Source code for nxstools.nxscreator

#   This file is part of nexdatas - Tango Server for NeXus data writer
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 DESY, Jan Kotanski <>
#    nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with nexdatas.  If not, see <>.

""" Command-line tool for creating to the nexdatas configuration server """

import copy
import os.path
import json
import sys

from operator import itemgetter

import lxml.etree as etree
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
from lxml.etree import XMLParser

from nxstools.nxsdevicetools import (
    storeDataSource, getDataSourceComponents, storeComponent,
    moduleAttributes, motorModules,
    generateDeviceNames, getServerTangoHost,
    openServer, findClassName,
from nxstools.nxsxml import (XMLFile, NDSource, NGroup, NField, NLink,
                             NAttr, NDimensions)
from nxstools.pyeval.secop import secop_cmd

#: (:obj:`bool`) True if PyTango available
        import tango
    except Exception:
        import PyTango as tango
    PYTANGO = True
except Exception:

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    basestring = str
    unicode = str

npTn = {"double": "NX_FLOAT64",
        "int": "NX_INT64",
        "string": "NX_CHAR",
        "bool": "NX_BOOLEAN"}

mnTme = {
    "temperature": "temperature",
    "temperature_regulation": "temperature",
    "magneticfield": "magnetic_field",
    "electricfield": "electric_field",
    "pressure": "pressure",
    "flowrate": "flow",

    # not defined in NeXus yet
    # "humidity": "humidity",
    # "viscosity": "viscosity",
    # "concentration": "concentration",
    # "rotation_z": "rotation_z",

    # not defined in secop yet
    "ph": "pH",
    "conductivity": "conductivity",
    "resistance": "resistance",
    "voltage": "voltage",
    "surfacepressure": "surface_pressure",
    "stress": "stress",
    "strain": "strain",
    "shear": "shear",

[docs]class CPExistsException(Exception): """ Component already exists exception """
[docs]class DSExistsException(Exception): """ DataSource already exists exception """
def _tostr(text): """ converts text to str type :param text: text :type text: :obj:`bytes` or :obj:`unicode` :returns: text in str type :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if hasattr(text, "tostring"): text = text.tostring() if isinstance(text, str): return text elif sys.version_info > (3,): return str(text, encoding="utf8") else: return str(text) def _toxml(node): """ provides xml content of the whole node :param node: DOM node :type node: :class:`xml.dom.Node` :returns: xml content string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if sys.version_info > (3,): xml = _tostr(et.tostring(node, encoding='unicode', method='xml')) else: xml = _tostr(et.tostring(node, encoding='utf8', method='xml')) if xml.startswith("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>"): xml = str(xml[38:]) return xml def _simpletoxml(node): """ provides xml content of the whole node :param node: DOM node :type node: :class:`xml.dom.Node` :returns: xml content string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if sys.version_info > (3,): return _tostr(et.tostring(node, encoding='unicode', method='xml')) else: return _tostr(et.tostring(node, encoding='utf8', method='xml'))
[docs]class Device(object): """ device from online.xml """ __slots__ = [ 'name', 'dtype', 'module', 'tdevice', 'sdevice', 'hostname', 'sardananame', 'sardanahostname', 'host', 'port', 'shost', 'sport', 'thost', 'tport', 'group', 'attribute'] def __init__(self): #: (:obj:`str`) device name = None #: (:obj:`str`) device type self.dtype = None #: (:obj:`str`) device module self.module = None #: (:obj:`str`) tango device name self.tdevice = None #: (:obj:`str`) sardana device name self.sdevice = None #: (:obj:`str`) host name with port self.hostname = None #: (:obj:`str`) sardana name with port self.sardananame = None #: (:obj:`str`) sardana host name self.sardanahostname = None #: (:obj:`str`) host without port = None #: (:obj:`str`) port self.port = None #: (:obj:`str`) tango host without port self.thost = None #: (:obj:`str`) tango port self.tport = None #: (:obj:`str`) sardana host without port self.shost = None #: (:obj:`str`) sardana tango port = None #: (:obj:`str`) datasource tango group = None #: (:obj:`str`) attribute name self.attribute = None
[docs] def compare(self, dv): dct = {} tocompare = [ "name", "dtype", "module", "tdevice", "hostname", "sardananame", "sardanahostname"] for at in tocompare: v1 = getattr(self, at) v2 = getattr(dv, at) if v1 != v2: dct[at] = (str(v1) if v1 else v1, str(v2) if v2 else v2) return dct
[docs] def tolower(self): """ converts `name`, `module`, `tdevice`, `hostname` into lower case """ if = if self.module: self.module = self.module.lower() if self.tdevice: self.tdevice = self.tdevice.lower() if self.hostname: self.hostname = self.hostname.lower()
[docs] def splitHostPort(self): """ spilts host name from port """ if self.hostname: = self.hostname.split(":")[0] self.port = self.hostname.split(":")[1] \ if len(self.hostname.split(":")) > 1 else None self.thost = self.tport = self.port else: = None self.port = None raise Exception("hostname not defined")
[docs] def findDevice(self, tangohost): """ sets sardana device name and sardana host/port of online.xml device :param tangohost: tango host :type tangohost: :obj:`str` """ mhost = self.sardanahostname or tangohost self.sdevice = None self.shost = None = None if PYTANGO: try: dp = tango.DeviceProxy(str("%s/%s" % (mhost, mdevice = str( # self.hostname = mhost self.shost = mhost.split(":")[0] if len(mhost.split(":")) > 1: = mhost.split(":")[1] self.sdevice = mdevice except Exception: pass
[docs] def findAttribute(self, tangohost, clientlike=False): """ sets attribute and datasource group of online.xml device :param tangohost: tango host :type tangohost: :obj:`str` :param clientlike: tango motors to be client like :type clientlike: :obj:`bool` """ mhost = self.sardanahostname or tangohost = None self.attribute = None spdevice = self.tdevice.split("/") if mhost and len(spdevice) > 3: self.attribute = spdevice[3] self.tdevice = "/".join(spdevice[0:3]) self.hostname = mhost if self.module in motorModules or self.dtype == 'stepping_motor': if self.attribute is None: self.attribute = 'Position' if clientlike: = '__CLIENT__' elif PYTANGO and self.module in moduleAttributes: try: try: dp = tango.DeviceProxy( str("%s/%s" % (mhost, self.sardananame))) except Exception: dp = tango.DeviceProxy(str("%s/%s" % (mhost, mdevice = str( sarattr = moduleAttributes[self.module][0] if not sarattr or \ sarattr not in dp.get_attribute_list(): raise Exception("Missing attribute: Value") self.hostname = mhost = mhost.split(":")[0] self.shost = if len(mhost.split(":")) > 1: self.port = mhost.split(":")[1] = self.port if mdevice: self.sdevice = mdevice self.attribute = sarattr = '__CLIENT__' except Exception: if moduleAttributes[self.module][1]: if self.attribute is None: self.attribute = moduleAttributes[self.module][1] = '__CLIENT__'
[docs] def setSardanaName(self, tolower): """ sets sardana name :param tolower: If True name in lowercase :type tolower: :obj:`bool` """ = self.sardananame or if tolower: =
[docs]class Creator(object): """ configuration server adapter """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ #: (:class:`optparse.Values`) creator options self.options = options #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` >) creator arguments self.args = args #: (:obj:`bool`) if printout is enable self._printouts = printouts @classmethod def _areComponentsAvailable(cls, names, server, lower=False): """ checks if the components are available :param names: component names :type names: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param server: server name :type server: :obj:`str` :param lower: checks lower case name :type lower: :obj:`bool` :returns: a subset of available components :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > """ try: proxy = openServer(server) proxy.Open() acps = proxy.availableComponents() except Exception: raise Exception("Cannot connect to %s" % server) cps = [] for name in names: if name in acps or (lower and name.lower() in acps): cps.append(name) return cps @classmethod def _componentFilesExist(cls, names, fileprefix, directory): """ checks if the components files exist :param names: component names :type names: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param fileprefix: file name prefix :type fileprefix: :obj:`str` :param directory: file directory :type directory: :obj:`str` :param lower: checks lower case name :type lower: :obj:`bool` :returns: a subset of available components :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > """ cps = [] for name in names: fname = "%s/%s%s.xml" % (directory, fileprefix, name) if os.path.exists(fname): cps.append(fname) return cps @classmethod def _areDataSourcesAvailable(cls, names, server, lower=False): """ checks if the datasources are available :param names: datasource names :type names: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param server: server name :type server: :obj:`str` :param lower: checks lower case name :type