Source code for nxstools.nxscreate

#   This file is part of nexdatas - Tango Server for NeXus data writer
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 DESY, Jan Kotanski <>
#    nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with nexdatas.  If not, see <>.

"""Command-line tool for creating NXSConfigServer configuration of Nexus Files

import os
import sys
import argparse

from nxstools.nxsargparser import (Runner, NXSArgParser, ErrorException)
from nxstools.nxsdevicetools import (
    checkServer, getAttributes, getServerTangoHost)
from nxstools.nxscreator import (
    TangoDSCreator, ClientDSCreator, WrongParameterError,
    DeviceDSCreator, OnlineDSCreator, OnlineCPCreator, CPExistsException,
    DSExistsException, SECoPCPCreator,
    StandardCPCreator, ComponentCreator, CompareOnlineDS, PoolDSCreator)

#: (:obj:`bool`) True if PyTango available
    except Exception:
    PYTANGO = True
except Exception:

[docs]class TangoDS(Runner): """ tangods runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create tango datasources" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * with -b: datasources are created" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * without -b: datasources are created" \ + " on the local filesystem in -d <directory> \n" \ + " * default: <directory> is '.' \n" \ + " <server> is taken from Tango DB\n" \ + " <datasource> is 'exp_mot' \n" \ + " <host>, <port> are taken from <server>\n" \ + "\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate tangods -f1 -l2 -v p09/motor/exp. -s exp_mot \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'exp_mot01' and 'exp_mot02' datasources " \ + "of the 'TANGO' type\n" \ + " with the corresponding 'p09/motor/exp.0?' " \ + "device names\n" \ + " and 'Position' tango attribute names" \ + " in the local directory\n" \ + " where '?' is 1, 2 respectively \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate tangods -f1 -l32 -v p02/motor/eh1a. -s exp_mot" \ + " -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'exp_mot01', ... ,'exp_mot32'"\ " datasources " \ + "of the 'TANGO' type\n" \ + " with the corresponding 'p09/motor/eh1a.??' " \ + "device names\n" \ + " while their attribute name is 'Position' " \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer database\n" \ + " where '??' is 01, 02, ... ,32 respectively \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate tangods -v petra/globals/keyword " \ + "-s source_current -u haso228 -t 10000 \\ \n "\ + " -a BeamCurrent " \ + "-b -r p09/nxsconfigserver/haso228 -o -g __CLIENT__\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the a 'source_current' datasource " \ + "of the 'TANGO' type belonging to the '__CLIENT__' group \n" \ + " with the 'petra/globals/keyword' device name\n" \ + " while their attribute name is 'BeamCurrent', \n" \ + " their hostname is 'haso228', " \ + "their tango port is '10000'\n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer " \ + "'p09/nxsconfigserver/haso228' database\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate tangods -f1 -l8 -v pXX/slt/exp. -s slt_exp_ -u" \ + " -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'slt_exp_01', ... ,'slt_exp_08'" \ " datasources " \ + "of the 'TANGO' type\n" \ + " with the corresponding 'pXX/slt/exp.0?' " \ + "device names\n" \ + " while their attribute name is 'Position', \n" \ + " their hostname is '' " \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer database\n" \ + " where '??' is 1, 2, ... ,8 respectively \n" \ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument( "-v", "--device-prefix", help="device prefix, i.e. exp_c (mandatory)", dest="device", default="") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--first", help="first index", dest="first", default="1") parser.add_argument( "-l", "--last", help="last index", dest="last", default=None) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--attribute", help="tango attribute name", dest="attribute", default="Position") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--datasource-prefix", help="datasource-prefix " "(useful for avoiding duplicated datasource names)", dest="datasource", default="exp_mot") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="overwrite", help="overwrite existing datasources") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--directory", help="output datasource directory", dest="directory", default=".") parser.add_argument( "-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument( "-u", "--host", help="tango host name", dest="host", default="") parser.add_argument( "-t", "--port", help="tango host port", dest="port", default="10000") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store datasources in " "Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument( "-g", "--group", help="device group name", dest="group", default="") parser.add_argument( "-e", "--elementtype", help="element type, i.e. attribute, property or command", dest="elementtype", default="attribute") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") return parser
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser if (options.database and not options.server) or \ (not and not options.server): if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) options.server = checkServer() if options.database and not options.server: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if not if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write( "Info: No Tango Host or PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) hostport = getServerTangoHost(options.server), options.port = hostport.split(":") if options.database: print("CONFIG SERVER: %s" % str(options.server)) else: print("OUTPUT DIRECTORY: %s" % str( creator = TangoDSCreator(options, []) try: creator.create() except WrongParameterError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255)
