrite existing datasources


output datasource directory

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter

-u HOST, --host=HOST

tango host name

-t PORT, --port=PORT

tango host port

-b, --database

store datasources in Configuration Server database

-g GROUP, --group=GROUP

device group name


element type, i.e. attribute, property or command

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name


nxscreate tangods -f1 -l2  -v p09/motor/exp. -s exp_mot
nxscreate tangods -f1 -l32  -v p02/motor/eh1a. -s exp_mot -b
nxscreate tangods -f1 -l32  -v p01/motor/oh1. -s exp_mot -b
nxscreate tangods -f1 -l8  -v pXX/slt/exp. -s slt_exp_ -u hasppXX.desy.de -b
nxscreate tangods -v petra/globals/keyword -s source_current -u haso228 -t 10000 \
                  -a BeamCurrent -b -r p09/nxsconfigserver/haso228 -o -g __CLIENT__

nxscreate deviceds

It creates a set of TANGO datasources for all device attributes.


nxscreate deviceds [options] [dv_attr1 [dv_attr2 [dv_attr3 ...]]]
  • without <dv_attr1>: datasources for all attributes are created

  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • without -b: datasources are created on the local filesystem in -d <directory>

  • default <directory> is ‘.’

  • default <server> is taken from Tango DB

  • default <datasource> is ‘exp_mot’

  • default <host>, <port> are taken from <server>

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v DEVICE, --device=DEVICE

device, i.e. p09/pilatus300k/01 (mandatory)

-o DATASOURCE, --datasource-prefix=DATASOURCE



output datasource directory

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter

-s HOST, --host=HOST

tango host name

-t PORT, --port=PORT

tango host port

-b, --database

store datasources in Configuration Server database

-n, --no-group

don’t create common group with a name of datasource prefix

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name


nxscreate deviceds  -v p09/pilatus/haso228k
nxscreate deviceds  -v p09/lambda2m/haso228k  -s haslambda -b
nxscreate deviceds  -v p09/pilatus300k/haso228k -b -o pilatus300k_ RoI Energy ExposureTime

nxscreate onlineds

It creates a set of motor datasources from an online xml file.


nxscreate onlineds [options] inputFile
  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • with -d <directory>: datasources are created on the local filesystem

  • without -b or -d <directory>: run in the test mode

  • default <inputFile> is ‘/online_dir/online.xml’

  • default <server> is taken from Tango DB

onlineds overwrites existing datasources

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-b, --database

store components in Configuration Server database

-t, --noclientlike

set motor tango datasources to be non __CLIENT__ like


output directory where datasources will be saved

-n, --nolower

do not change aliases into lower case

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter

-e EXTERNAL, --external=EXTERNAL

external configuration server


xml template package


printout verbose mode


nxscreate onlineds -b
nxscreate onlineds -b -t
nxscreate onlineds -d /home/user/xmldir
nxscreate onlineds

nxscreate poolds

It creates a set of motor datasources from a sardana pool device channels.


nxscreate onlineds [options] [channel [channel]]
  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • with -d <directory>: datasources are created on the local filesystem

  • without -b or -d <directory>: run in the test mode

  • default <channel> is ‘ALL’

  • default <server> is taken from Tango DB

  • default <pool> is taken from Tango DB

poolds overwrites existing datasources

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-b, --database

store components in Configuration Server database

-t, --noclientlike

set motor tango datasources to be non __CLIENT__ like


output directory where datasources will be saved

-n, --nolower

do not change aliases into lower case

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter

-p POOL, --pool=POOL

sardana pool device name


nxscreate poolds -b
nxscreate poolds -b -t
nxscreate poolds -d -s p09/pool/haso228
nxscreate poolds -b Motor CTExpChannel
nxscreate poolds -b mot01 mot03
nxscreate poolds

nxscreate onlinecp

It creates a detector component from the online.xml file and its set of datasources.


nxscreate onlinecp [options] inputFile
  • without ‘-c <component>’: show a list of possible components

  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • without -b: datasources are created on the local filesystem in -d <directory>

  • default <directory> is ‘.’

  • default <inputFile> is ‘/online_dir/online.xml’

  • default <server> is taken from Tango DB

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


component namerelated to the device name from <inputFile>

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name

-t CPTYPE, --type CPTYPE

component type

-v DEVICE, --device DEVICE

device, i.e. p09/pilatus300k/01

-u HOST, --host HOST

tango host name

-w PORT, --port PORT

tango host port

-n, --nolower

do not change aliases into lower case

-o, --overwrite

overwrite existing component

-b, --database

store datasources in Configuration Server database


output datasource directory

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter

-e EXTERNAL, --external=EXTERNAL

external configuration server


xml template package


entry group name (prefix)

-i INSNAME, --insname INSNAME

instrument group name


nxscreate onlinecp
nxscreate onlinecp -c lambda
nxscreate onlinecp -c pilatus -b
nxscreate onlinecp -c lambda -d /home/user/xmldir/
nxscreate onlinecp -c lmbd -t lambda -b
nxscreate onlinecp -c lmbd -t lambda -v p00/lmbd/1 -u haso000 -w 10000 -b

nxscreate stdcomp

It creates a standard component from the xml template files and its set of datasources.


nxscreate stdcomp [options] [name1 value1 [name2 value2] ...]
  • without ‘-t <type>’: show a list of possible component types

  • with ‘-t <type> and without -c <component>: show a list of component variables for the given component type

  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • without -b: datasources are created on the local filesystem in -d <directory>

  • default <directory> is ‘.’