lower: :obj:`bool` :returns: a subset of available datasources :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > """ try: proxy = openServer(server) proxy.Open() adss = proxy.availableDataSources() except Exception: raise Exception("Cannot connect to %s" % server) dss = [] for name in names: if name in adss or (lower and name.lower() in adss): dss.append(name) return dss @classmethod def _dataSourceFilesExist(cls, names, fileprefix, directory): """ checks if the datasources files exist :param names: datasource names :type names: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param fileprefix: file name prefix :type fileprefix: :obj:`str` :param directory: file directory :type directory: :obj:`str` :param lower: checks lower case name :type lower: :obj:`bool` :returns: a subset of available datasources :rtype: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > """ dss = [] for name in names: fname = "%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (directory, fileprefix, name) if os.path.exists(fname): dss.append(fname) return dss @classmethod def _createTangoDataSource( cls, name, directory, fileprefix, server, device, elementname, host, port="10000", group=None, elementtype=None): """ creates TANGO datasource file :param name: device name :type name: :obj:`str` :param directory: output file directory :type directory: :obj:`str` :param fileprefix: file name prefix :type fileprefix: :obj:`str` :param server: server name :type server: :obj:`str` :param device: device name :type device: :obj:`str` :param elementname: element name, e.g. attribute name :type elementname: :obj:`str` :param host: tango host name :type host: :obj:`str` :param port: tango port :type port: :obj:`str` :parma group: datasource tango group :type group: :obj:`str` :parma elementtype: element type, i.e. attribute, property or command :type elementtype: :obj:`str` :returns: xml string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ df = XMLFile("%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (directory, fileprefix, name)) sr = NDSource(df) sr.initTango(name, device, elementtype or "attribute", elementname, host, port, group=group) xml = df.prettyPrint() if server: storeDataSource(name, xml, server) elif directory is not None and fileprefix is not None: df.dump() return xml @classmethod def _createClientDataSource( cls, name, directory, fileprefix, server, dsname=None): """ creates CLIENT datasource file :param name: device name :type name: :obj:`str` :param directory: output file directory :type directory: :obj:`str` :param fileprefix: file name prefix :type fileprefix: :obj:`str` :param server: server name :type server: :obj:`str` :param dsname: datasource name :type dsname: :obj:`str` :returns: xml string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ dname = name if not dsname else dsname df = XMLFile("%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (directory, fileprefix, dname)) print("%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (directory, fileprefix, dname)) sr = NDSource(df) sr.initClient(dname, name) xml = df.prettyPrint() if server: storeDataSource(dname, xml, server) elif directory is not None and fileprefix is not None: df.dump() return xml @classmethod def __patheval(cls, nexuspath): """ splits nexus path into list :param nexuspath: nexus path :type nexuspath: :obj:`str` :returns: nexus path in lists of (name, NXtype) :rtype: :obj:`list` < (:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`) > """ pathlist = [] spath = nexuspath.split("/") if spath: for sp in spath[:-1]: nlist = sp.split(":") if len(nlist) == 2: if len(nlist[0]) == 0 and \ len(nlist[1]) > 2 and nlist[1].startswith("NX"): pathlist.append((nlist[1][2:], nlist[1])) else: pathlist.append((nlist[0], nlist[1])) elif len(nlist) == 1 and nlist[0]: if len(nlist[0]) > 2 and nlist[0].startswith("NX"): pathlist.append((nlist[0][2:], nlist[0])) else: pathlist.append((nlist[0], "NX" + nlist[0])) pathlist.append((spath[-1], None)) return pathlist @classmethod def __createTree(cls, df, nexuspath, name, nexusType, strategy, units, link, chunk, canfail=None, depends=None): """ create nexus node tree :param df: definition parent node :type df: :class:'nxstools.nxsxml.XMLFile' :param nexuspath: nexus path :type nexuspath: :obj:`str` :param name: name :type name: :obj:`str` :param nexusType: nexus type :type nexusType: :obj:`str` :param strategy: strategy mode :type startegy: :obj:`str` :param units: field units :type units: :obj:`str` :param links: if create link :type links: :obj:`bool` :param chunk: chunk size, e.g. `SCALAR`, `SPECTRUM` or `IMAGE` :type chunk: :obj:`str` :param canfail: can fail strategy flag :type canfail: :obj:`bool` :param depends: a list of component dependencies separated by ',' :type depends: :obj:`str` """ pathlist = cls.__patheval(nexuspath) entry = None parent = df for path in pathlist[:-1]: child = NGroup(parent, path[0], path[1]) if parent == df: entry = child parent = child if pathlist: fname = pathlist[-1][0] or name field = NField(parent, fname, nexusType) field.setStrategy(strategy, canfail=canfail) if units.strip(): field.setUnits(units.strip()) field.setText("$datasources.%s" % name) if chunk != 'SCALAR': if chunk == 'SPECTRUM': NDimensions(field, "1") elif chunk == 'IMAGE': NDimensions(field, "2") if link and entry: npath = (nexuspath + name) \ if nexuspath[-1] == '/' else nexuspath data = NGroup(entry, "data", "NXdata") if link > 1: NLink(data, name, npath) else: NLink(data, fname, npath) if depends: deps = [dp for dp in depends.split(",") if dp] if deps: df.setDependencies(deps, entry) @classmethod def _createComponent(cls, name, directory, fileprefix, nexuspath, strategy, nexusType, units, links, server, chunk, dsname, canfail=None, depends=None): """ creates component file :param name: component name :type name: :obj:`str` :param directory: output file directory :type directory: :obj:`str` :param fileprefix: file name prefix :type fileprefix: :obj:`str` :param nexuspath: nexus path :type nexuspath: :obj:`str` :param strategy: field strategy :type startegy: :obj:`str` :param nexusType: nexus Type of the field :type nexusType: :obj:`str` :param units: field units :type units: :obj:`str` :param link: nxdata link :type links: :obj:`bool` :param server: configuration server :type server: :obj:`str` :returns: component xml :rtype: :obj:`str` :param dsname: datasource name :type dsname: :obj:`str` :param canfail: can fail strategy flag :type canfail: :obj:`bool` :param depends: a list of component dependencies separated by ',' :type depends: :obj:`str` """ defpath = "/$var.entryname#'scan'$var.serialno:NXentry/instrument" \ + "/collection/%s" % (dsname or name) df = XMLFile("%s/%s%s.xml" % (directory, fileprefix, name)) cls.__createTree(df, nexuspath or defpath, dsname or name, nexusType, strategy, units, links, chunk, canfail, depends) xml = df.prettyPrint() if server: storeComponent(name, xml, server) elif directory is not None and fileprefix is not None: df.dump() return xml @classmethod def _getText(cls, node): """ provides xml content of the node :param node: DOM node :type node: :class:`lxml.etree.Element` :returns: xml content string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if node is None: return xml = _toxml(node) start = xml.find('>') end = xml.rfind('<') if start == -1 or end < start: return "" return xml[start + 1:end].replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&gt;", "<"). \ replace("&quot;", "\"").replace("&amp;", "&") @classmethod def _getChildText(cls, parent, childname): """ provides text of child named by childname :param parent: parent node :type parent: :class:`lxml.etree.Element` :param childname: child name :type childname: :opj:`str` :returns: text string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ children = parent.findall(childname) return cls._getText(children[0]) if len(children) else None def _getModuleName(self, device): """ provides module name :param device: device name :type device: :obj:`str` :returns: module name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if device.module.lower() in \ self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes.keys(): return device.module.lower() elif len(device.tdevice.split('/')) == 3: try: classname = findClassName(device.hostname, device.tdevice) if classname.lower() \ in self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes.keys(): return classname.lower() except Exception: pass if device.module.lower() == 'module_tango' \ and len(device.tdevice.split('/')) == 3 \ and device.tdevice.split('/')[1] \ in self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes.keys(): return device.tdevice.split('/')[1].lower()
[docs]class WrongParameterError(Exception): """ wrong parameter exception """ pass
[docs]class ComponentCreator(Creator): """ component creator """