[docs]class DeviceDS(Runner): """ deviceds runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create datasources for all device attributes" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * without <dv_attr1>: datasources for all" \ + " attributes are created\n" \ + " * with -b: datasources are created" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * without -b: datasources are created" \ + " on the local filesystem in -d <directory> \n" \ + " * default: <directory> is '.' \n" \ + " <server> is taken from Tango DB\n" \ + " <datasource> is 'exp_mot' \n" \ + " <host>, <port> are taken from <server>\n" \ + "\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate deviceds -v p09/pilatus/haso228k \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create datasources of the 'TANGO' type\n" \ + " for all attribute of 'p09/pilatus/haso228k'" \ + " tango device\n" \ + " in the local file directory " \ + "database \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate deviceds -v p09/lambda2m/haso228k -u" \ + "haslambda -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create datasources of the 'TANGO' type\n" \ + " for all attribute of 'p09/lambda2m/haso228k'" \ + " tango device\n" \ + " with their hostname 'haslambda' \n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer " \ + "database \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate deviceds -v p09/pilatus300k/haso228k -b" \ + " -s pilatus300k_ RoI Energy ExposureTime\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create datasources of the 'TANGO' type\n" \ + " for RoI Energy ExposureTime attribute of" \ + " 'p09/lambda2m/haso228k'" \ + " tango device\n" \ + " with the 'pilatus300k_' datasource prefix \n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer " \ + "database \n" \ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-v", "--device", help="device, i.e. p09/pilatus300k/01 (mandatory)", dest="device", default="") parser.add_argument("-s", "--datasource-prefix", help="datasource-prefix" " (useful for avoiding duplicated" " datasource names)", dest="datasource", default="") parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="overwrite", help="overwrite existing datasources") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="output datasource directory", dest="directory", default=".") parser.add_argument("-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument("-u", "--host", help="tango host name", dest="host", default="") parser.add_argument("-t", "--port", help="tango host port", dest="port", default="10000") parser.add_argument("-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store components in Configuration" " Server database") parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-group", action="store_true", default=False, dest="nogroup", help="don't create common group with a name of" " datasource prefix") parser.add_argument("-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument('args', metavar='attribute_name', type=str, nargs='*', help='attribute names of the tango device')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser if (options.database and not options.server) or \ (not and not options.server): if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) options.server = checkServer() if options.database and not options.server: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if not if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No Tango Host or PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) hostport = getServerTangoHost(options.server), options.port = hostport.split(":") if options.database: print("CONFIG SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("OUTPUT DIRECTORY: %s" % if not options.device.strip(): parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) if options.args: aargs = list(options.args) else: if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("CollCompCreator No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) aargs = getAttributes(options.device,, options.port) creator = DeviceDSCreator(options, aargs) creator.create()
[docs]class OnlineDS(Runner): """ onlineds runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create datasources from online.xml file" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * with -b: datasources are created" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * with -d <directory>: datasources are created" \ + " on the local filesystem\n" \ + " * without -b or -d <directory>: run in the test mode\n" \ + " * default: <inputFile> is '/online_dir/online.xml' \n" \ + " <server> is taken from Tango DB\n\n" \ + " `onlineds` overwrites existing datasources\n\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate onlineds -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create datasources from online.xml file \n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer database \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate onlineds -b -t \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - like above but set motor tango datasources to \n" \ + " be no __CLIENT__ like\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate onlineds -d /home/user/xmldir \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create datasources from online.xml file \n" \ + " and save them" \ " in the '/home/user/xmldir' directory \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate onlineds \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - run