Source code for nxstools.nxscollect

#   This file is part of nexdatas - Tango Server for NeXus data writer
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 DESY, Jan Kotanski <>
#    nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with nexdatas.  If not, see <>.

""" Command-line tool to merge images of external file-formats
into the master NeXus file

import sys
import os
import re
import shutil
import fabio
import signal
import argparse
import numpy
import json

from .filenamegenerator import FilenameGenerator
from .nxsargparser import (Runner, NXSArgParser, ErrorException)
from . import filewriter

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    unicode = str
    long = int
    bytes = str

    from . import h5pywriter
    WRITERS["h5py"] = h5pywriter
except Exception:

    from . import h5cppwriter
    WRITERS["h5cpp"] = h5cppwriter
except Exception:

pTc = {
    "long": long,
    "str": str,
    "unicode": unicode,
    "bool": bool,
    "int": int,
    "int64": int,
    "int32": int,
    "int16": int,
    "int8": int,
    "uint": int,
    "uint64": int,
    "uint32": int,
    "uint16": int,
    "uint8": int,
    "float": float,
    "float64": float,
    "float32": float,
    "string": str,

def _tostr(text):
    """ converts text  to str type

    :param text: text
    :type text: :obj:`bytes` or :obj:`unicode`
    :returns: text in str type
    :rtype: :obj:`str`
    if isinstance(text, str):
        return text
    elif sys.version_info > (3,):
        return str(text, "utf8")
        return str(text)

[docs]def filegenerator(filestr, pattern=None): """ provides file name generator from file string :param filestr: file string :type: filestr: :obj:`str` :returns: file name generator or a list of file names :rtype: :class:`methodinstance` """ if pattern is None: pattern = re.compile(".+:\\d+:\\d+") if pattern.match(filestr): return FilenameGenerator.from_slice(filestr) else: def _files(): return [filestr] return _files
[docs]def splitcoords(crdstr): """ splits coordinate string :param crdstr: cordinate string :type crdstr: cordinate string :returns: a list ofr coordinates in tuples :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`tuple` < :obj:`int` >> """ if crdstr is None: return [] crds = [] scrds = crdstr.replace(';', ' ').replace(':', ' ').split(" ") for crd in scrds: if crd.startswith("[") and crd.endswith("]"): crd = crd[1:-1] scds = crd.split(",") nc = [] for cd in scds: nc.append(crdtoint(cd.strip())) crds.append(tuple(nc)) return crds
[docs]def crdtoint(crd): """ convert coorinate to int or None or Unlimited :param crd: cordinate as string :type crd: cordinate as string :returns: converted coordinate :rtype: :obj:`int` """ if crd in ["u", "U"]: crd = filewriter.unlimited() elif crd in ["", "None", "null"]: crd = None else: try: crd = int(crd) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) sys.stderr.write( "Warning: wrong coordinate %s. Converted to None\n") crd = None return crd
[docs]def splitslices(crdstr): """ splits coordinate string :param crdstr: cordinate string :type crdstr: cordinate string :returns: a list ofr coordinates in tuples :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`tuple` < :obj:`int` >> """ crds = [] if crdstr is None: return [] scrds = crdstr.replace(';', ' ').split(" ") for crd in scrds: scds = crd.split(",") nc = [] for cd in scds: start = None stop = None step = None sls = cd.split(":") if len(sls) == 1: stop = crdtoint(sls[0]) if len(sls) == 2: start = crdtoint(sls[0]) stop = crdtoint(sls[1]) if len(sls) > 2: start = crdtoint(sls[0]) stop = crdtoint(sls[1]) step = crdtoint(sls[2]) nc.append(slice(start, stop, step)) crds.append(tuple(nc)) return crds
[docs]def getcompression(compression): """ converts compression string to a deflate level parameter or list with [filterid, opt1, opt2, ...] :param compression: compression string :type compression: :obj:`str` :returns: deflate level parameter or list with [filterid, opt1, opt2, ...] :rtype: :obj:`int` or :obj:`list` < :obj:`int` > or `None` """ if compression: if isinstance(compression, int) or ":" not in compression: level = None try: level = int(compression) except Exception: raise Exception( "Error: argument -c/--compression: " "invalid int value: '%s'\n" % compression) return level else: opts = None try: sfid, sopts = compression.split(":") opts = [int(sfid)] opts.extend([int(opt) for opt in sopts.split(",")]) except Exception: raise Exception( "Error: argument -c/--compression: " "invalid format: '%s'\n" % compression) return opts return
[docs]class Linker(object): """ Create external and internal links of NeXus files """ def __init__(self, nexusfilepath, target, name=None, storeold=False, testmode=False, writer=None): """ The constructor creates the collector object :param nexusfilepath: the nexus file name and nexus path :type nexusfilepath: :obj:`str` :param target: the nexus file name and nexus path :type target: :obj:`str` :param storeold: if backup the input file :type storeold: :obj:`bool` :param testmode: if run in a test mode :type testmode: :obj:`bool` :param writer: the writer module :type writer: :obj:`str` """ self.__target = target self.__name = name if not name: self.__name = target.split("/")[-1] self.__testmode = testmode self.__storeold = storeold self.__wrmodule = None self.__nexuspath = None self.__nexusfilename, self.__nexuspath = \ nexusfilepath.split(":/") if writer and writer.lower() in WRITERS.keys(): self.