Source code for nxstools.nxsdevicetools

#   This file is part of nexdatas - Tango Server for NeXus data writer
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 DESY, Jan Kotanski <>
#    nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with nexdatas.  If not, see <>.

""" NDTS TANGO device tools """

import sys
import os
import time
import socket

#: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`str` > >)
#:     standard component template variables
#:     and its [default value, doc string]
standardComponentVariables = {}
#: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> >)
#:     xml template files of modules
standardComponentTemplateFiles = {}
#: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> >)
#:     xml template files of modules
moduleTemplateFiles = {}
#: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> >)
#:     important attributes of modules
moduleMultiAttributes = {}

[docs]class PackageHandler(object): """ xml templates package loader """ def __init__(self, packagename='nxstools.xmltemplates'): """ constructor :param packagename: full package name :type packagename: :obj:`str` """ self.packagename = None self.package = None self.packagepath = None self.loadXMLTemplates(packagename)
[docs] def loadXMLTemplates(self, packagename): """ load xml template module variables :param packagename: full package name :type packagename: :obj:`str` """ self.packagename = packagename global standardComponentVariables global standardComponentTemplateFiles global moduleTemplateFiles global moduleMultiAttributes self.package = __import__( packagename, globals(), locals(), packagename[-1]) standardComponentVariables = \ self.package.standardComponentVariables standardComponentTemplateFiles = \ self.package.standardComponentTemplateFiles moduleTemplateFiles = \ self.package.moduleTemplateFiles moduleMultiAttributes = \ self.package.moduleMultiAttributes self.packagepath = os.path.dirname(self.package.__file__)
#: (:class:`PackageHandler`) xml template package handler xmlPackageHandler = PackageHandler() #: attributes of device modules to acquire with elements: # 'module': [<sardana_pool_attr>, <original_tango_attr>] moduleAttributes = { 'counter_tango': ['Value', 'Counts'], 'v260': ['Value', 'Counts'], 'dgg2': ['Value', 'SampleTime'], 'mca_8701': ['Value', 'Data'], 'mca_sis3302new': ['Value', 'Data'], 'mca_sis3302': ['Value', 'Data'], 'mythenroi': ['Value', None], 'mca8715roi': ['Value', None], 'sis3302roi': ['Value', None], 'sis3302': ['Value', None], 'sis3302multiscan': ['Value', None], 'sis3610': ['Value', 'Value'], 'vdot32in': ['Value', 'Value'], 'sis3820': ['Value', 'Counts'], 'tangoattributectctrl': ['Value', None], 'tip551': ['Value', 'Voltage'], 'tip850dac': ['Value', 'Voltage'], 'tip830': ['Value', 'Counts'], 'tip850adc': ['Value', 'Value'], 'vfcadc': ['Value', 'Counts'], 'xmcd': ['Value', None], } #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) modules of 2d detectors twoDModules = [ 'pilatus100k', 'pilatus300k', 'pilatus1m', 'pilatus2m', 'pilatus6m', 'pco4000', 'perkinelmerdetector', 'lambda', 'pedetector', 'perkinelmer', 'pco', 'pcoedge', 'marccd', 'perkinelmer', # 'lcxcamera', 'limaccd', 'eigerpsi', 'eigerdectris' ] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) modules of motors motorModules = [ 'absbox', 'motor_tango', 'kohzu', 'smchydra', 'lom', 'oms58', 'e6c', 'omsmaxv', 'spk', 'pie710', 'pie712', 'e6c_p09_eh2', 'smaract' # # 'analyzerep01', 'tth', 'atto300', 'phaseretarder', # 'hexa', # 'tm', 'cube', , 'piezonv40', 'smaractmcs', # 'slt', 'bscryotempcontrolp01', # 'dcm_energy', 'elom', 'diffracmu', 'tcpipmotor', # 'galil_dmc', 'pico8742', 'oxfcryo700ctrl', 'analyzer', 'nfpaxis', # 'smarpod', 'mult', # # 'oxfcryo700', ] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) counter/timer modules ctModules = [ 'mca8715roi', 'onedroi', 'sis3820', 'sis3302roi', 'xmcd', 'vfcadc', 'mythenroi', 'mhzdaqp01', 'dgg2', 'tangoattributectctrl' ] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) modules of 0D detectors zeroDModules = ['tip830'] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) modules of 1D detectors oneDModules = ['mca_xia'] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>) IO register modules ioRegModules = ['sis3610'] #: (:obj:`bool`) True if tango available PYTANGO = False try: try: import tango except Exception: import PyTango as tango PYTANGO = True except Exception: pass for mn in motorModules: moduleAttributes[mn] = ['Position', 'Position'] for nm in ctModules + zeroDModules + oneDModules: if nm not in moduleAttributes: moduleAttributes[nm] = ['Value', None]