the command in test mode" \ + " without creating datasources \n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store components in" " Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument("-t", "--noclientlike", action="store_false", default=True, dest="clientlike", help="set motor tango datasources to " "be no __CLIENT__ like, i.e. pure tango-like") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="output directory where" " datasources will be saved", dest="directory", default="") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nolower", action="store_false", default=True, dest="lower", help="do not change aliases into lower case") parser.add_argument("-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument("-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument("-e", "--external", help="external configuration server", dest="external", default="") parser.add_argument("-p", "--xml-package", dest="xmlpackage", help="xml template package") parser.add_argument("-c", "--clientlike", action="store_true", default=False, dest="oldclientlike", help="set motor tango datasources to " "be __CLIENT__ like (deprecated)") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose", help="printout verbose mode")
[docs] def postauto(self): """ creates parser """ self._parser.add_argument('args', metavar='online_file', type=str, nargs='?', help='online.xml file')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) if not options.server: options.server = checkServer() if not options.server and options.database: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) args = [options.args] if options.args else [] if not len(args) and os.path.isfile('/online_dir/online.xml'): args = ['/online_dir/online.xml'] if not len(args): parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) print("INPUT: %s" % args) if print("OUTPUT DIR: %s" % elif options.database: print("SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("TEST MODE: %s" % options.server) creator = OnlineDSCreator(options, args) creator.create()
[docs]class PoolDS(Runner): """ poolds runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create datasources from sardana pool device" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * with -b: datasources are created" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * with -d <directory>: datasources are created" \ + " on the local filesystem\n" \ + " * without -b or -d <directory>: run in the test mode\n" \ + " * default: <channel> is 'ALL' \n" \ + " <server> is taken from Tango DB\n\n" \ + " <pool> is taken from Tango DB\n\n" \ + " `poolds` overwrites existing datasources\n\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate poolds -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create all datasources defined in the local Pool \n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer database \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate poolds -b -t \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - like above but set motor tango datasources to \n" \ + " be no __CLIENT__ like\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate poolds -d . -p p09/pool/haso228 \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create all datasources defined in the" \ " 'p09/pool/haso228' Pool \n" \ + " and save them in the local directory \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate poolds -b Motor CTExpChannel \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create datasources of " \ + "'Motor' and CTExpChannel classes \n" \ + " defined in the local Pool \n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer database \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate poolds -b mot01 mot03 \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create 'mot01' and 'mot03' datasources\n" \ + " defined in the local Pool \n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer database \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate poolds \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - run the command in test mode" \ + " without creating datasources \n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store components in" " Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument("-t", "--noclientlike", action="store_false", default=True, dest="clientlike", help="set motor tango datasources to " "be no __CLIENT__ like, i.e. pure tango-like") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="output directory where" " datasources will be saved", dest="directory", default="") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nolower", action="store_false", default=True, dest="lower", help="do not change aliases into lower case") parser.add_argument("-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument("-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pool", help="sardana pool device name", dest="pool", default="")
[docs] def postauto(self): """ creates parser """ self._parser.add_argument('args', metavar='channel', type=str, nargs='*', help='sardana pool channel types ' 'or name of aliases, ' 'e.g. Motor CTExpChannel ZeroDExpChannel ' 'OneDExpChannel TwoDExpChannel ' ' PseudoMotor PseudoCounter ALL')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) if not options.server: options.server = checkServer() if options.database and not options.server: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if not options.pool: options.pool = checkServer("Pool") if not options.pool: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) args = options.args print("INPUT: %s" % args) if print("OUTPUT DIR: %s" % elif options.database: print("SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("TEST MODE: %s" % options.server) creator = PoolDSCreator(options, args) creator.create()