[docs] def create(self): """ creates a component xml and stores it in DB or filesytem """ aargs = [] if self.options.device.strip(): try: first = int(self.options.first) except Exception: raise WrongParameterError( "ComponentCreator Invalid --first parameter\n") try: last = int(self.options.last) except Exception: raise WrongParameterError( "ComponentCreator Invalid --last parameter\n") aargs = generateDeviceNames(self.options.device, first, last, self.options.minimal) if self.options.datasource: dsargs = generateDeviceNames( self.options.datasource, first, last, self.options.minimal) or None else: dsargs = None else: dsargs = None self.args += aargs if not len(self.args): raise WrongParameterError("") if dsargs is None and self.options.datasource: dsargs = [self.options.datasource] if dsargs is not None and len(self.args) != len(dsargs): raise WrongParameterError( "component names cannot be match into datasource namse") if self.options.database: if not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._areComponentsAvailable( self.args, self.options.server) if existing: raise CPExistsException( "Components '%s' already exist." % existing) elif not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._componentFilesExist( self.args, self.options.file, if existing: raise CPExistsException( "Component files '%s' already exist." % existing) for i, name in enumerate(self.args): dsname = dsargs[i] if dsargs is not None else None if not self.options.database: if self._printouts: print("CREATING: %s%s.xml" % (self.options.file, name)) else: if self._printouts: print("STORING: %s" % (name)) self._createComponent( name,, self.options.file, self.options.nexuspath, self.options.strategy, self.options.type, self.options.units, int(self.options.fieldlinks) + 2 * int( self.options.sourcelinks), self.options.server if self.options.database else None, self.options.chunk, dsname, self.options.canfail, self.options.depends )
[docs]class TangoDSCreator(Creator): """ tango datasource creator """
[docs] def create(self): """ creates a tango datasource xml and stores it in DB or filesytem """ dvargs = [] dsargs = [] if self.options.device.strip(): try: last = int(self.options.last) try: first = int(self.options.first) except Exception: first = 1 dvargs = generateDeviceNames( self.options.device, first, last) dsargs = generateDeviceNames( self.options.datasource, first, last) except Exception: dvargs = [str(self.options.device)] dsargs = [str(self.options.datasource)] if not dvargs or not len(dvargs): raise WrongParameterError("") if self.options.database: if not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._areDataSourcesAvailable( dsargs, self.options.server) if existing: raise DSExistsException( "DataSources '%s' already exist." % existing) elif not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._dataSourceFilesExist( dsargs, self.options.file, if existing: raise DSExistsException( "DataSource files '%s' already exist." % existing) for i in range(len(dvargs)): if not self.options.database: print("CREATING %s: %s%s.ds.xml" % ( dvargs[i], self.options.file, dsargs[i])) else: print("STORING %s: %s" % (dvargs[i], dsargs[i])) self._createTangoDataSource( dsargs[i],, self.options.file, self.options.server if self.options.database else None, dvargs[i], self.options.attribute,, self.options.port, or None, self.options.elementtype or "attribute" )
[docs]class ClientDSCreator(Creator): """ client datasource creator """
[docs] def create(self): """ creates a client datasource xml and stores it in DB or filesytem """ dsargs = None aargs = [] if self.options.device.strip(): try: first = int(self.options.first) except Exception: raise WrongParameterError( "ClientDSCreator: Invalid --first parameter\n") try: last = int(self.options.last) except Exception: raise WrongParameterError( "ClientDSCreator: Invalid --last parameter\n") aargs = generateDeviceNames(self.options.device, first, last, self.options.minimal) if self.options.dsource: dsaargs = generateDeviceNames( self.options.dsource, first, last) dsargs = list(self.args) + dsaargs self.args += aargs if not dsargs: dsargs = self.args if not len(self.args): raise WrongParameterError("") if self.options.database: if not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._areDataSourcesAvailable( dsargs, self.options.server) if existing: raise DSExistsException( "DataSources '%s' already exist." % existing) elif not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._dataSourceFilesExist( dsargs, self.options.file, if existing: raise DSExistsException( "DataSource files '%s' already exist." % existing) for i in range(len(self.args)): if not self.options.database: print("CREATING: %s%s.ds.xml" % ( self.options.file, dsargs[i])) else: print("STORING: %s" % (dsargs[i])) self._createClientDataSource( self.args[i],, self.options.file, self.options.server if self.options.database else None, dsargs[i])
[docs]class DeviceDSCreator(Creator): """ device datasource creator """
[docs] def create(self): """ creates a tango datasources xml of given device and stores it in DB or filesytem """ if self.options.database: if not self.options.overwrite: dsargs = [ "%s%s" % (self.options.datasource.lower(), at.lower()) for at in self.args ] existing = self._areDataSourcesAvailable( dsargs, self.options.server) if existing: raise DSExistsException( "DataSources '%s' already exist." % existing) elif not self.options.overwrite: dsargs = [ "%s%s" % (self.options.datasource.lower(), at.lower()) for at in self.args ] existing = self._dataSourceFilesExist( dsargs, self.options.file, if existing: raise DSExistsException( "DataSource files '%s' already exist." % existing) for at in self.args: dsname = "%s%s" % (self.options.datasource.lower(), at.lower()) if not self.options.database: if self._printouts: print("CREATING %s/%s: %s%s.ds.xml" % ( self.options.device, at, self.options.file, dsname)) else: if self._printouts: print("STORING %s/%s: %s" % ( self.options.device, at, dsname)) self._createTangoDataSource( dsname,, self.options.file, self.options.server if self.options.database else None, self.options.device, at,, self.options.port, self.options.datasource if not self.options.nogroup else None)
[docs]class PoolDSCreator(Creator): """ datasource creator of all sardana pool acquisition channels """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ Creator.__init__(self, options, args, printouts) #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str` >) datasource xml dictionary self.datasources = {} def _printAction(self, dv, dscps=None): """ prints out information about the performed action :param dv: online device object :type dv: :class:`Device` :param dscps: datasource components :type dscps: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > > """ if self._printouts: if hasattr(self.options, "directory") and \ print("CREATING %s: %s/%s%s.ds.xml" % ( dv.tdevice,, self.options.file, elif self.options.database: print("CREATING %s %s/%s/%s %s" % ( str( + ":" + " " * (34 - len( or "")), dv.hostname, dv.tdevice, str(dv.attribute) + " " * ( 70 - len(dv.tdevice or "") - len(dv.attribute or "") - len(dv.hostname or "")), ",".join(dscps[]) if (dscps and in dscps and dscps[]) else "")) else: print("TEST %s %s/%s/%s %s" % ( str( + ":" + " " * (34 - len( or "")), dv.hostname, dv.tdevice, str(dv.attribute) + " " * ( 70 - len(dv.tdevice or "") - len(dv.attribute or "") - len(dv.hostname or "")), ",".join(dscps[]) if (dscps and in dscps and dscps[]) else ""))
[docs] def create(self): """ creates datasources of all online.xml simple devices """ self.createXMLs() server = self.options.server if not hasattr(self.options, "directory") or \ not if self.options.database: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): storeDataSource(dsname, dsxml, server) else: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): with open("%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (, self.options.file, dsname), "w") as myfile: myfile.write(dsxml)
def __createDevice(self, name, source, clientlike=True): """ create Device from name source and chtype :param name: alias device name :type name: :obj:`str` :param source: device source string :type source: :obj:`str` :param clientlike: device to be client like :type clientlike: :obj:`bool` :returns: device object :rtype: :obj:`Device` """ dv = Device() if name and source: if source.startswith("tango://"): source = source[8:] slst = source.split('/') if not slst[0] or ":" not in slst[0] or len(slst) < 2: return dv hplst = slst[0].split(":") if len(hplst) != 2: return dv, dv.port = hplst[0], hplst[1] dv.hostname = slst[0] dv.attribute = slst[-1] = name dv.tdevice = "/".join(slst[1:-1]) if clientlike: = "__CLIENT__" return dv
[docs] def createXMLs(self): """ creates datasource xmls of all online.xml simple devices """ self.datasources = {} plname = self.options.pool motors = ['Motor', 'PseudoMotor'] expchnls = ['CTExpChannel', 'ZeroDExpChannel', 'OneDExpChannel', 'TwoDExpChannel', 'PseudoCounter'] if 'ALL' in self.args or not self.args: args = list(motors) args.extend(expchnls) else: args = list(self.args) try: plproxy = openServer(plname) except Exception: raise Exception("Cannot connect to %s" % plname) try: chlist = plproxy.ExpChannelList except Exception: chlist = [] try: motorlist = plproxy.MotorList except Exception: motorlist = [] for ellist in [chlist, motorlist]: for els in ellist: elprop = json.loads(els) or {} if 'name' in elprop.keys() \ and 'source' in elprop.keys() \ and 'type' in elprop.keys(): if elprop['name'] in args or elprop['type'] in args: dv = self.__createDevice( elprop['name'], elprop['source'], self.options.clientlike) if self.options.lower: dv.tolower() if dv.tdevice and dv.attribute and and dv.port: self._printAction(dv) xml = self._createTangoDataSource(, None, None, None, dv.tdevice, dv.attribute,, dv.port, self.datasources[] = xml