[docs]def generateDeviceNames(prefix, first, last, minimal=False): """ generates device names :param prefix: device name prefix :type prefix: :obj:`str` :param first: first device index :type first: :obj:`int` :param last: last device index :type last: :obj:`int` :returns: device names :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ names = [] if prefix.strip(): for i in range(first, last + 1): if not minimal: names.append(prefix + ("0" if len(str(i)) == 1 else "") + str(i)) else: names.append(prefix + str(i)) return names
[docs]def getAttributes(device, host=None, port=10000): """ provides a list of device attributes :param device: tango device name :type device: :obj:`str` :param host: device host :type host: :obj:`str` :param port: device port :type port: :obj:`int` :returns: list of device attributes :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ if host: dp = tango.DeviceProxy("%s:%s/%s" % (host, port, device)) else: dp = tango.DeviceProxy(device) attr = dp.attribute_list_query() return [ for at in attr if not in ['State', 'Status']]
[docs]def openServer(device): """ opens connection to the configuration server :param configuration: server device name :type configuration: :obj:`str` :returns: configuration server proxy :rtype: :class:`tango.DeviceProxy` """ found = False cnt = 0 # spliting character try: #: configuration server proxy cnfServer = tango.DeviceProxy(device) except tango.DevFailed: found = True if found: sys.stderr.write( "Error: Cannot connect to the server: %s\n" % device) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(0) while not found and cnt < 1000: if cnt > 1: time.sleep(0.02) try: if cnfServer.state() != tango.DevState.RUNNING: found = True except tango.DevFailed: time.sleep(0.02) found = False cnt += 1 if not found: sys.stderr.write("Error: Setting up %s takes to long\n" % device) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(0) return cnfServer
[docs]def storeDataSource(name, xml, server): """ stores datasources in Configuration Server :param name: datasource name :type name: :obj:`str` :param xml: datasource xml string :type xml: :obj:`str` :param server: configuration server :type server: :obj:`str` """ proxy = openServer(server) proxy.Open() proxy.XMLString = str(xml) proxy.StoreDataSource(str(name))
[docs]def getServerTangoHost(server): """ fetches the server tango_host:tango_port :param server: tango server :type server: :obj:`str` :returns: tango host :rtype: :obj:`str` """ if server: proxy = openServer(server) host = proxy.get_db_host() port = proxy.get_db_port() else: db = tango.Database() host = db.get_db_host().split(".")[0] port = db.get_db_port() shost = str(host).split(".") if len(shost) > 0: host = shost[0] return "%s:%s" % (host, port)
[docs]def getDataSourceComponents(server, verbose=False): """ gets datasource components :param server: configuration server :type server: :obj:`str` :param verbose: additional printouts :type verbose: :obj:`bool` :returns: dictionary with datasource components :rtype: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`>> """ dscps = {} proxy = openServer(server) proxy.Open() acps = proxy.availableComponents() errcps = [] for cp in acps: try: depcps = proxy.dependentComponents([cp]) for dcp in depcps: dss = proxy.componentDataSources(dcp) for ds in dss: if ds not in dscps: dscps[ds] = [] if cp not in dscps[ds]: dscps[ds].append(cp) except Exception as e: errcps.append(cp) if verbose: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) sys.stderr.write( "Error: Internal error of the %s component\n" % cp) sys.stderr.flush() if not verbose and errcps: sys.stderr.write( "Info: Inconsistent components is the NeXus database - %s\n" % ", ".join(errcps)) sys.stderr.flush() return dscps