[docs]class Compare(Runner): """ compare runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "compare two online.xml files" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * default: second file <online_file> is " \ + "'/online_dir/online.xml' \n" \ + " if only file is given\n\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate compare online.xml \n"\ + "\n" \ + " - compare 'online.xml' to '/online_dir/online.xml\n' " \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate compare /online_dir/online_040.xml online.xml \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - compare '/online_dir/online_040.xml' to 'online.xml'" \ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-n", "--nolower", action="store_false", default=True, dest="lower", help="do not change aliases into lower case")
[docs] def postauto(self): """ creates parser """ self._parser.add_argument('args', metavar='online_file', type=str, nargs='+', help='online.xml files')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ args = options.args if options.args else [] parser = self._parser if len(args) == 1 and os.path.isfile('/online_dir/online.xml'): args.append('/online_dir/online.xml') if len(args) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) creator = CompareOnlineDS(options, args)
[docs]class OnlineCP(Runner): """ onlinecp runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create component from online.xml file" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * without '-c <component>': show a list of possible components\n" \ + " * with -b: datasources are created" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * without -b: datasources are created" \ + " on the local filesystem in -d <directory> \n" \ + " * default: <directory> is '.' \n" \ + " * default: <inputFile> is '/online_dir/online.xml' \n" \ + " <server> is taken from Tango DB\n\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate onlinecp \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - list possible components which " \ + "can be created from online.xml \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate onlinecp -c pilatus -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'pilatus' component and its datasources\n" \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database\n"\ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate onlinecp -c lambda -d /home/user/xmldir/ \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'lambda' component and its datasources\n" \ + " in the '/home/user/xmldir/' directory\n"\ + "\n"\ + " nxscreate onlinecp -c lmbd -t lambda -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'lmbd' component of 'lambda' type " \ + "and its datasources\n" \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database\n"\ + "\n"\ + "\n"\ + " nxscreate onlinecp -c lmbd -t lambda -v p00/lmbd/1 " \ + "-u haso000 -w 10000 -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'lmbd' component of 'lambda' type " \ + "and its datasources without online.xml\n" \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database\n"\ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-c", "--component", help="component name" + "related to the device name from <inputFile>", dest="component", default="") parser.add_argument("-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store components in" "Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument("-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", help="component type", dest="cptype", default="") parser.add_argument("-v", "--device", help="device, i.e. p09/pilatus300k/01", dest="device", default="") parser.add_argument("-u", "--host", help="tango host name", dest="host", default="") parser.add_argument("-w", "--port", help="tango host port", dest="port", default="") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nolower", action="store_false", default=True, dest="lower", help="do not change aliases into lower case") parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="overwrite", help="overwrite existing component") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="output datasource directory", dest="directory", default=".") parser.add_argument("-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument("-e", "--external", help="external configuration server", dest="external", default="") parser.add_argument("-p", "--xml-package", dest="xmlpackage", help="xml template package") parser.add_argument("-y", "--entryname", dest="entryname", help="entry group name (prefix)", default="scan") parser.add_argument("-i", "--insname", dest="insname", help="instrument group name", default="instrument")
[docs] def postauto(self): """ creates parser """ self._parser.add_argument('args', metavar='online_file', type=str, nargs='?', help='online.xml file')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) if not options.server: options.server = checkServer() if not options.server and options.database: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) args = [options.args] if options.args else [] if not options.component or not options.device or not options.cptype: if not len(args) and os.path.isfile('/online_dir/online.xml'): args = ['/online_dir/online.xml'] if not len(args): parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) print("INPUT: %s" % args[0]) if options.database: print("SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("OUTPUT DIR: %s" % creator = OnlineCPCreator(options, args) if options.component: try: creator.create() except CPExistsException as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(255) else: lst = creator.listcomponents() print("\nPOSSIBLE COMPONENTS: \n %s" % " ".join(list(lst))) lst = creator.listcomponenttypes() print("\nPOSSIBLE COMPONENT TYPES: \n %s" % " ".join(list(lst)))