[docs]class OnlineDSCreator(Creator): """ datasource creator of all online.xml simple devices """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ Creator.__init__(self, options, args, printouts) #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str` >) datasource xml dictionary self.datasources = {} if options.xmlpackage: xmlPackageHandler.loadXMLTemplates(options.xmlpackage) else: xmlPackageHandler.loadXMLTemplates('nxstools.xmltemplates') #: (:obj:`str`) xml template component package path self.xmltemplatepath = xmlPackageHandler.packagepath #: (:obj:`str`) xml template component package self.xmlpackage = xmlPackageHandler.package def _printAction(self, dv, dscps=None): """ prints out information about the performed action :param dv: online device object :type dv: :class:`Device` :param dscps: datasource components :type dscps: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > > """ if self._printouts: if hasattr(self.options, "directory") and \ print("CREATING %s: %s/%s%s.ds.xml" % ( dv.tdevice,, self.options.file, elif self.options.database: print("CREATING %s %s/%s/%s %s" % ( str( + ":" + " " * (34 - len( or "")), dv.hostname, dv.tdevice, str(dv.attribute) + " " * ( 70 - len(dv.tdevice or "") - len(dv.attribute or "") - len(dv.hostname or "")), ",".join(dscps[]) if (dscps and in dscps and dscps[]) else "")) else: print("TEST %s %s %s %s/%s/%s %s" % ( str( + ":" + " " * (34 - len( or "")), str(dv.dtype) + ":" + " " * (20 - len(dv.dtype or "")), str(dv.module) + ":" + " " * (24 - len(dv.module or "")), dv.hostname, dv.tdevice, str(dv.attribute) + " " * ( 70 - len(dv.tdevice or "") - len(dv.attribute or "") - len(dv.hostname or "")), ",".join(dscps[]) if (dscps and in dscps and dscps[]) else ""))
[docs] def create(self): """ creates datasources of all online.xml simple devices """ self.createXMLs() server = self.options.server if not hasattr(self.options, "directory") or \ not if self.options.database: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): storeDataSource(dsname, dsxml, server) else: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): with open("%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (, self.options.file, dsname), "w") as myfile: myfile.write(dsxml)
[docs] def createXMLs(self): """ creates datasource xmls of all online.xml simple devices """ self.datasources = {} tangohost = getServerTangoHost( self.options.external or self.options.server) hw = etree.parse(self.args[0], parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)).getroot() if hw.tag != 'hw': hw = hw.find('hw') dscps = {} if self.options.server and self._printouts and \ ( not hasattr(self.options, "directory") or not ): try: dscps = getDataSourceComponents( self.options.server, self.options.verbose) except Exception: dscps = {} for device in hw: if device.tag == 'device': dv = Device() = self._getChildText(device, "name") dv.dtype = self._getChildText(device, "type") dv.module = self._getChildText(device, "module") dv.tdevice = self._getChildText(device, "device") dv.hostname = self._getChildText(device, "hostname") dv.sardananame = self._getChildText(device, "sardananame") dv.sardanahostname = self._getChildText( device, "sardanahostname") if self.options.lower: dv.tolower() try: dv.splitHostPort() except Exception: if self._printouts: print("ERROR %s: host for module %s of %s " "type not defined" % (, dv.module, dv.dtype)) continue dv.findAttribute(tangohost, self.options.clientlike) created = False if dv.attribute: dv.setSardanaName(self.options.lower) mdv = copy.copy(dv) mdv.tdevice = dv.sdevice or dv.tdevice self._printAction(mdv, dscps) xml = self._createTangoDataSource(, None, None, None, mdv.tdevice, mdv.attribute,, mdv.port, self.datasources[] = xml created = True module = self._getModuleName(dv) smodule = "%s@pool" % module.lower() if module else None if module and module.lower() in \ self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes.keys(): multattr = self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes[ module.lower()] for at in multattr: dsname = "%s_%s" % (, at.lower()) xml = self._createTangoDataSource( dsname, None, None, None, dv.tdevice, at, dv.thost, dv.tport, "%s_" % ( self.datasources[dsname] = xml mdv = copy.copy(dv) = dsname mdv.hostname = "%s:%s" % (dv.thost, dv.tport) mdv.attribute = at self._printAction(mdv, dscps) created = True if smodule in \ self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes.keys(): smultattr = self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes[ smodule] if smultattr and not dv.sdevice: if self._printouts: print( "SKIPPING %s: Device cannot be found" % else: for at in smultattr: dsname = "%s_%s" % (, at.lower()) xml = self._createTangoDataSource( dsname, None, None, None, dv.sdevice, at, dv.shost,, "%s_" % ( # "__CLIENT__") self.datasources[dsname] = xml mdv = copy.copy(dv) = dsname mdv.tdevice = dv.sdevice mdv.hostname = "%s:%s" % (dv.shost, mdv.attribute = at self._printAction(mdv, dscps) created = True if not created: if self._printouts: print( "SKIPPING %s: module '%s' of '%s' " "type not defined" % (, dv.module, dv.dtype))
[docs]class CPCreator(Creator): """ component creator of all online.xml complex devices """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ Creator.__init__(self, options, args, printouts) #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str` >) datasource xml dictionary self.datasources = {} #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`str` >) component xml dictionary self.components = {} #: component xml dictionary if options.xmlpackage: xmlPackageHandler.loadXMLTemplates(options.xmlpackage) else: xmlPackageHandler.loadXMLTemplates('nxstools.xmltemplates') #: (:obj:`str`) xml template component package path self.xmltemplatepath = xmlPackageHandler.packagepath #: (:obj:`str`) xml template component package self.xmlpackage = xmlPackageHandler.package
[docs] def create(self): """ creates components of all online.xml complex devices """ cpname = self.options.component if hasattr(self.options, "database") and \ self.options.database: server = self.options.server if not self.options.overwrite: if self._areComponentsAvailable( [cpname], server, self.options.lower): raise CPExistsException( "Component '%s' already exists." % cpname) elif not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._componentFilesExist( [cpname], self.options.file, if existing: raise CPExistsException( "Component files '%s' already exist." % existing) self.createXMLs() if not self.datasources and not self.components: raise CPExistsException( "Warning: Component %s cannot be created" % cpname) server = self.options.server if hasattr(self.options, "database") and \ self.options.database: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): storeDataSource(dsname, dsxml, server) for cpname, cpxml in self.components.items(): mand = False if hasattr(self.options, "mandatory") and \ self.options.mandatory: mand = True storeComponent(cpname, cpxml, server, mand) else: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): with open("%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (, self.options.file, dsname), "w") as myfile: myfile.write(dsxml) for cpname, cpxml in self.components.items(): with open("%s/%s%s.xml" % (, self.options.file, cpname), "w") as myfile: myfile.write(cpxml)
@classmethod def _replaceName(cls, filename, cpname, module=None): """ replaces name prefix of xml templates files :param filename: template filename :type filename: :obj:`str` :param cpname: output prefix :type cpname: :obj:`str` :param module: module name :type module: :obj:`str` :returns: output filename :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if filename.endswith(".ds.xml"): filename = filename[:-7] elif filename.endswith(".xml"): filename = filename[:-4] sname = filename.split("_") if not module or module == sname[0]: sname[0] = cpname return "_".join(sname)
[docs] def createXMLs(self): """ creates component xmls of all online.xml complex devices abstract method """ pass