[docs]def storeComponent(name, xml, server, mandatory=False): """ stores components in Configuration Server :param name: component name :type name: :obj:`str` :param xml: component xml string :type xml: :obj:`str` :param server: configuration server :type server: :obj:`str` :param mandatory: set component as mandatory :type mandatory: :obj:`bool` """ proxy = openServer(server) proxy.Open() proxy.XMLString = str(xml) proxy.StoreComponent(str(name)) if mandatory: proxy.SetMandatoryComponents([str(name)])
[docs]def getClassName(devicename): """ provides device class name :param devicename: device name :type devicename: :obj:`str` :returns: class name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ try: db = tango.Database() except Exception: sys.stderr.write( "Info: Cannot connect to %s" % devicename + " on host %s\n" % os.environ['TANGO_HOST']) sys.stderr.flush() return "" return db.get_class_for_device(devicename)
[docs]def getServers(name='NXSConfigServer'): """ provides server device names :param name: server instance name :type name: :obj:`str` :returns: list of the server device names :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ try: db = tango.Database() except Exception: sys.stderr.write( "Error: Cannot connect to %s" % name + " on host %s\n" % os.environ['TANGO_HOST']) sys.stderr.flush() return "" servers = db.get_device_exported_for_class(name).value_string return servers
def _remoteCall(server, func, *args, **kwargs): """ executes function on remove tango host db setup :param server: remove tango server device name :type server: :obj:`str` :param func: executed function :type func: :obj:`instancemethod` :param args: function list arguments :type args: :obj:`list` <`and`> :param kwargs: function dict arguments :type kwargs: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str` , `any`> :returns: function result :rtype: `any` """ lserver = None localtango = None if server and ":" in server and server.strip(): lserver = server.split("/")[0] if lserver: lserver = lserver.strip() if lserver: if ":" not in lserver: lserver = lserver + ":10000" localtango = os.environ.get('TANGO_HOST') os.environ['TANGO_HOST'] = lserver res = func(*args, **kwargs) if lserver: if localtango is not None: os.environ['TANGO_HOST'] = localtango else: os.environ.pop('TANGO_HOST') return res
[docs]def listServers(server, name='NXSConfigServer'): """ finds server names :param name: server instance name :type name: :obj:`str` :returns: server list :rtype: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> """ return _remoteCall(server, getServers, name)
[docs]def findClassName(server, name): """ finds class name :param name: device name :type name: :obj:`str` :returns: class name :rtype: :obj:`str` """ return _remoteCall(server, getClassName, name)
[docs]def checkServer(name='NXSConfigServer'): """ provides server device name if only one or error in the other case :param name: server name :type name: :obj:`str` :returns: server device name or empty string if error appears :rtype: :obj:`str` """ servers = getServers(name) if not servers: sys.stderr.write( "Info: NeXus hasn't been setup yet. \n\n") sys.stderr.flush() return "" if len(servers) > 1: thost = os.getenv('TANGO_HOST') if thost: tlhost = thost.split(":")[0] tservers = [sr for sr in servers if sr.endswith("/%s" % tlhost)] if tservers: servers = tservers else: lhost = socket.gethostname() lservers = [sr for sr in servers if sr.endswith("/%s" % lhost)] if lservers: servers = lservers if len(servers) > 1: sys.stderr.write( "Info: More than on %s " % name + "on the current host running. \n\n" + " Please specify the server:" + "\n %s\n\n" % "\n ".join(servers)) sys.stderr.flush() return "" return servers[0]
if __name__ == "__main__": pass