[docs]class StdComp(Runner): """ stdcomp runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create component from the standard templates" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * without '-t <type>': show a list of possible" \ + " component types\n" \ + " * with '-t <type> and without -c <component>:" \ + " show a list of component variables " \ + "for the given component type\n" \ + " * with -b: datasources are created" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * without -b: datasources are created" \ + " on the local filesystem in -d <directory> \n" \ + " * default: <directory> is '.' \n" \ + " * [name1 value1 [name2 value2] ...] sequence" \ + " defines component variable values \n\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate stdcomp \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - list possible component types\n" \ + " from the 'nxstools.xmltemplates' package\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate stdcomp -p nxsextrasp00 \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - list possible component types" \ + " from the 'nxsextrasp00' package\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate stdcomp -t source \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - list a description of 'source' component variables\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate stdcomp -t default -c default -m -b\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create 'default' component of the 'default' type\n" \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database"\ + " and set it as mandatory\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate stdcomp -t slit -c front_slit1" \ + " xgap slt1x ygap slt1y\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create 'front_slit1' component of the 'slit' type\n" \ + " where variables xgap='slt1x' and ygap='slt1and'" \ + " in the local directory \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate stdcomp -p nxsextrasp08 -t analyzer " \ + " -c analyzer1 v anav roll anaroll -b\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create 'analyzer1' component of " \ + "the 'analyzer type'\n" \ + " where variables v='anav' and roll='amaroll'"\ + " in the NXSConfigServer database\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-c", "--component", help="component name", dest="component", default="") parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", help="component type", dest="cptype", default="") parser.add_argument("-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument("-p", "--xml-package", dest="xmlpackage", help="xml template package") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nolower", action="store_false", default=True, dest="lower", help="do not change aliases into lower case") parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="overwrite", help="overwrite existing component") parser.add_argument("-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store components in" "Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="output datasource directory", dest="directory", default=".") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mandatory", action="store_true", default=False, dest="mandatory", help="set the component as mandatory") parser.add_argument("-e", "--external", help="external configuration server", dest="external", default="") parser.add_argument("-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument("-y", "--entryname", dest="entryname", help="entry group name (prefix)", default="scan") parser.add_argument("-i", "--insname", dest="insname", help="instrument group name", default="instrument") parser.add_argument('args', metavar='key value', type=str, nargs='*', help='pairs of (key value) for template variables')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(255) args = options.args or [] creator = StandardCPCreator(options, args) if options.component and options.cptype: if not options.server: options.server = checkServer() if not options.server and options.database: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if options.database: print("SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("OUTPUT DIR: %s" % try: creator.create() except CPExistsException as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(255) except DSExistsException as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(255) elif options.cptype: dct = creator.listcomponentvariables() print("\nCOMPONENT VARIABLES:") for var in sorted(dct.keys()): desc = dct[var] if not var.startswith('__') and not var.endswith('__'): print(" %s - %s [default: '%s']" % (var, desc['doc'], desc['default'])) else: parser.print_help() print("") lst = sorted(creator.listcomponenttypes()) print("\nPOSSIBLE COMPONENT TYPES: \n %s" % " ".join(lst))