  • [name1 value1 [name2 value2] …] sequence defines component variable values

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


component name

-t CPTYPE, --type=CPTYPE

component type

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name


xml template package

-n, --nolower

do not change aliases into lower case

-o, --overwrite

overwrite existing component

-m, --mandatory

set the component as mandatory

-b, --database

store datasources in Configuration Server database


output datasource directory

-e EXTERNAL, --external=EXTERNAL

external configuration server

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter


entry group name (prefix)


nxscreate stdcomp
nxscreate stdcomp -t source
nxscreate stdcomp -t slit -c -b front_slit1 xgap slt1x ygap slt1y
nxscreate stdcomp -t default -c default -b -m

nxscreate comp

It creates a set of simple components.


nxscreate comp [options] [name1] [name2] ...
  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • without -b: datasources are created on the local filesystem in -d <directory>

  • default <directory> is ‘.’

  • default <server> is taken from Tango DB

  • default <strategy> is step

  • default <type> is NX_FLOAT

  • default <chunk> is SCALAR

  • default <nexuspath> is “/$var.entryname#’scan’$var.serialno:NXentry/instrument/collection/”

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-v DEVICE, --device-prefix=DEVICE

device prefix, i.e. exp_c

-f FIRST, --first=FIRST

first index

-l LAST, --last=LAST

last index

-o, --overwrite

overwrite existing components


output component directory

-x FILE, --file-prefix=FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter


nexus path with field name

-g STRATEGY, --strategy=STRATEGY

writing strategy, i.e. STEP, INIT, FINAL, POSTRUN

-s DATASOURCE, --datasource-prefix DATASOURCE

datasource-prefix or datasourcename

-t TYPE, --type=TYPE

nexus type of the field

-u UNITS, --units=UNITS

nexus units of the field

-k, --links

create datasource links

-b, --database

store components in Configuration Server database

-r SERVER, --server=SERVER

configuration server device name

-c CHUNK, --chunk=CHUNK

chunk format, i.e. SCALAR, SPECTRUM, IMAGE

-m, --minimal_device

device name without first ‘0’


nxscreate comp counter
nxscreate comp -f1 -l3 -v exp_c -b
nxscreate comp lambda -d /home/user/xmldir/
nxscreate comp -n "/\$var.entryname#'scan'\$var.serialno:NXentry/instrument/sis3302:NXdetector/collection:NXcollection/' -v sis3302_1_roi -f1 -l4  -g STEP -t NX_FLOAT64 -k -b -m
nxscreate comp -n "/\$var.entryname#'scan'\$var.serialno:NXentry/instrument/eh1_mca01:NXdetector/data" eh1_mca01 -g STEP -t NX_FLOAT64 -i -b -c SPECTRUM

nxscreate secopcp

It creates a component or components describing modules of the secop node.


nxscreate secopcp [-h] [-l] [-o] [-a] [-q] [-w] [-c COMPONENT] [-e PARAMSTRATEGY] [-g STRATEGY] [-m TIMEOUT] [-s SAMPLENAME] [-s SAMPLEENVNAME] [-k MEANINGS] [-v ENVIRONMENTS] [-f FIRST] [-z TRANSATTRS] [-p XMLPACKAGE] [-y ENTRYNAME] [-i INSNAME] [-d DIRECTORY] [-j JSON] [-x FILE] [-n] [-b] [-u HOST] [-t PORT] [-r SERVER] [component_name ...]
  • with -b: datasources are created in Configuration Server database

  • without -b: datasources are created on the local filesystem in -d <directory>

  • default <port> is 5000

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-l, --list

list modules of the given node

-o, --overwrite

overwrite existing components

-a, --can-fail

can fail strategy flag

-q, --dynamic

create dynamic links


create NXdata in NXsample


component namesecop component name


sensor parameter strategy, i.e. INIT, STEP or FINAL, default: INIT

-g STRATEGY, --strategy STRATEGY

sensor value strategy, i.e. INIT, STEP or FINAL, default: INIT

-m TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT

sensor minimum timeout default: 0.001


sample name

-w SAMPLEENVNAME, --sample-environment SAMPLEENVNAME

sample environment name


NXlog links of physical quantities to sensors separated by comman. Default: ‘temperature,magnetic_field,electric_field,stress_field,pressure’


NXenvironment links of physical quantities separated by comman. Default: ‘temperature,magnetic_field’

-f FIRST, --first FIRST

first linked targets separated by comman

-z TRANSATTRS, --transformation-attributes TRANSATTRS

a JSON dictionary with transformation parameters i.e, “transformation_type”, “vector”, “depends_on”. Default: {“rotation_z”:{“transformation_type”:”rotation”,”vector”:[0,-1,0]}}


xml template package


entry group name (prefix)

-i INSNAME, --insname INSNAME

instrument group name


output component directory

-j JSON, --json-file JSON

json configuration file

-x FILE, --file-prefix FILE

file prefix, i.e. counter

-n, --nolower

do not change aliases into lower case

-b, --database

store components in Configuration Server database

-u HOST, --host HOST

secop host name

-t PORT, --port PORT

secop host port

-r SERVER, --server SERVER

configuration server device name


nxscreate secopcp
nxscreate secopcp -l

    - list all modules of the given node

nxscreate secopcp -c temp_node -d . -j secop_node.json

    - create the all secop components in the local directory for the node configured with the json file

nxscreate secopcp T -t 5001 -b

    - create the component for the T secop module  in the NXSConfigServer database for the node on the port 5000

nxscreate secopcp -d /home/user/xmldir/

    - create the all secop components in the given directory

nxscreate compare

It compares two online.xml files


nxscreate compare [-h] [-n] online_file [online_file]
  • default: second <online_file> is ‘/online_dir/online.xml’ if only file is given

positional arguments:

online_file online.xml files

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-n, --nolower

do not change aliases into lower case


nxscreate onlineds /online_dir/online.xml online.xml
nxscreate compare online.xml