[docs]class CompareOnlineDS(object): """ comparing tool for online.xml files """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ #: (:class:`optparse.Values`) creator options self.options = options #: (:obj:`list` < :obj:`str` >) creator arguments self.args = args #: (:obj:`bool`) if printout is enable self._printouts = printouts @classmethod def _getText(cls, node): """ provides xml content of the node :param node: DOM node :type node: :class:`lxml.etree.Element` :returns: xml content string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if node is None: return xml = _toxml(node) start = xml.find('>') end = xml.rfind('<') if start == -1 or end < start: return "" return xml[start + 1:end].replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&gt;", "<"). \ replace("&quot;", "\"").replace("&amp;", "&") @classmethod def _getChildText(cls, parent, childname): """ provides text of child named by childname :param parent: parent node :type parent: :class:`lxml.etree.Element` :param childname: child name :type childname: :opj:`str` :returns: text string :rtype: :obj:`str` """ children = parent.findall(childname) return cls._getText(children[0]) if len(children) else None def _load(self, fname): """ loads device data from online.xml file :param fname: filename :type fname: :obj:`str` :returns: dictionary with devices of the given name :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:class:`Device`>> """ dct = {} hw = etree.parse(fname, parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)).getroot() if hw.tag != 'hw': hw = hw.find('hw') for device in hw: if device.tag == 'device': name = self._getChildText(device, "name") if self.options.lower: name = name.lower() dv = Device() = name dv.dtype = self._getChildText(device, "type") dv.module = self._getChildText(device, "module") dv.tdevice = self._getChildText(device, "device") dv.hostname = self._getChildText(device, "hostname") dv.sardananame = self._getChildText(device, "sardananame") dv.sardanahostname = self._getChildText( device, "sardanahostname") sname = dv.sardananame or name if sname not in dct.keys(): dct[sname] = [] dct[sname].append(dv) return dct
[docs] def compare(self): if self._printouts: print("Comparing: %s\n" % " ".join(self.args)) dct1 = self._load(self.args[0]) dct2 = self._load(self.args[1]) common = sorted(set(dct1.keys()) & set(dct2.keys())) d1md2 = sorted(set(dct1.keys()) - set(dct2.keys())) d2md1 = sorted(set(dct2.keys()) - set(dct1.keys())) addd1 = dict((str(k), [(str( if else for dv in dct1[k]]) for k in d1md2) addd2 = dict((str(k), [(str( if else for dv in dct2[k]]) for k in d2md1) diff = {} for name in common: ndiff = {} l1 = [True] * len(dct1[name]) l2 = [True] * len(dct2[name]) for i1, dv1 in enumerate(dct1[name]): for i2, dv2 in enumerate(dct2[name]): if l1[i1] and l2[i2]: res = if not res: l1[i1] = False l2[i2] = False break else: ndiff["%s:%s" % (i1, i2)] = res if True in l1 and True not in l2: addd1[str(name)] = [] for i1, dv in enumerate(dct1[name]): if l1[i1]: addd1[str(name)].append( (str( if else elif True not in l1 and True in l2: addd2[str(name)] = [] for i2, dv in enumerate(dct2[name]): if l2[i2]: addd2[str(name)].append( (str( if else if True in l1 or True in l2: diff[str(name)] = [] for i1, dv1 in enumerate(dct1[name]): for i2, dv2 in enumerate(dct2[name]): if l1[i1] and l2[i2]: diff[str(name)].append(ndiff["%s:%s" % (i1, i2)]) if self._printouts: import pprint print("Additional devices in '%s' {alias: [name]} :\n" % self.args[0]) pprint.pprint(addd1) print("\nAdditional devices in '%s' {alias: [name]} :\n" % self.args[1]) pprint.pprint(addd2) print("\nDiffrences in the common part:\n") pprint.pprint(diff)
[docs]class OnlineCPCreator(CPCreator): """ component creator of online components """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ CPCreator.__init__(self, options, args, printouts) def _printAction(self, dv, dscps=None): """ prints out information about the performed action :param dv: online device object :type dv: :class:`Device` :param dscps: datasource components :type dscps: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > > """ if self._printouts: if hasattr(self.options, "database") and \ self.options.database: print("CREATING %s %s/%s %s" % ( str( + ":" + " " * (34 - len(, dv.hostname, str(dv.tdevice) + " " * ( 60 - len(dv.tdevice) - len(dv.hostname)), ",".join(dscps[]) if (dscps and in dscps and dscps[]) else "")) else: print("CREATING %s: %s/%s%s.ds.xml" % ( dv.tdevice,, self.options.file,
[docs] def listcomponents(self): """ provides a list of components with xml templates :returns: list of components with xml templates :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str` > """ hw = etree.parse( self.args[0], parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)).getroot() if hw.tag != 'hw': hw = hw.find('hw') cpnames = set() for device in hw: if device.tag == 'device': dvname = self._getChildText(device, "name") sardananame = self._getChildText(device, "sardananame") name = sardananame or dvname if self.options.lower: name = name.lower() dv = Device() = name dv.dtype = self._getChildText(device, "type") dv.module = self._getChildText(device, "module") dv.tdevice = self._getChildText(device, "device") dv.hostname = self._getChildText(device, "hostname") dv.sardananame = self._getChildText(device, "sardananame") dv.sardanahostname = self._getChildText( device, "sardanahostname") module = self._getModuleName(dv) if module: if module.lower() in self.xmlpackage.moduleTemplateFiles: cpnames.add( return cpnames
[docs] def listcomponenttypes(self): """ provides a list of standard component types :returns: list of standard component types :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ return list(sorted(self.xmlpackage.moduleTemplateFiles.keys()))
[docs] def createXMLs(self): """ creates component xmls of all online.xml complex devices """ self.datasources = {} self.components = {} if self.options.component and self.options.cptype and \ self.options.device: hw = [None] else: hw = etree.parse( self.args[0], parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)).getroot() if hw.tag != 'hw': hw = hw.find('hw') cpname = self.options.component tangohost = getServerTangoHost( self.options.external or self.options.server) for device in hw: if device is None or device.tag == 'device': if device is None: name = cpname else: dvname = self._getChildText(device, "name") sardananame = self._getChildText( device, "sardananame") name = sardananame or dvname if self.options.lower: name = name.lower() cpname = cpname.lower() if name == cpname: dv = Device() = name dv.dtype = self.options.cptype or \ self._getChildText(device, "type") dv.module = self.options.cptype or \ self._getChildText(device, "module") dv.tdevice = self.options.device or \ self._getChildText(device, "device") hostname = None if host = port = self.options.port \ if self.options.port else "10000" hostname = "%s:%s" % (host, port) if hostname is None and device is None: hostname = tangohost if hostname is not None: dv.hostname = hostname if hostname is None and device is not None: dv.hostname = self._getChildText(device, "hostname") if device is not None: dv.sardananame = \ self._getChildText(device, "sardananame") dv.sardanahostname = self._getChildText( device, "sardanahostname") dv.findDevice(tangohost) try: dv.splitHostPort() except Exception: if self._printouts: print("ERROR %s: host for module %s of %s " "type not defined" % (, dv.module, dv.dtype)) continue if self.options.cptype: module = self.options.cptype else: module = self._getModuleName(dv) if module: if module.lower() in \ self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes.keys(): multattr = self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes[ module.lower()] for at in multattr: dsname = "%s_%s" % (, at.lower()) xml = self._createTangoDataSource( dsname, None, None, None, dv.tdevice, at,, dv.port, "%s_" % ( self.datasources[dsname] = xml mdv = copy.copy(dv) = dsname mdv.attribute = at self._printAction(mdv) smodule = "%s@pool" % module.lower() if smodule in \ self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes.keys(): smultattr = self.xmlpackage.moduleMultiAttributes[ smodule] if smultattr and not dv.sdevice: raise Exception( "Device %s cannot be found" % for at in smultattr: dsname = "%s_%s" % (, at.lower()) xml = self._createTangoDataSource( dsname, None, None, None, dv.sdevice, at, dv.shost,, "%s_" % ( # "__CLIENT__") self.datasources[dsname] = xml mdv = copy.copy(dv) = dsname mdv.tdevice = dv.sdevice mdv.hostname = "%s:%s" % (dv.shost, mdv.attribute = at self._printAction(mdv) if module.lower() \ in self.xmlpackage.moduleTemplateFiles: xmlfiles = self.xmlpackage.moduleTemplateFiles[ module.lower()] for xmlfile in xmlfiles: newname = self._replaceName(xmlfile, cpname) with open( '%s/%s' % ( self.xmltemplatepath, xmlfile), "r" ) as content_file: xmlcontent = xml = xmlcontent.replace("$(name)", cpname)\ .replace("$(device)", dv.tdevice)\ .replace("$(__entryname__)", (self.options.entryname or "scan"))\ .replace("$(__insname__)", (self.options.insname or "instrument"))\ .replace("$(hostname)", dv.hostname) mdv = copy.copy(dv) = newname self._printAction(mdv) if xmlfile.endswith(".ds.xml"): self.datasources[newname] = xml else: self.components[newname] = xml
[docs]class SECoPCPCreator(CPCreator): """ component creator of secop components """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ CPCreator.__init__(self, options, args, printouts) def _printAction(self, name, ds=False): """ prints out information about the performed action :param name: component name :type name: :obj:`str` """ if self._printouts: if hasattr(self.options, "database") and \ self.options.database: print("CREATING '%s' of secop on '%s'" % ( name, self.options.server)) else: ext = ".ds" if ds else "" print("CREATING '%s' of secop in '%s/%s%s%s.xml'" % ( name,, self.options.file, name, ext))