[docs]class Comp(Runner): """ comp runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create simple components" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * with -b: components are created (without datasources)" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * without -b: components are created (without datasources)" \ + " on the local filesystem in -d <directory> \n" \ + " * default: <directory> is '.' \n" \ + " <server> is taken from Tango DB\n" \ + " <strategy> is step\n" \ + " <type> is NX_FLOAT\n" \ + " <chunk> is SCALAR\n" \ + " <nexuspath> is " \ + "\"/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry" \ + "/instrument/collection/\"\n" \ + "\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate comp counter \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'counter' component" \ + " in the local directory \n" \ + " which sets fetching data in the 'STEP' mode from " \ + "a 'counter' datasource to \n" \ + " '/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/" \ + "instrument:NXinstrument/collection:NXcollection/counter' \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate comp -f5 -l7 -v exp_c -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'exp_c05', 'exp_c06' 'exp_c07' components" \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database \n" \ + " which set fetching data in the 'STEP' mode from " \ + " corresponding 'exp_c0?' datasources to corresponding\n" \ + " '/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/" \ + "instrument:NXinstrument/collection:NXcollection/exp_c0?'\n" \ + " where '?' is 5, 6, 7 respectively \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate comp lambda -d /home/user/xmldir/ \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'lambda' component" \ + " in the '/home/user/xmldir/' directory \n" \ + " which sets fetching data in the 'STEP' mode from " \ + "a 'lambda' datasource to \n" \ + " '/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/" \ + "instrument:NXinstrument/collection:NXcollection/lambda' \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate comp -n " \ + "\"/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/instrument/" \ + "sis3302:NXdetector/collection:NXcollection/\" " \ + "-v sis3302_1_roi -f1 -l3 " \ + " -g FINAL -t NX_FLOAT64 -k -b -m \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'sis3302_1_roi1', sis3302_1_roi2'," \ + " sis3302_1_roi3' components" \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database \n" \ + " which set fetching data in the 'FINAL' mode from" \ + " corresponding 'sis3302_1_roi?' datasources to corresponding\n" \ + " '/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/" \ + "instrument:NXinstrument/sis3302:NXdetector/" \ + "collection:NXcollection/sis3302_1_roi?'\n" \ + " float64 fields and creates corresponding\n" \ + " '/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/" \ + "data:NXdata/sis3302_1_roi?' links\n" \ + " where '?' is 1, 2, 3 respectively \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate comp -n " \ + "\"/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/instrument/" \ + "eh1_mca01:NXdetector/data\" eh1_mca01 -g STEP -t NX_FLOAT64" \ + " -i -b -c SPECTRUM\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'eh1_mca01' component" \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database \n" \ + " which set fetching STECTRUM data in the " \ + "'STEP' mode from" \ + " a 'eh1_mca01' datasource to \n" \ + " '/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/" \ + "instrument:NXinstrument/eh1_mca01:NXdetector/data\n" \ + " float64 fields and creates \n" \ + " '/\\$var.entryname#'scan'\\$var.serialno:NXentry/" \ + "data:NXdata/eh1_mca01' links\n" \ + "\n" \ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument( "-v", "--device-prefix", help="device prefix, i.e. exp_c", dest="device", default="") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--first", help="first index", dest="first", default="1") parser.add_argument( "-l", "--last", help="last index", dest="last", default=None) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="overwrite", help="overwrite existing components") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--can-fail", action="store_true", default=False, dest="canfail", help="can fail strategy flag") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--directory", help="output component directory", dest="directory", default=".") parser.add_argument( "-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument( "-n", "--nexuspath", help="nexus path with field name", dest="nexuspath", default="") parser.add_argument( "-g", "--strategy", help="writing strategy, i.e. " "STEP, INIT, FINAL, POSTRUN", dest="strategy", default="STEP") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--datasource-prefix", help="datasource-prefix or datasourcename", dest="datasource", default="") parser.add_argument( "-t", "--type", help="nexus type of the field", dest="type", default="NX_FLOAT") parser.add_argument( "-u", "--units", help="nexus units of the field", dest="units", default="") parser.add_argument( "-k", "--links", action="store_true", default=False, dest="fieldlinks", help="create links with field name") parser.add_argument( "-i", "--source-links", action="store_true", default=False, dest="sourcelinks", help="create links with datasource name") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store components in " "Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--chunk", dest="chunk", default="SCALAR", help="chunk format, " "i.e. SCALAR, SPECTRUM, IMAGE") parser.add_argument( "-m", "--minimal-device", action="store_true", default=False, dest="minimal", help="device name without first '0'") parser.add_argument( "-e", "--depends", help="list of component dependencies separated by ','", dest="depends", default="") parser.add_argument( 'args', metavar='component_name', type=str, nargs='*', help='component names to be created') return parser
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ args = options.args or [] parser = self._parser if options.database and not options.server: if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) options.server = checkServer() if not options.server: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if options.database: print("CONFIG SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("OUTPUT DIRECTORY: %s" % creator = ComponentCreator(options, args) try: creator.create() except WrongParameterError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255)