__wrmodule = WRITERS[writer.lower()] self.__siginfo = dict( (signal.__dict__[sname], sname) for sname in ('SIGINT', 'SIGHUP', 'SIGALRM', 'SIGTERM')) for sig in self.__siginfo.keys(): signal.signal(sig, self._signalhandler) def _signalhandler(self, sig, _): """ signal handler :param sig: signal name, i.e. 'SIGINT', 'SIGHUP', 'SIGALRM', 'SIGTERM' :type sig: :obj:`str` """ if sig in self.__siginfo.keys(): self.__break = True print("terminated by %s" % self.__siginfo[sig]) def _createtmpfile(self): """ creates temporary file """ self.__tempfilename = self.__nexusfilename + ".__nxscollect_temp__" while os.path.exists(self.__tempfilename): self.__tempfilename += "_" shutil.copy2(self.__nexusfilename, self.__tempfilename) def _storeoldfile(self): """ makes back up of the input file """ temp = self.__nexusfilename + ".__nxscollect_old__" while os.path.exists(temp): temp += "_" shutil.move(self.__nexusfilename, temp)
[docs]class TargetFieldView(object): """ target field map """ def __init__(self, filename, path, shape=None, hyperslab=None, maxshape=None): """ constructor :param filename: file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param path: nexus field path with its name :type path: :obj:`str` :param shape: field shape :type shape: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> :param hyperslab: field hyperslab or slices :type hyperslab: :class:`filewriter.FTHyperslab` :param maxshape: maximal field shape :type maxshape: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> """ #: :obj:`str` file name self.filename = filename #: :obj:`str` nexus field path with its name self.path = path #: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> field shape self.shape = shape #: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> field maximal shape self.maxshape = maxshape #: :class:`filewriter.FTHyperslab` field hyperslab or slices self.hyperslab = hyperslab or filewriter.FTHyperslab() #: :obj:`list` <:obj:`slice`> self.slices = None
[docs]class LayoutField(object): def __init__(self, target, hyperslab=None): """ constructor :param hyperslab: target field object :type hyperslab: :class:`TargetFieldView` :param hyperslab: field hyperslab or slices :type hyperslab: :class:`filewriter.FTHyperslab` """ #: :class:`filewriter.FTHyperslab` layout hyperslab or slices self.hyperslab = hyperslab or filewriter.FTHyperslab() #: :obj:`list` <:obj:`slice`> self.slices = None #: :class:`TargetFieldView` target field object = target #: :obj:`tuple` vds shape in layout self.shape = []
[docs]class TargetFieldsLayout(list): def __init__(self, exfieldpaths='', exfieldshapes='', shapes=None, separator=','): """ constructor :param exfieldpaths: target field paths :type exfieldpaths: :obj:`str` :param exfieldshapes: target field shapes :type exfieldshapes: :obj:`str` :param shapes: target field shapes :type shapes: :obj:`list`<:obj:`tuple`<:obj:`int`> > :param exfieldpaths: separator of field path strings :type exfieldpaths: :obj:`str` """ if separator: files = exfieldpaths.split(separator) else: files = [exfieldpaths] for filestr in files: inputfiles = filegenerator(filestr) for fc in inputfiles(): fnph = fc.split(":/") ph = "/data" if len(fnph) > 0: fn = fnph[0] if len(fnph) > 1: ph = fnph[1] efd = TargetFieldView(fn, ph) lfd = LayoutField(efd) self.append(lfd) efshapes = splitcoords(exfieldshapes) for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(efshapes): = efshapes[i] if i < len(shapes): lfd.shape = shapes[i] # print(lfd.shape)
[docs] def add_target_hyperslabs(self, offsets, blocks, counts, strides): """ add target hyperslabs :param offsets: target offsets :type offsets: :obj:`str` :param blocks: target blocks :type blocks: :obj:`str` :param counts: target counts :type counts: :obj:`str` :param strides: target strides :type strides: :obj:`str` """ offs = splitcoords(offsets) blks = splitcoords(blocks) cnts = splitcoords(counts) stds = splitcoords(strides) for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(offs): = offs[i] for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(blks): = blks[i] for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(cnts): = cnts[i] for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(stds): = stds[i]
[docs] def add_layout_hyperslabs(self, offsets, blocks, counts, strides): """ add layout hyperslabs :param offsets: layout offsets :type offsets: :obj:`str` :param blocks: layout blocks :type blocks: :obj:`str` :param counts: layout counts :type counts: :obj:`str` :param strides: layout strides :type strides: :obj:`str` """ offs = splitcoords(offsets) blks = splitcoords(blocks) cnts = splitcoords(counts) stds = splitcoords(strides) for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(offs): lfd.hyperslab.offset = offs[i] for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(blks): lfd.hyperslab.block = blks[i] for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(cnts): lfd.hyperslab.count = cnts[i] for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(stds): lfd.hyperslab.stride = stds[i]
[docs] def add_layout_slices(self, slices): """ add layout slices :param slices: layout slices :type slices: :obj:`str` """ slices = splitslices(slices) for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(slices): lfd.slices = slices[i]
[docs] def add_target_slices(self, slices): """ add taget slices :param slices: target slices :type slices: :obj:`str` """ slices = splitslices(slices) for i, lfd in enumerate(self): if i < len(slices): = slices[i]