[docs] def listmodules(self): """ provides a list of modules for the secop node :returns: list of modules for the secop node :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str` > """ names = [] conf = {} if self.options.json: with open(self.options.json) as fl: conf = json.load(fl) else: conf = secop_cmd( "describe",, int(self.options.port)) or {} modules = conf.get("modules", {}) if modules: names = [mname for mname in modules.keys()] # print(json.dumps(conf)) return names
def __createSECoPTree(self, df, name, conf, samplename=None, sampleenvname=None, modulenames=None, canfail=None, environments=None, meanings=None, first=None, transattrs=None, dynamiclinks=False, samplenxdata=False): """ create nexus node tree :param df: definition parent node :type df: :class:'nxstools.nxsxml.XMLFile' :param name: node name :type name: :obj:`str` :param conf: secop configuration :type conf: :obj:`dict` :param samplename: sample name :type samplename: :obj:`str` :param sampleenvname: sample environment name :type sampleenvname: :obj:`str` :param modulenames: module names :typae modulenames: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param canfail: can fail strategy flag :type canfail: :obj:`bool` :param environments: environments to link separated by comman :type environments: :obj:`str` :param meanings: physical quantity meaning to link separated by comman :type meanings: :obj:`str` :param first: first targets to link separated by comman :type first: :obj:`str` :param transattrs: JSON dictionary with transformation attributes :type transattrs: :obj:`str` :param dynamiclinks: dynamic links flag :type dynamiclinks: :obj:`bool` :param samplenxdata: sample nxdata :type samplenxdata: :obj:`bool` """ ename = "$var.entryname#'$(__entryname__)'$var.serialno".replace( "$(__entryname__)", (self.options.entryname or "scan")) entry = NGroup(df, ename, "NXentry") samplename = samplename or "sample" sampleenvname = sampleenvname or "sample_environment" sample = NGroup(entry, samplename, "NXsample") field = NField(sample, 'type', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText("sample") field.setStrategy('INIT') sampleenv = NGroup(entry, sampleenvname, "NXsample") field = NField(sampleenv, 'type', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText("sample environment") field.setStrategy('INIT') modules = conf.get("modules", {}) senv = None seenv = None for mname, mconf in modules.items(): if mname and (not senv or not seenv): if not modulenames or mname in modulenames: if not senv and "meaning" in mconf.keys(): senv = NGroup(sample, name or "environment", "NXenvironment") if not seenv and "meaning" not in mconf.keys(): seenv = NGroup(sampleenv, name or "environment", "NXenvironment") envs = [senv, seenv] for env in envs: if env: if 'equipment_id' in conf.keys(): field = NField(env, 'name', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText("%s" % str(conf['equipment_id'])) field.setStrategy('INIT') if name or 'equipment_id' in conf.keys(): field = NField(env, 'short_name', 'NX_CHAR') if name: field.setText("%s" % str(name)) elif 'equipment_id' in conf.keys(): field.setText("%s" % str(conf['equipment_id'])) field.setStrategy('INIT') if 'firmware' in conf.keys() or 'version' in conf.keys(): field = NField(env, 'type', 'NX_CHAR') txt = "" if 'firmware' in conf.keys(): txt = str(conf['firmware']) if 'version' in conf.keys(): if txt: txt = "%s (%s)" % (txt, str(conf['version'])) else: txt = "(%s)" % (str(conf['version'])) field.setText(txt) field.setStrategy('INIT') if 'description' in conf.keys(): field = NField(env, 'description', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText("%s" % str(conf['description'])) field.setStrategy('INIT') targets = (first or "").split(",") lmeanings = (meanings or "").split(",") lenvironments = (environments or "").split(",") try: trattrs = json.loads(transattrs or "{}") except Exception: trattrs = {} links = {} for mname, mconf in modules.items(): if mname: if not modulenames or mname in modulenames: lk = self.__createSECoPSensor( senv, seenv, mname, mconf, name, canfail, samplename, sampleenvname, trattrs) if lk and isinstance(lk, dict): links.update(lk) ename = \ "$var.entryname#'$(__entryname__)'" \ "$var.serialno".replace( "$(__entryname__)", (self.options.entryname or "scan")) created = [] created_trans = [] trans = None for tg in targets: try: stg = "/".join(tg.split("/")[-3:]) except Exception: stg = None if tg in links.keys() or stg and stg in links.keys(): mn = links[tg][0] NLink(sample, mn, tg) created.append(mn) llinks = sorted([(tg, mns[0], mns[1]) for tg, mns in links.items()], key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) if dynamiclinks or samplenxdata: self.createSECoPLinkDS( ename, samplename, sampleenvname, meanings or "", environments or "") if dynamiclinks: ae = sample.addAttr( 'secop_env_links', "NX_CHAR", "$datasources.sample_env_links") ae.setStrategy("FINAL") al = sample.addAttr( 'secop_log_links', "NX_CHAR", "$datasources.sample_log_links") al.setStrategy("FINAL") if samplenxdata: al = sample.addAttr( 'sample_nxdata', "NX_CHAR", "$datasources.sample_nxdata") al.setStrategy("FINAL") al = sampleenv.addAttr( 'sampleenv_nxdata', "NX_CHAR", "$datasources.sampleenv_nxdata") al.setStrategy("FINAL") for target, mn, semn in llinks: starget = target.split("/") if not dynamiclinks: if mn in lenvironments and "%s_env" % mn not in created: env = NGroup( sample, "%s_env" % mn, "NXenvironment") NLink(env, starget[-2], "/".join(starget[:-1])) NLink(env, "description", "/".join(starget[:-2]) + "/description") NLink(env, "name", "/".join(starget[:-2]) + "/name") NLink(env, "short_name", "/".join(starget[:-2]) + "/short_name") NLink(env, "type", "/".join(starget[:-2]) + "/type") created.append("%s_env" % mn) if mn in lmeanings and mn not in created: NLink(sample, mn, target) created.append(mn) if mn in trattrs.keys(): nm = "%s_%s" % (starget[-3], starget[-2]) if nm not in created_trans: if trans is None: trans = NGroup( sample, "transformations", "NXtransformations") NLink(trans, nm, target + "/value") created_trans.append(nm) def __createSECoPSensor(self, senv, seenv, name, conf, nodename, canfail=None, samplename="sample", sampleenvname="sample_environment", trattrs=None): """ create nexus node tree :param senv: definition parent node :type senv: :class:'nxstools.nxsxml.XMLFile' :param seenv: definition parent node :type seenv: :class:'nxstools.nxsxml.XMLFile' :param name: sensor name :type name: :obj:`str` :param conf: secop configuration :type conf: :obj:`dict` :param nodename: node name :type nodename: :obj:`str` :param canfail: can fail strategy flag :type canfail: :obj:`bool` :param samplename: sample group name i.e. sample :type samplename: :obj:`str` :param sampleenvname: sample environment group name :type sampleenvname: :obj:`str` :param trattrs: dictionary with transformation attributes :type trattrs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`,:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`,`and`>> :returns: links targets and meaning names :rtype: :obj:`dict`< :obj:`str`, (:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`) > """ if 'meaning' in conf.keys(): meaning = conf['meaning'] env = senv basename = samplename else: meaning = None env = seenv basename = sampleenvname links = {} trattrs = trattrs or {} mgr = NGroup(env, name, "NXsensor") if 'description' in conf.keys(): field = NField(mgr, 'name', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText("%s" % str(name)) field.setStrategy('INIT') semeaning = None if 'meaning' in conf.keys(): meaning = conf['meaning'] semeaning = meaning importance = None if isinstance(meaning, list): if len(meaning) > 1: try: importance = int(meaning[1]) except Exception: importance = None if len(meaning) > 0: meaning = meaning[0] if meaning in mnTme.keys(): meaning = mnTme[meaning] field = NField(mgr, 'measurement', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText(meaning) field.setStrategy('INIT') if importance is not None: mimp = NAttr(field, "secop_importance", "NX_INT32") mimp.setText(str(importance)) if 'implementation' in conf.keys(): field = NField(mgr, 'model', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText("%s" % str(conf['implementation'])) field.setStrategy('INIT') if 'description' in conf.keys(): field = NField(mgr, 'description', 'NX_CHAR') field.setText("%s" % str(conf['description'])) field.setStrategy('INIT') params = conf.get("accessibles", {}) if params: par = NGroup(mgr, "parameters", "NXcollection") for pname, pconf in params.items(): if pname: if pname == "value": di = pconf.get("datainfo") if di: dtype = di.get("type") nxtype = npTn.get(dtype, "NX_CHAR") units = di.get("unit") minval = di.get("min") maxval = di.get("max") log = NGroup(mgr, "value_log", "NXlog") field = NField(log, 'value', nxtype) if meaning: ename = \ "$var.entryname#'$(__entryname__)'" \ "$var.serialno".replace( "$(__entryname__)", (self.options.entryname or "scan")) target = "/%s/%s/%s/%s/value_log" % \ (ename, basename, nodename, name) links[target] = (meaning, semeaning) dsname = "%s_%s" % (nodename, name) timedsname = "%s_%s_time" % (nodename, name) if self.options.lower: dsname = dsname.lower() timedsname = timedsname.lower() self.createSECoPDS(dsname, "read %s:%s" % (name, pname), dsname, "[0]") field.setText("$datasources.