[docs]class SECoPCP(Runner): """ secop component runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create secop components" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + " * with -b: components are created (without datasources)" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * without -b: components are created (without datasources)" \ + " on the local filesystem in -d <directory> \n" \ + " * default: <directory> is '.' \n" \ + " <port> is 5001\n" \ + "\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate secopcp \n" \ + " nxscreate secopcp -l \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - list all modules of the given node \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate secopcp -c temp_node -d . -j secopn_node.json \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the all secop components" \ + " in the local directory for the node configured" \ + " with the json file \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate secopcp T -t 5001 -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the component for the T secop module " \ + " in the NXSConfigServer database for the node on the port 5000 \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate secopcp -d /home/user/xmldir/ \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the all secop components" \ + " in the given directory\n" \ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ creates parser """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", action="store_true", default=False, dest="listmodules", help="list modules of the given node") parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="overwrite", help="overwrite existing components") parser.add_argument("-a", "--can-fail", action="store_true", default=False, dest="canfail", help="can fail strategy flag") parser.add_argument("-q", "--dynamic", action="store_true", default=False, dest="dynamiclinks", help="create dynamic links") parser.add_argument("--sample-nxdata", action="store_true", default=False, dest="samplenxdata", help="create NXdata in NXsample") parser.add_argument("-c", "--component", help="component name" + "secop component name", dest="component", default="") parser.add_argument("-e", "--param-strategy", help="sensor parameter strategy, " + "i.e. INIT, STEP or FINAL, " + "default: INIT", dest="paramstrategy", default="INIT") parser.add_argument("-g", "--strategy", help="sensor value strategy, " + "i.e. INIT, STEP or FINAL, " + "default: INIT", dest="strategy", default="INIT") parser.add_argument("-m", "--timeout", help="sensor minimum timeout " + "default: 0.001", dest="timeout", default=0.001) parser.add_argument("-s", "--sample", help="sample name", dest="samplename", default="sample") parser.add_argument("-w", "--sample-environment", help="sample environment name", dest="sampleenvname", default="sample_environment") parser.add_argument("-k", "--links", help="NXlog links of physical " "quantities to sensors " "separated by comman. Default: " "'temperature,magnetic_field," "electric_field," "stress_field,pressure'", dest="meanings", default="temperature,magnetic_field," "electric_field," "stress_field,pressure") parser.add_argument("-v", "--environments", help="NXenvironment links of physical quantities " "separated by comman. " "Default: 'temperature,magnetic_field'", dest="environments", default="temperature,magnetic_field") parser.add_argument("-f", "--first", help="first linked targets separated by comman", dest="first", default="") parser.add_argument( "-z", "--transformation-attributes", dest="transattrs", default='{"rotation_z":' '{"transformation_type":"rotation","vector":[0,1,0]}}', help=("a JSON dictionary with transformation parameters i.e, " '"transformation_type", "vector", "depends_on".' ' Default: {"rotation_z":' '{"transformation_type":"rotation","vector":[0,1,0]}}')) parser.add_argument("-p", "--xml-package", dest="xmlpackage", help="xml template package") parser.add_argument("-y", "--entryname", dest="entryname", help="entry group name (prefix)", default="scan") parser.add_argument("-i", "--insname", dest="insname", help="instrument group name", default="instrument") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="output component directory", dest="directory") parser.add_argument("-j", "--json-file", help="json configuration file", dest="json") parser.add_argument("-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nolower", action="store_false", default=True, dest="lower", help="do not change aliases into lower case") parser.add_argument("-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store components in " "Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument("-u", "--host", help="secop host name", dest="host", default="") parser.add_argument("-t", "--port", help="secop host port", dest="port", default="5000") parser.add_argument("-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument('args', metavar='component_name', type=str, nargs='*', help='component names to be created') return parser
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ args = options.args or [] parser = self._parser if options.database and not options.server: if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) options.server = checkServer() if not options.server: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if not options.listmodules: if not options.database and not options.listmodules = True elif options.database: print("CONFIG SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("OUTPUT DIRECTORY: %s" % creator = SECoPCPCreator(options, args) try: if options.listmodules: modules = creator.listmodules() if modules: print("MODULES:\n %s" % " ".join(modules)) else: creator.create() except WrongParameterError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255)