[docs]class VirtualDataset(object): """ Create virtual dataset in the master NeXus files """ def __init__(self, nexusfilepath, options, writer=None): """ The constructor creates the collector object :param nexusfilepath: the nexus file name and nexus path :type nexusfilepath: :obj:`str` :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :param writer: the writer module :type writer: :obj:`str` """ shape = options.shape if shape.startswith("[") and shape.endswith("]"): shape = shape[1:-1] shape = splitcoords(shape) self.__shape = shape[0] if shape else [] self.__shapes = splitcoords(options.shapes) if self.__shape: for si, sh in enumerate(self.__shapes): changed = False lsh = list(sh) for di, dm in enumerate(lsh): if dm is None: lsh[di] = self.__shape[di] changed = True if changed: self.__shapes[si] = tuple(lsh) self.__dtype = options.dtype self.__maxshape = None self.__fillvalue = options.fillvalue self.__storeold = not options.replaceold self.__testmode = options.testmode self.__wrmodule = None self.__nexuspath = None self.__nexusfilename, self.__nexuspath = \ nexusfilepath.split(":/") self.__ltfields = TargetFieldsLayout( options.targetfields, options.targetshapes, self.__shapes, options.separator ) self.__ltfields.add_target_hyperslabs( options.targetoffsets, options.targetblocks, options.targetcounts, options.targetstrides) if options.targetslices: self.__ltfields.add_target_slices(options.targetslices) self.__ltfields.add_layout_hyperslabs( options.offsets, options.blocks, options.counts, options.strides) if options.slices: self.__ltfields.add_layout_slices(options.slices) if writer and writer.lower() in WRITERS.keys(): self.__wrmodule = WRITERS[writer.lower()] self.__siginfo = dict( (signal.__dict__[sname], sname) for sname in ('SIGINT', 'SIGHUP', 'SIGALRM', 'SIGTERM')) for sig in self.__siginfo.keys(): signal.signal(sig, self._signalhandler) def _signalhandler(self, sig, _): """ signal handler :param sig: signal name, i.e. 'SIGINT', 'SIGHUP', 'SIGALRM', 'SIGTERM' :type sig: :obj:`str` """ if sig in self.__siginfo.keys(): self.__break = True print("terminated by %s" % self.__siginfo[sig]) def _createtmpfile(self): """ creates temporary file """ self.__tempfilename = self.__nexusfilename + ".__nxscollect_temp__" while os.path.exists(self.__tempfilename): self.__tempfilename += "_" shutil.copy2(self.__nexusfilename, self.__tempfilename) def _storeoldfile(self): """ makes back up of the input file """ temp = self.__nexusfilename + ".__nxscollect_old__" while os.path.exists(temp): temp += "_" shutil.move(self.__nexusfilename, temp)
[docs] def create(self): """ creates VDS """ self._createtmpfile() path = self.__nexuspath try: self.__nxsfile = filewriter.open_file( self.__tempfilename, readonly=False, writer=self.__wrmodule) root = self.__nxsfile.root() groups = path.split("/") or ["data"] parent = root tgr = "" fieldname = groups[-1] or "data" for gr in groups[:-1]: if gr: if ":" in gr: gr, tgr = gr.split(":", 1) if parent is not None and gr in parent.names(): parent = else: if not tgr: tgr = "NX" + gr if not self.__testmode: parent = parent.create_group(gr, tgr) else: parent = None filewriter.module = self.__wrmodule layout = filewriter.virtual_field_layout( self.__shape, self.__dtype, self.__maxshape, parent) for flm in self.__ltfields: efield = filewriter.target_field_view(,, or flm.shape,, parent=parent) layout.add(flm.hyperslab, efield,, flm.shape) if parent: print("vds: target %s://%s %s at %s/%s" % (,,, parent.path, fieldname)) else: print("vds: target %s://%s %s at %s/%s" % (,,, path, fieldname)) if not self.__testmode: fillvalue = pTc[_tostr(self.__dtype)](self.__fillvalue or 0) fd = parent.create_virtual_field(fieldname, layout, fillvalue) fd.close() if self.__storeold: self._storeoldfile() shutil.move(self.__tempfilename, self.__nexusfilename) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) os.remove(self.__tempfilename)
[docs]class Collector(object): """ Collector merge images of external file-formats into the master NeXus file """ def __init__(self, nexusfilename, compression=2, skipmissing=False, storeold=False, testmode=False, writer=None): """ The constructor creates the collector object :param nexusfilename: the nexus file name :type nexusfilename: :obj:`str` :param compression: compression rate :type compression: :obj:`int` :param skipmissing: if skip missing images :type skipmissing: :obj:`bool` :param storeold: if backup the input file :type storeold: :obj:`bool` :param testmode: if run in a test mode :type testmode: :obj:`bool` :param writer: the writer module :type writer: :obj:`str` """ self.__nexusfilename = nexusfilename self.__compression = compression self.__skipmissing = skipmissing self.__testmode = testmode self.__storeold = storeold self.__tempfilename = None self.__filepattern = re.compile(".+:\\d+:\\d+") self.__nxsfile = None self.__break = False self.__fullfilename = None self.__wrmodule = None if writer and writer.lower() in WRITERS.keys(): self.__wrmodule = WRITERS[writer.lower()] self.__siginfo = dict( (signal.__dict__[sname], sname) for sname in ('SIGINT', 'SIGHUP', 'SIGALRM', 'SIGTERM')) for sig in self.__siginfo.keys(): signal.signal(sig, self._signalhandler) def _signalhandler(self, sig, _): """ signal handler :param sig: signal name, i.e. 'SIGINT', 'SIGHUP', 'SIGALRM', 'SIGTERM' :type sig: :obj:`str` """ if sig in self.__siginfo.keys(): self.__break = True print("terminated by %s" % self.