%s" % dsname) if units: field.setUnits(units) if meaning and meaning in trattrs.keys(): try: attrs = dict(trattrs[meaning]) except Exception: attrs = {} for nm, vl in attrs.items(): if isinstance(vl, list): if vl and isinstance(vl[0], str): vct = NAttr(field, nm, "NX_CHAR") vct.setText("\n ".join(vl)) else: vct = NAttr(field, nm, "NX_FLOAT64") vct.setText( " ".join([str(st) for st in vl])) d = NDimensions(vct, "1") d.dim("1", str(len(vl))) vct.setStrategy("INIT") else: field.addTagAttr(nm, vl) strategy = self.options.strategy field.setStrategy(strategy) field = NField(log, 'time', "NX_FLOAT64") field.setText( "$datasources.%s" % timedsname) at = field.addAttr( 'start', "NX_DATE_TIME", "$datasources.client_start_time") at.setStrategy("INIT") field.setUnits("s") field.setStrategy(strategy) if minval: field = NField(log, 'minimal_value', nxtype) field.setStrategy('INIT') field.setText(str(minval)) if units: field.setUnits(units) if maxval: field = NField(log, 'maximal_value', nxtype) field.setStrategy('INIT') field.setText(str(maxval)) if units: field.setUnits(units) elif pname == "status": self.__createSECoPParam( par, pname, pconf, nodename, name, canfail, "[0,0]", "int") else: self.__createSECoPParam( par, pname, pconf, nodename, name, canfail) if pname == "target": ename = \ "$var.entryname#'$(__entryname__)'" \ "$var.serialno".replace( "$(__entryname__)", (self.options.entryname or "scan")) NLink(mgr, "value", "/%s/%s/%s/%s/parameters/target/value" % (ename, basename, nodename, name)) return links def __createSECoPParam(self, par, name, conf, nodename, modname, canfail=None, access=None, accesstype=None): """ create nexus node tree :param env: definition parent node :type env: :class:'nxstools.nxsxml.XMLFile' :param name: parameter name :type name: :obj:`str` :param conf: secop configuration :type conf: :obj:`dict` :param nodename: node name :type nodename: :obj:`str` :param modname: sensor name :type modname: :obj:`str` :param canfail: can fail strategy flag :type canfail: :obj:`bool` """ di = conf.get("datainfo") if di: dtype = di.get("type") if dtype == "command": return if dtype not in npTn.keys() and not access: return nxtype = npTn.get(dtype, "NX_CHAR") if accesstype in npTn.keys(): nxtype = npTn.get(accesstype) units = di.get("unit") minval = di.get("min") maxval = di.get("max") access = access or "[0]" log = NGroup(par, name, "NXlog") field = NField(log, "value", nxtype) dsname = "%s_%s_%s" % (nodename, modname, name) timedsname = "%s_%s_%s_time" % (nodename, modname, name) if self.options.lower: dsname = dsname.lower() timedsname = timedsname.lower() field.setText("$datasources.%s" % (dsname)) pstrategy = self.options.paramstrategy self.createSECoPDS(dsname, "read %s:%s" % (modname, name), dsname, access) field.setStrategy(pstrategy) if units: field.setUnits(units) field = NField(log, 'time', "NX_FLOAT64") field.setText( "$datasources.%s" % timedsname) at = field.addAttr( 'start', "NX_DATE_TIME", "$datasources.client_start_time") at.setStrategy("INIT") field.setUnits("s") field.setStrategy(pstrategy) if minval: field = NField(log, 'minimal_value', nxtype) field.setStrategy('INIT') field.setText(str(minval)) if units: field.setUnits(units) if maxval: field = NField(log, 'maximal_value', nxtype) field.setStrategy('INIT') field.setText(str(maxval)) if units: field.setUnits(units)
[docs] def createXMLs(self): """ creates component xmls of all online.xml complex devices """ self.datasources = {} self.components = {} cpnames = self.args conf = {} if self.options.json: with open(self.options.json) as fl: conf = json.load(fl) else: conf = secop_cmd( "describe",, int(self.options.port)) if isinstance(conf, dict): # dump = \ # json.dumps(conf, sort_keys=True, indent=4) # print("%s" % dump) cpname = self.options.component if 'description' in conf.keys() and not cpname: eid = str(conf['equipment_id']).split(".") if eid and eid[0]: cpname = eid[0] else: des = str(conf['description']).split("\n") if des and des[0]: cpname = des[0] cpname = cpname.replace("[", "").\ replace("]", "_").replace(",", "_") if not cpname: cpname = "secop" fname = "%s%s.xml" % (self.options.file, cpname) if self.options.lower: fname = fname.lower() cpname = cpname.lower() df = XMLFile("%s/%s" % (, fname)) self.__createSECoPTree(df, cpname, conf, self.options.samplename, self.options.sampleenvname, cpnames, self.options.canfail, self.options.environments, self.options.meanings, self.options.first, self.options.transattrs, self.options.dynamiclinks, self.options.samplenxdata) self._printAction(cpname) self.components[cpname] = df.prettyPrint()
[docs] def createSECoPDS(self, dsname, message, group=None, access=None, host=None, port=None, timeout=None): """ create SECoP datasource :param dsname: datasource name :type dsname: :obj:`str` :param message: secop command :type message: :obj:`str` :param group: secop group name :type group: :obj:`str` :param access: secop attribute access list :type access: :obj:`str` :param host: secop host name :type host: :obj:`str` :param port: secop port name :type port: :obj:`str` or :obj:`int` :param port: minimum timeout :type port: :obj:`str` or :obj:`float` """ if access is not None and group is not None: module = 'groupsecop' elif group is not None: module = 'secop' else: module = 'singlesecop' if module in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentTemplateFiles: xmlfiles = self.xmlpackage.standardComponentTemplateFiles[module] else: if os.path.isfile("%s/%s.xml" % (self.xmltemplatepath, module)): xmlfiles = ["%s.xml" % module] params = {} host = if host is None else host port = self.options.port if port is None else port timeout = str(self.options.timeout) \ if timeout is None else str(timeout) if host is not None: params["host"] = host if port is not None: params["port"] = str(port) if message: params["message"] = message if timeout: params["timeout"] = timeout if access: params["access"] = access if group: params["group"] = group if self.options.lower: dsname = dsname.lower() for xmlfile in xmlfiles: # print(xmlfile) newname = self._replaceName(xmlfile, dsname, module) with open( '%s/%s' % ( self.xmltemplatepath, xmlfile), "r" ) as content_file: xmlcontent = xml = xmlcontent.replace("$(name)", dsname) missing = [] for var, desc in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables[ module].items(): if var in params.keys(): xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, params[var]) elif desc["default"] is not None: xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, desc["default"]) else: missing.append(var) if missing: if sys.version_info > (3,): root = et.fromstring( bytes(xml, "UTF-8"), parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) else: root = et.fromstring( xml, parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) nodes = root.findall(".//attribute") nodes.extend(root.findall(".//field")) nodes.extend(root.findall(".//link")) grnodes = root.findall(".//group") for node in nodes: text = self.__getText(node) for ms in missing: label = "$(%s)" % ms if label in text: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node) break for node in grnodes: text = node.attrib["name"] if text and "$(" in text: for ms in missing: label = "$(%s)" % ms if label in text: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node) break xml = _simpletoxml(root) if self._printouts: print("MISSING %s" % missing) errors = [] for var in missing: if "s.$(%s)" % var in xml: errors.append(var) if errors: print( "WARNING: %s cannot be created without %s" % (var, errors)) continue for var in missing: xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, "") lines = xml.split('\n') xml = '\n'.join([x for x in lines if len(x.strip())]) if xmlfile.endswith(".ds.xml"): self._printAction(newname, True) self.datasources[newname] = xml else: self._printAction(newname) self.components[newname] = xml
[docs] def createSECoPLinkDS(self, entryname, samplename, sampleenvname, meanings, environments): """ create SECoP datasource :param entryname: secop entry name :type entryname: :obj:`str` :param samplename: secop sample name :type samplename: :obj:`str` :param sampleenvname: secop sample name :type sampleenvname: :obj:`str` :param meanings: secop meanings list :type meanings: :obj:`str` :param environments: secop environments list :type environments: :obj:`str` """ module = 'secoplinks' dsname = "secop" if module in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentTemplateFiles: xmlfiles = self.xmlpackage.standardComponentTemplateFiles[module] else: if os.path.isfile("%s/%s.xml" % (self.xmltemplatepath, module)): xmlfiles = ["%s.xml" % module] params = {} params["entryname"] = entryname params["samplename"] = samplename params["sampleenvname"] = sampleenvname params["meanings"] = meanings params["environments"] = environments if self.options.lower: dsname = dsname.lower() for xmlfile in xmlfiles: # print(xmlfile) newname = self._replaceName(xmlfile, dsname, module) with open( '%s/%s' % ( self.xmltemplatepath, xmlfile), "r" ) as content_file: xmlcontent = xml = xmlcontent.replace("$(name)", dsname).replace( "$(__entryname__)", (self.options.entryname or "scan")).replace( "$(__insname__)", (self.options.insname or "instrument")) missing = [] for var, desc in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables[ module].items(): if var in params.keys(): xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, params[var]) elif desc["default"] is not None: xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, desc["default"]) else: missing.append(var) if missing: if sys.version_info > (3,): root = et.fromstring( bytes(xml, "UTF-8"), parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) else: root = et.fromstring( xml, parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) nodes = root.findall(".