[docs]class ClientDS(Runner): """ clientds runner""" #: (:obj:`str`) command description description = "create client datasources" #: (:obj:`str`) command epilog epilog = "" \ + "\n" \ + " * with -b: datasources are created" \ + " in Configuration Server database\n" \ + " * without -b: datasources are created" \ + " on the local filesystem in -d <directory> \n" \ + " * default: <directory> is '.' \n" \ + " <server> is taken from Tango DB\n" \ + "\n" \ + " examples:\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate clientds starttime -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'starttime' datasource " \ + "of the 'CLIENT' type with the 'starttime' record name\n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer " \ + "database \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate clientds title -d /home/user/xmldir \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'title' datasource " \ + "of the 'CLIENT' type with the 'title' record name\n" \ + " in the '/home/user/xmldir' directory\n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate clientds -v exp_c -f1 -l4 -b \n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'exp_c01', 'exp_c02', " \ "'exp_c03', 'exp_c04' datasources " \ + "of the 'CLIENT' type\n" \ + " with the corresponding 'exp_c0? " \ + "record names\n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer " \ + "database \n" \ + " where '?' is 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively \n" \ + "\n" \ + " nxscreate clientds -v " \ + "hasppXX:10000/expchan/vfcadc_exp/" \ + " -f5 -l8 -m -b -s exp_vfc\n" \ + "\n" \ + " - create the 'exp_vfc05', 'exp_vfc06', " \ "'exp_vfc07', 'exp_vfc08' datasources " \ + "of the 'CLIENT' type\n" \ + " with the corresponding " \ + "'hasppXX:10000/expchan/vfcadc_exp/?' record names\n" \ + " and upload them to the NXSConfigServer " \ + "database \n" \ + " where '?' is 5, 6, 7, 8 respectively \n" \ + "\n"
[docs] def create(self): """ parser creator """ parser = self._parser parser.add_argument("-v", "--device-prefix", help="device prefix, i.e. exp_c " "(mandatory w/o <name1>)", dest="device", default="") parser.add_argument("-f", "--first", help="first index (mandatory w/o <name1>)", dest="first", default="1") parser.add_argument("-l", "--last", help="last index (mandatory w/o <name1>)", dest="last", default=None) parser.add_argument("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, dest="overwrite", help="overwrite existing datasources") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="output datasource directory", dest="directory", default=".") parser.add_argument("-x", "--file-prefix", help="file prefix, i.e. counter", dest="file", default="") parser.add_argument("-s", "--datasource-prefix", help="datasource prefix, i.e. counter" " (useful for avoiding duplicated " "datasource names)", dest="dsource", default="") parser.add_argument("-b", "--database", action="store_true", default=False, dest="database", help="store datasources in " "Configuration Server database") parser.add_argument("-m", "--minimal-device", action="store_true", default=False, dest="minimal", help="device name without first '0'") parser.add_argument("-r", "--server", dest="server", help="configuration server device name") parser.add_argument('args', metavar='device_name', type=str, nargs='*', help='device names to create')
[docs] def run(self, options): """ the main program function :param options: parser options :type options: :class:`argparse.Namespace` """ parser = self._parser if options.database and not options.server: if not PYTANGO: sys.stderr.write("Info: No PyTango installed\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(255) options.server = checkServer() if not options.server: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if options.database: print("CONFIG SERVER: %s" % options.server) else: print("OUTPUT DIRECTORY: %s" % creator = ClientDSCreator(options, options.args or []) try: creator.create() except WrongParameterError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() sys.exit(255)
def _supportoldcommands(): """ replace the old command names to the new ones """ oldnew = { 'compare': 'cmp_onlinexml', } if sys.argv and len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] in oldnew.keys(): sys.argv[1] = oldnew[sys.argv[1]]
[docs]def main(): """ the main program function """ description = " Command-line tool for creating NXSConfigServer" \ + " configuration of Nexus Files" # _supportoldcommands() epilog = 'For more help:\n nxscreate <sub-command> -h' parser = NXSArgParser( description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.cmdrunners = [('clientds', ClientDS), ('tangods', TangoDS), ('deviceds', DeviceDS), ('onlinecp', OnlineCP), ('onlineds', OnlineDS), ('poolds', PoolDS), ('stdcomp', StdComp), ('comp', Comp), ('secopcp', SECoPCP), ('compare', Compare)] runners = parser.createSubParsers() try: options = parser.parse_args() except ErrorException as e: sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(e)) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(255) if options.subparser is None: sys.stderr.write( "Error: %s\n" % str("too few arguments")) sys.stderr.flush() parser.print_help() print("") sys.exit(255) runners[options.subparser].run(options)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()