__siginfo[sig]) def _createtmpfile(self): """ creates temporary file """ self.__tempfilename = self.__nexusfilename + ".__nxscollect_temp__" while os.path.exists(self.__tempfilename): self.__tempfilename += "_" shutil.copy2(self.__nexusfilename, self.__tempfilename) def _storeoldfile(self): """ makes back up of the input file """ temp = self.__nexusfilename + ".__nxscollect_old__" while os.path.exists(temp): temp += "_" shutil.move(self.__nexusfilename, temp) @classmethod def _absolutefilename(cls, filename, masterfile): """ provides absolute image file name :param filename: image file name :type: filename: :obj:`str` :param masterfile: nexus file name :type: masterfile: :obj:`str` :returns: absolute image file name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if not os.path.isabs(filename): nexusfilepath = os.path.join('/', *os.path.abspath( masterfile).split('/')[:-1]) filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(nexusfilepath, filename)) return filename def _findfile(self, filename, nname=None): """ searches for absolute image file name :param filename: image file name :type: filename: :obj:`str` :param nname: hdf5 node name :typ nname: :obj:`str` :returns: absolute image file name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ filelist = [] if nname is not None: tmpfname = '%s/%s/%s' % ( os.path.splitext(self.__nexusfilename)[0], nname, filename.split("/")[-1]) if os.path.exists(tmpfname): return tmpfname else: filelist.append(tmpfname) tmpfname = '%s/%s/%s' % ( os.path.splitext(self.__fullfilename)[0], nname, filename.split("/")[-1]) if os.path.exists(tmpfname): return tmpfname else: filelist.append(tmpfname) tmpfname = self._absolutefilename(filename, self.__nexusfilename) if os.path.exists(tmpfname): return tmpfname else: filelist.append(tmpfname) tmpfname = self._absolutefilename(filename, self.__fullfilename) if os.path.exists(tmpfname): return tmpfname else: filelist.append(tmpfname) if os.path.exists(filename): return filename else: filelist.append(filename) if not self.__skipmissing: raise Exception( "Cannot open any of %s files" % sorted(set(filelist))) else: print("Cannot open any of %s files" % sorted(set(filelist))) return None def _loadrawimage(self, filename, dtype, shape=None): """ loads image from file :param filename: image file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param dtype: field data type :type dtype: :obj:`str` :param shape: field shape :type shape: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int` > :returns: (image data, image data type, image shape) :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`>) """ try: idata = None with open(filename, "rb") as fl: idata = numpy.fromfile(fl, dtype=dtype) if shape: idata = idata.reshape(shape) dtype = idata.dtype.__str__() shape = idata.shape if idata is not None: return idata, dtype, shape else: raise Exception("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) if not self.__skipmissing: raise Exception("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) else: print("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) return None, None, None def _loadimage(self, filename): """ loads image from file :param filename: image file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :returns: (image data, image data type, image shape) :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`>) """ try: dtype = None shape = None idata = None # filter fabio bugs import warnings warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed") warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed") warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="can't resolve package from __spec__ " "or __package__,") image = if image: idata =[...] dtype = shape = return idata, dtype, shape else: raise Exception("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) sys.stderr.write("L3\n") except Exception: if not self.__skipmissing: raise Exception("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) else: print("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) return None, None, None def _loadh5data(self, filename, path=None): """ loads image from hdf5 file :param filename: hdf5 image file name :type filename: :obj:`str` :param path: hdf5 field path :type path: :obj:`str` :returns: (image data, image data type, image shape) :rtype: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`>) """ try: dtype = None shape = None nxsfile = filewriter.open_file( filename, readonly=True, writer=self.__wrmodule) if path: root = nxsfile.root() parent = root nodes = path.split("/") for nd in nodes: if nd in parent.names(): parent = else: raise Exception( "Error: path %s in % cannot be open" % (path, nd)) image = parent else: image = nxsfile.default_field() if image is None: root = nxsfile.root() image ="data") idata = if image is not None: idata = image[...] dtype = image.dtype shape = image.shape nxsfile.close() return idata, dtype, shape except Exception as e: print(str(e)) if not self.__skipmissing: raise Exception("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) else: print("Cannot open a file %s" % filename) return None, None, None def _addattr(self, node, attrs): """ adds attributes to the parent node in nexus file :param node: parent hdf5 node :type node: parent hdf5 node :param attrs: dictionary with attributes """ attrs = attrs or {} for name, (value, dtype, shape) in attrs.items(): if not self.