//attribute") nodes.extend(root.findall(".//field")) nodes.extend(root.findall(".//link")) grnodes = root.findall(".//group") for node in nodes: text = self.__getText(node) for ms in missing: label = "$(%s)" % ms if label in text: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node) break for node in grnodes: text = node.attrib["name"] if text and "$(" in text: for ms in missing: label = "$(%s)" % ms if label in text: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node) break xml = _simpletoxml(root) if self._printouts: print("MISSING %s" % missing) errors = [] for var in missing: if "s.$(%s)" % var in xml: errors.append(var) if errors: print( "WARNING: %s cannot be created without %s" % (var, errors)) continue for var in missing: xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, "") lines = xml.split('\n') xml = '\n'.join([x for x in lines if len(x.strip())]) if xmlfile.endswith(".ds.xml"): self._printAction(newname, True) self.datasources[newname] = xml else: self._printAction(newname) self.components[newname] = xml
[docs] def create(self): """ creates components of all online.xml complex devices """ cpnames = self.args for cpname in cpnames: if hasattr(self.options, "database") and \ self.options.database: server = self.options.server if not self.options.overwrite: if self._areComponentsAvailable( [cpname], server, self.options.lower): raise CPExistsException( "Component '%s' already exists." % cpname) elif not self.options.overwrite: existing = self._componentFilesExist( [cpname], self.options.file, if existing: raise CPExistsException( "Component files '%s' already exist." % existing) self.createXMLs() if not self.datasources and not self.components: raise CPExistsException( "Warning: Components %s cannot be created" % cpnames) server = self.options.server if hasattr(self.options, "database") and \ self.options.database: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): storeDataSource(dsname, dsxml, server) for cpname, cpxml in self.components.items(): mand = False if hasattr(self.options, "mandatory") and \ self.options.mandatory: mand = True storeComponent(cpname, cpxml, server, mand) else: for dsname, dsxml in self.datasources.items(): with open("%s/%s%s.ds.xml" % (, self.options.file, dsname), "w") as myfile: myfile.write(dsxml) for cpname, cpxml in self.components.items(): # print(cpname) with open("%s/%s%s.xml" % (, self.options.file, cpname), "w") as myfile: # print("%s/%s%s.xml" % ( #, # self.options.file, cpname)) myfile.write(cpxml)
@classmethod def _replaceName(cls, filename, cpname, module=None): """ replaces name prefix of xml templates files :param filename: template filename :type filename: :obj:`str` :param cpname: output prefix :type cpname: :obj:`str` :param module: module name :type module: :obj:`str` :returns: output filename :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if filename.endswith(".ds.xml"): filename = filename[:-7] elif filename.endswith(".xml"): filename = filename[:-4] sname = filename.split("_") if not module or module == sname[0]: sname[0] = cpname return "_".join(sname)
[docs]class StandardCPCreator(CPCreator): """ component creator of standard templates """ def __init__(self, options, args, printouts=True): """ constructor :param options: command options :type options: :class:`optparse.Values` :param args: command arguments :type args: :obj:`list` < :obj:`str` > :param printouts: if printout is enable :type printouts: :obj:`bool` """ CPCreator.__init__(self, options, args, printouts) self.__params = {} self.__specialparams = {}
[docs] def listcomponenttypes(self): """ provides a list of standard component types :returns: list of standard component types :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ return list(sorted(self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables.keys()))
[docs] def listcomponentvariables(self): """ provides a list of standard component types :returns: list of standard component types :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ if self.options.cptype not \ in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables.keys(): raise Exception( "Component type %s not in %s" % (self.options.cptype, list(self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables.keys()))) return self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables[ self.options.cptype]
def __setspecialparams(self): """ sets special parameters, i.e. __tangohost__, __tangoport__ and __configdevice__ """ server = self.options.external or self.options.server host, port = getServerTangoHost(server).split(":") self.__specialparams['__tangohost__'] = host self.__specialparams['__tangoport__'] = port if server: proxy = openServer(server) self.__specialparams['__configdevice__'] = else: self.__specialparams['__configdevice__'] = None
[docs] def createXMLs(self): """ creates component xmls of all online.xml complex devices """ self.datasources = {} self.components = {} self.__setspecialparams() if self.args: self.__params = dict(zip(self.args[::2], self.args[1::2])) else: self.__params = {} cpname = self.options.component module = self.options.cptype if self.options.lower: cpname = cpname.lower() module = module.lower() if module not in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables.keys(): raise Exception( "Component type %s not in %s" % (module, list(self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables.keys())) ) xmlfiles = [] if module in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentTemplateFiles: xmlfiles = self.xmlpackage.standardComponentTemplateFiles[module] else: if os.path.isfile("%s/%s.xml" % (self.xmltemplatepath, module)): xmlfiles = ["%s.xml" % module] for xmlfile in xmlfiles: # print(xmlfile) newname = self._replaceName(xmlfile, cpname, module) with open( '%s/%s' % ( self.xmltemplatepath, xmlfile), "r" ) as content_file: xmlcontent = xml = xmlcontent.replace("$(name)", cpname).replace( "$(__entryname__)", (self.options.entryname or "scan")).replace( "$(__insname__)", (self.options.insname or "instrument")) missing = [] for var, desc in self.xmlpackage.standardComponentVariables[ module].items(): if var in self.__params.keys(): xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, self.__params[var]) elif var in self.__specialparams.keys(): if self.__specialparams[var] is not None: xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, self.__specialparams[var]) else: raise Exception( "Parameter: %s cannot be found" % var) elif desc["default"] is not None: xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, desc["default"]) else: missing.append(var) if missing: if sys.version_info > (3,): root = et.fromstring( bytes(xml, "UTF-8"), parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) else: root = et.fromstring( xml, parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) nodes = root.findall(".//attribute") nodes.extend(root.findall(".//field")) nodes.extend(root.findall(".//link")) grnodes = root.findall(".//group") for node in nodes: text = self.__getText(node) for ms in missing: label = "$(%s)" % ms if label in text: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node) break for node in grnodes: text = node.attrib["name"] if text and "$(" in text: for ms in missing: label = "$(%s)" % ms if label in text: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node) break xml = _simpletoxml(root) if self._printouts: print("MISSING %s" % missing) errors = [] for var in missing: if "s.$(%s)" % var in xml: errors.append(var) if errors: print( "WARNING: %s cannot be created without %s" % (var, errors)) continue for var in missing: xml = xml.replace("$(%s)" % var, "") lines = xml.split('\n') xml = '\n'.join([x for x in lines if len(x.strip())]) if xmlfile.endswith(".ds.xml"): self._printAction(newname) self.datasources[newname] = xml else: self._printAction(newname) self.components[newname] = xml
def _printAction(self, name): """ prints out information about the performed action :param name: component name :type name: :obj:`str` """ if self._printouts: if hasattr(self.options, "database") and \ self.options.database: print("CREATING '%s' of '%s' on '%s' with %s" % ( name, self.options.cptype, self.options.server, self.__params)) else: print("CREATING '%s' of '%s' in '%s/%s%s.xml' with %s" % ( name, self.options.cptype,, self.options.file, name, self.__params)) @classmethod def __getText(cls, node): """ collects text from text child nodes :param node: parent node :type node: :obj:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` """ if node is not None: tnodes = ([node.text] if node.text else []) \ + [child.tail for child in node if child.tail] return unicode("".join(tnodes)).strip() return ""
if __name__ == "__main__": pass