__testmode: node.attributes.create( name, dtype, shape, overwrite=True)[...] = value print(" + add attribute: %s = %s" % (name, value)) def _getfield(self, node, fieldname, dtype, shape, fieldattrs, fieldcompression): """ creates a field in nexus file :param node: parent hdf5 node :type node: :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` :param fieldname: field name :type fieldname: :obj:`str` :param dtype: field data type :type dtype: :obj:`str` :param shape: filed data shape :type shape: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int`> :param fieldattrs: dictionary with field attributes :type fieldattrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param fieldcompression: field compression rate :type fieldcompression: :obj:`int` :returns: hdf5 field node :rtype: :class:`filewriter.FTField` """ field = None if fieldname in node.names(): return else: if not self.__testmode: cfilter = None if fieldcompression: opts = getcompression(fieldcompression) if isinstance(opts, int): cfilter = filewriter.data_filter(node) cfilter.rate = opts elif isinstance(opts, list) and opts: cfilter = filewriter.data_filter(node) cfilter.filterid = opts[0] cfilter.options = tuple(opts[1:]) if len(shape) == 2: nshape = [0, shape[0], shape[1]] nchunk = [1, shape[0], shape[1]] elif len(shape) == 3: nshape = [0, shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]] nchunk = [1, shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]] else: nshape = [0, shape[0]] nchunk = [1, shape[0]] field = node.create_field( fieldname, dtype, shape=nshape, chunk=nchunk, dfilter=cfilter) self._addattr(field, fieldattrs) return field def _collectimages(self, files, node, fieldname=None, fieldattrs=None, fieldcompression=None, datatype=None, shape=None): """ collects images :param files: a list of file strings :type files: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param node: hdf5 parent node :type node: :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` :param fieldname: field name :type fieldname: :obj:`str` :param fieldattrs: dictionary with field attributes :type fieldattrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`> :param fieldcompression: field compression rate :type fieldcompression: :obj:`int` :param datatype: field data type :type datatype: :obj:`str` :param shape: field shape :type shape: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int` > """ fieldname = fieldname or "data" field = None ind = 0 for filestr in files: if self.__break: break inputfiles = filegenerator(filestr, self.__filepattern) for fname in inputfiles(): if self.__break: break npath = None if not datatype and \ ".h5://" in fname or ".nxs://" in fname: fname, npath = fname.split("://", 1) if not self.__testmode or node is not None: fname = self._findfile(fname, if not fname: continue if datatype: data, dtype, shape = self._loadrawimage( fname, datatype, shape) elif fname.endswith(".h5") or fname.endswith(".nxs"): try: data, dtype, shape = self._loadh5data(fname, npath) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) data, dtype, shape = self._loadimage(fname) else: data, dtype, shape = self._loadimage(fname) if data is not None: ishape = shape nrim = 1 if len(shape) == 3: ishape = [shape[1], shape[2]] nrim = shape[0] if field is None: if not self.__testmode or node is not None: field = self._getfield( node, fieldname, dtype, ishape, fieldattrs, fieldcompression) if field and ind == field.shape[0]: if not self.__testmode: if nrim == 1: field.grow(0, 1) field[-1, ...] = data else: field.grow(0, nrim) field[field.shape[0]-nrim:, ...] = data print(" * append %s " % (fname)) ind += nrim if not self.__testmode: self.__nxsfile.flush() def _inspect(self, parent, collection=False): """ collects recursively the all image files defined by hdf5 postrun fields bellow hdf5 parent node :param parent: hdf5 parent node :type parent: :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` :param collection: if parent is of NXcollection type :type collection: :obj:`bool` """ if hasattr(parent, "names"): if collection: if "postrun" in parent.names(): inputfiles ="postrun") files = if hasattr(files, "tolist"): files = files.tolist() if isinstance(files, (str, unicode)): files = [files] fieldname = "data" fielddtype = None fieldshape = None fieldattrs = {} fieldcompression = None for at in inputfiles.attributes: if == "fieldname": fieldname = filewriter.first( elif == "fieldcompression": fieldcompression = filewriter.first( elif == "fielddtype": fielddtype = filewriter.first( elif == "fieldshape": fieldshape = json.loads( filewriter.first( elif"fieldattr_"): atname =[10:] if atname: fieldattrs[atname] = (, at.dtype, at.shape ) print("populate: %s/%s with %s" % ( parent.parent.path, fieldname, files)) if fieldcompression is None: fieldcompression = self.__compression self._collectimages( files, parent.parent, fieldname, fieldattrs, fieldcompression, fielddtype, fieldshape) try: names = parent.names() except Exception: names = [] for name in names: coll = False child = if hasattr(child, "attributes"): for at in child.attributes: if == "NX_class": gtype = filewriter.first( if gtype == 'NXcollection': coll = True self._inspect(child, coll) def _add(self, root, path, inputfiles, fieldtype=None, fieldshape=None): """appends specific data if path and inputfiles are given :param path: nexus path of the data field :type path: :obj:`str` :param inputfiles: a list of file strings :type inputfiles: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param datatype: field data type :type datatype: :obj:`str` :param shape: field shape :type shape: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int` > """ groups = path.split("/") parent = root tgr = "" for gr in groups[:-1]: if gr: if ":" in gr: gr, tgr = gr.split(":", 1) if parent is not None and gr in parent.names(): parent = else: if not tgr: tgr = "NX" + gr if not self.__testmode: parent = parent.create_group(gr, tgr) else: parent = None # raise Exception( # "Error: path %s in % cannot be open" % (path, gr)) fieldname = groups[-1] if parent: print("populate: %s/%s with %s" % (parent.path, fieldname, inputfiles)) else: print("populate: %s/%s with %s" % (path, fieldname, inputfiles)) fieldcompression = self.__compression fieldattrs = {} self._collectimages( inputfiles, parent, fieldname, fieldattrs, fieldcompression, fieldtype, fieldshape)
[docs] def collect(self, path=None, inputfiles=None, datatype=None, shape=None): """ creates a temporary file, collects the all image files defined by hdf5 postrun fields of NXcollection groups and renames the temporary file to the origin one if the action was successful or appends specific data if path and inputfiles are given :param path: nexus path of the data field :type path: :obj:`str` :param inputfiles: a list of file strings :type inputfiles: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param datatype: field data type :type datatype: :obj:`str` :param shape: field shape :type shape: :obj:`list` <:obj:`int` > """ self._createtmpfile() try: self.__nxsfile = filewriter.open_file( self.__tempfilename, readonly=self.__testmode, writer=self.__wrmodule) root = self.__nxsfile.root() try: self.__fullfilename = filewriter.first( root.attributes['file_name'].read()) # print self.__fullfilename except Exception: pass if path and inputfiles: self._add(root, path, inputfiles, datatype, shape) else: self._inspect(root) self.__nxsfile.close() if self.__storeold: self._storeoldfile() shutil.move(self.__tempfilename, self.__nexusfilename) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) os.remove(self.__tempfilename)
[docs]class VDS(Runner): """ Execute runner """ #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create a virual dataset in the master file" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " examples:\n\n" \ + " nxscollect vds " \ + "scan_234.nxs://entry/instrument/eiger/data " \ + " --shape '1000,2048,1024' --dtype uint32 " \ + " --target-fields 'eiger_%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:1:10'" \ + " --shapes '100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,,:100,," \ + ":100,,:100,,:100,,' " \ + " --offsets '0,,:100,,:200,,:300,,:400,,:500,," \ + ":600,,:700,,:800,,:900,,' \n\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - creates VDS (shape [1000,2048,1024]) of" \ " ten nexus files (shape [100,2048,1024])" \ + " merged in their first dimension\n" \ + "\n\n\n" \ + " nxscollect vds " \ + "scan_234.nxs://entry/instrument/lambda/data " \ + " --shape '100,300,762' --dtype uint32 " \ + " --target-fields 'lambda_%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:0:2'" \ + " --shapes ',,250:,,250:,,250' " \ + " --offsets ',,:,,256:,,512' --counts 'U,,:U,,:U,,' -f 1 \n\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - creates VDS (shape [100,300,762]) of" \ " three nexus files (shape [100,300,250])" \ + " merged in their third dimension,\n" \ + " separated with a 6 pixel gap of 1 values" \ + " and unlimited first dimension\n" \ + "\n\n\n" \ + " nxscollect vds " \ + "scan_234.nxs://entry/instrument/percival/data " \ + " --shape '4000,1600,2000' --dtype int16 " \ + " --target-fields 'percival_%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:1:4'" \ + " --shapes '1000,,:1000,,:1000,,:1000,,' " \ + " --offsets '0,,:1,,:2,,:3,,' --counts 'U,,:U,,:U,,:U,,'" \ + " --strides '4,,:4,,:4,,:4,,' \n\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - creates VDS (shape [1000,1600,2000]) of" \ " three nexus files (shape [1000,1600,2000])\n" \ + " merged in their the first dimension " \ + "with interlaying frames\n" \ + " and unlimited first dimension\n" \ + "\n\n" \ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument( "-t", "--dtype", dest="dtype", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="datatype of the VDS field, e.g. 'uint8'") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--shape", dest="shape", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="shape of the VDS field, e.g. '[U,4096,2048]' or U,4096,2048" " where U means span along the field'") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--fill-value", dest="fillvalue", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="fill value for the gaps, default is 0") parser.add_argument( "-e", "--target-fields", dest="targetfields", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="external fields with their NeXus file paths " "defined with a pattern or separated by ',' e.g." "'scan_123/lambda_%%05d.nxs://entry/data/data:0:3'") parser.add_argument( "--separator", dest="separator", action="store", type=str, default=",", help="input data files separator (default: ',')") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--shapes", dest="shapes", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="shapes in the VDS layout hyperslab " "for the corresponding target fields " "with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." "',,;,300,;,600,0' where an empty coordinate means 0") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--offsets", dest="offsets", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="offsets in the VDS layout hyperslab " "for the corresponding target fields " "with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." "',,;,300,;,600,0' where an empty coordinate means 0") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--blocks", dest="blocks", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="block sizes in the VDS layout hyperslab " "for the corresponding target fields " " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." " ',256,512;,256,512;,256,512' " "where an empty coordinate means 1") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--counts", dest="counts", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="count numbers in the VDS layout hyperslab" "for the corresponding target fields " " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." " ',1,1;,1,1;,1,1' " "where an empty coordinate means span along the layout") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--strides", dest="strides", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="stride sizes in the VDS layout hyperslab" "for the corresponding target fields " " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." " ',,;,,;,,' " "where an empty coordinate means 1") parser.add_argument( "-l", "--slices", dest="slices", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="mapping slices in the VDS layout" "for the corresponding target fields " " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';' or spaces e.g." " ':,0:50,: :,50:100,:' " "where U means span along the layout ") parser.add_argument( "-P", "--target-shapes", dest="targetshapes", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="field shapes " "with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." "',,;,300,;,600,0'") parser.add_argument( "-O", "--target-offsets", dest="targetoffsets", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="offsets in the view hyperslab of target fields" "with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." "',,;,300,;,600,0' where an empty coordinate means 0") parser.add_argument( "-B", "--target-blocks", dest="targetblocks", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="block sizes in the view hyperslab of target fields" " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." " ',256,512;,256,512;,256,512' " "where an empty coordinate means 1") parser.add_argument( "-C", "--target-counts", dest="targetcounts", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="count numbers in the view hyperslab of target fields" " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." " ',1,1;,1,1;,1,1' " "where an empty coordinate means span along the layout") parser.add_argument( "-D", "--target-strides", dest="targetstrides", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="stride sizes numbers in the view hyperslab " "of target fields" " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';', ':' or spaces e.g." " ',,;,,;,,' " "where an empty coordinate means 1") parser.add_argument( "-L", "--target-slices", dest="targetslices", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="view slices of target fields" " with coordinates sepatated by ',' " "and different fields separated by ';' or spaces e.g." " ':,0:50,: :,0:50,:' " "where U means span along the layout ") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--replace-nexus-file", action="store_true", default=False, dest="replaceold", help="if it is set the old file is not copied into " "a file with .__nxscollect__old__* extension") parser.add_argument( "--test", action="store_true", default=False, dest="testmode", help="execute in the test mode") parser.add_argument( "--h5cpp", action="store_true", default=False, dest="h5cpp", help="use h5cpp module as a nexus reader") parser.add_argument( "--h5py", action="store_true", default=False, dest="h5py", help="use h5py module as a nexus reader/writer")
[docs] def postauto(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument( 'args', metavar='nexus_file_path_field', type=str, nargs='?', help='nexus files with the nexus directory and a field name ' 'to create the VDS field')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser nexusfilepath = options.args if not nexusfilepath or not nexusfilepath[0]: parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(0) if options.targetfields is None: sys.stderr.write("nxscollect: target fields are missing\n") parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(0) if options.shape is None: sys.stderr.write("nxscollect: shape is missing\n") parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(0) if options.shapes is None: sys.stderr.write("nxscollect: shapes is missing\n") parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(0) if options.h5cpp: writer = "h5cpp" elif options.h5py: writer = "h5py" elif "h5cpp" in WRITERS.keys(): writer = "h5cpp" else: writer = "h5py" if (options.h5py and options.h5cpp) or \ writer not in WRITERS.keys(): sys.stderr.write("nxscollect: Writer '%s' cannot be opened\n" % writer) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) # configuration server vds = VirtualDataset( nexusfilepath, options, writer=writer) vds.create()
[docs]class Execute(Runner): """ Execute runner """ #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "append images to the master file" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " examples:\n" \ + " nxscollect append -c1 /tmp/gpfs/raw/scan_234.nxs \n\n" \ + " nxscollect append -c32008:0,2 /ramdisk/scan_123.nxs \n\n" \ + " nxscollect append --test /tmp/gpfs/raw/scan_234.nxs \n\n" \ + " nxscollect append scan_234.nxs " \ + "--path /scan/instrument/pilatus/data " \ + "--input-files 'scan_%05d.tif:0:100' "\ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument( "-c", "--compression", dest="compression", action="store", type=str, default="2", help="deflate compression rate from 0 to 9 (default: 2)" " or <filterid>:opt1,opt2,..." " e.g. -c 32008:0,2 for bitshuffle with lz4") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--path", dest="path", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="nexus path for the output field, e.g." " /scan/instrument/pilatus/data") parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input-files", dest="inputfiles", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="input data files defined with a pattern " "or separated by ',' e.g." "'scan_%%05d.tif:0:100'") parser.add_argument( "--separator", dest="separator", action="store", type=str, default=",", help="input data files separator (default: ',')") parser.add_argument( "--dtype", dest="datatype", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="datatype of input data - only for raw data," " e.g. 'uint8'") parser.add_argument( "--shape", dest="shape", action="store", type=str, default=None, help="shape of input data - only for raw data," " e.g. '[4096,2048]'") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--skip-missing", action="store_true", default=False, dest="skipmissing", help="skip missing files") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--replace-nexus-file", action="store_true", default=False, dest="replaceold", help="if it is set the old file is not copied into " "a file with .__nxscollect__old__* extension") parser.add_argument( "--test", action="store_true", default=False, dest="testmode", help="execute in the test mode") parser.add_argument( "--h5cpp", action="store_true", default=False, dest="h5cpp", help="use h5cpp module as a nexus reader") parser.add_argument( "--h5py", action="store_true", default=False, dest="h5py", help="use h5py module as a nexus reader/writer")
[docs] def postauto(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument('args', metavar='nexus_file', type=str, nargs='*', help='nexus files to be collected')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser nexusfiles = options.args try: getcompression(options.compression) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(0) if not nexusfiles or not nexusfiles[0]: parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(0) if options.h5cpp: writer = "h5cpp" elif options.h5py: writer = "h5py" elif "h5cpp" in WRITERS.keys(): writer = "h5cpp" else: writer = "h5py" if (options.h5py and options.h5cpp) or \ writer not in WRITERS.keys(): sys.stderr.write("nxscollect: Writer '%s' cannot be opened\n" % writer) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) if (options.path and not options.inputfiles): sys.stderr.write( "nxscollect: --input-files argument is missing") parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) if (not options.path and options.inputfiles): sys.stderr.write( "nxscollect: --path argument is missing") parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) inputfiles = None if options.inputfiles: if options.separator: inputfiles = options.inputfiles.split(options.separator) else: inputfiles = [options.inputfiles] shape = None if options.shape: try: shape = json.loads(options.shape) except Exception: sys.stderr.write( "nxscollect: shape is not readable") parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) # configuration server for nxsfile in nexusfiles: collector = Collector( nxsfile, options.compression, options.skipmissing, not options.replaceold, options.testmode, writer=writer) collector.collect(options.path, inputfiles, options.datatype, shape)
def _supportoldcommands(): """ replace the old command names to the new ones """ oldnew = { '-x': 'append', '--execute': 'append', '--replace_nexus_file': '--replace-nexus-file', '--input_files': '--input-files', '--skip_missing': '--skip-missing', 'execute': 'append', } if sys.argv and len(sys.argv) > 1: for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if i > 0 and arg in oldnew.keys(): sys.stderr.write( "Warning: `%s` is deprecated, " "please use `%s` instead\n\n" % (arg, oldnew[arg])) sys.argv[i] = oldnew[arg]
[docs]def main(): """ the main program function """ description = " Command-line tool to merge images of external " \ + "file-formats into the master NeXus file" epilog = 'For more help:\n nxscollect <sub-command> -h' _supportoldcommands() parser = NXSArgParser( description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.cmdrunners = [ ('append', Execute), ('link', Link), ('vds', VDS) ] runners = parser.createSubParsers() try: options = parser.parse_args() except ErrorException as e: sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(e)) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(255) if options.subparser is None: sys.stderr.write( "Error: %s\n" % str("too few arguments")) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(255) if not WRITERS: sys.stderr.write( "nxsfileinfo: Neither pnineuxs.h5cpp nor h5py installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) runners[options.subparser].run(options)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()