Source code for nxstools.nxsfileparser

#   This file is part of nexdatas - Tango Server for NeXus data writer
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 DESY, Jan Kotanski <>
#    nexdatas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    nexdatas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with nexdatas.  If not, see <>.

""" NeXus main metadata viewer """

from . import filewriter
import fnmatch
import json
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import numpy as np
import math
import pytz
import time
import dateutil.parser
import re
from lxml.etree import XMLParser

from nxstools.nxsparser import ParserTools

[docs]class numpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ numpy json encoder with list """
[docs] def default(self, obj): """ default encoder :param obj: numpy array object :type obj: :obj:`object` or `any` """ if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, np.bool_): return bool(obj) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): try: return obj.decode("utf-8") except Exception: return obj.decode() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]class numpyEncoderNull(numpyEncoder): """ numpy json encoder with list with nan/inf to null """
[docs] def encode(self, obj, *args, **kwargs): return numpyEncoder.encode(self, infNaN2None(obj), *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def infNaN2None(obj): """ replace inf and NaN to None """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return {ky: infNaN2None(vl) for ky, vl in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list): return [infNaN2None(it) for it in obj] elif isinstance(obj, float) and math.isinf(obj): return None elif isinstance(obj, float) and math.isnan(obj): return None return obj
_regex = r'^(-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-' \ r'(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])' \ r'(\.[0-9]+)?(Z|[+-](?:2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):[0-5][0-9])?$' _match_iso8601 = re.compile(_regex).match
[docs]def isoDate(text): """ convert date to iso format :param text: date text to convert :type text: :obj:`str` :returns: date in iso format :rtype: :obj:`str` """ result = "" try: try: if _match_iso8601(text) is not None: result = text except Exception: pass if not result: date = dateutil.parser.parse(text) if date.tzinfo is None: tzone = time.tzname[0] try: tz = pytz.timezone(tzone) except Exception: import tzlocal tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() date = tz.localize(date) fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z' result = str(date.strftime(fmt)) except Exception: result = text return result
[docs]def getdsname(xmlstring): """ provides datasource name from datasource xml string :param xmlstring: datasource xml string :type xmlstring: :obj:`str` """ if sys.version_info > (3,): node = et.fromstring( bytes(xmlstring, "UTF-8"), parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) else: node = et.fromstring( xmlstring, parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) if node.tag == 'datasource': nodes = [node] else: nodes = node.findall(".//datasource") dsname = "" if nodes and "name" in nodes[0].attrib: dsname = nodes[0].attrib["name"] return dsname or ""
[docs]def getdstype(xmlstring): """ provides datasource type from datasource xml string :param xmlstring: datasource xml string :type xmlstring: :obj:`str` """ if sys.version_info > (3,): node = et.fromstring( bytes(xmlstring, "UTF-8"), parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) else: node = et.fromstring( xmlstring, parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) if node.tag == 'datasource': nodes = [node] else: nodes = node.findall(".//datasource") dstype = "" if nodes: dstype = nodes[0].attrib["type"] return dstype
[docs]def getdssource(xmlstring): """ provides source from datasource xml string :param xmlstring: datasource xml string :type xmlstring: :obj:`str` """ if sys.version_info > (3,): node = et.fromstring( bytes(xmlstring, "UTF-8"), parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) else: node = et.fromstring( xmlstring, parser=XMLParser(collect_ids=False)) if node.tag == 'datasource': nodes = [node] else: nodes = node.findall(".//datasource") dssource = "" if nodes: ds = nodes[0] dssource = ParserTools.getRecord(ds) return dssource
[docs]class NXSFileParser(object): """ Metadata parser for NeXus files """ def __init__(self, root): """ constructor :param root: nexus root node :type root: :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` """ #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> >) \ # description list of found nodes self.description = [] #: (:obj:`str`) group postfix self.group_postfix = "" #: (:obj:`bool`) store NXentries as scientificMetadata self.scientific = False #: (:obj:`bool`) add empty units self.emptyunits = False #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str` >) \ # nexus field attribute show names self.attrs = None #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str` >) \ # nexus field attribute hidden names self.hiddenattrs = [ "nexdatas_source", "nexdatas_strategy" ] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str` >) \ # nexus entry classes to be shown self.entryclasses = [ "NXentry" ] #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`str` >) \ # nexus entry names to be shown self.entrynames = [ ] #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, [:obj:`str, `any`] > >) \ # attribute description self.attrdesc = { "nexus_type": ["type", str], "units": ["units", str], "depends_on": ["depends_on", str], "trans_type": ["transformation_type", str], "trans_vector": ["vector", str], "trans_offset": ["offset", str], "source_name": ["nexdatas_source", getdsname], "source_type": ["nexdatas_source", getdstype], "source": ["nexdatas_source", getdssource], "strategy": ["nexdatas_strategy", str], } #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, [:obj:`str, `any`] > >) \ # metadata attribute description self.mattrdesc = { "source_name": ["nexdatas_source", getdsname], "source_type": ["nexdatas_source", getdstype], "source": ["nexdatas_source", getdssource], "strategy": ["nexdatas_strategy", str], "unit": ["units", str], } #: (:obj:`list`< :obj:`str`>) field names which value should be stored self.valuestostore = ["depends_on"] self.__root = root #: (:obj:`list`< :obj:`str`>) filters for `full_path` names self.filters = [] # (:obj:`bool`) oned value flag self.oned = False # (:obj:`int`) maximal 1d record size self.maxonedsize = -1
[docs] @classmethod def getpath(cls, path): """ converts full_path with NX_classes into nexus_path :param path: nexus full_path :type path: :obj:`str` """ spath = path.split("/") return "/".join( [(dr if ":" not in dr else dr.split(":")[0]) for dr in spath])
def __addnode(self, node, tgpath): """adds the node into the description list :param node: nexus node :type node: :class:`filewriter.FTField` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTAttribute` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` :param tgpath: target path of the link target or `None` :type tgpath: :obj:`str` """ desc = {} path = filewriter.first(node.path) desc["full_path"] = str(path) desc["nexus_path"] = str(self.getpath(path)) if hasattr(node, "dtype"): desc["dtype"] = str(node.dtype) if hasattr(node, "shape"): desc["shape"] = [int(n) for n in (node.shape or [])] if hasattr(node, "attributes"): attrs = node.attributes anames = [ for at in attrs] for key, vl in self.attrdesc.items(): if vl[0] in anames: desc[key] = vl[1](filewriter.first(attrs[vl[0]].read())) if in self.valuestostore and node.is_valid: try: vl = cont = True while cont: try: if isinstance(vl, np.ndarray) and \ vl.shape == (): vl = vl.item() cont = False elif not isinstance(vl, str) and \ (hasattr(vl, "__len__") and len(vl) == 1): vl = vl[0] else: cont = False except Exception: cont = False desc["value"] = vl except Exception: pass self.description.append(desc) if tgpath: fname = if "%s:/%s" % (fname, desc["nexus_path"]) != tgpath: ldesc = dict(desc) if tgpath.startswith(fname): tgpath = tgpath[len(fname) + 2:] ldesc["nexus_path"] = "\\-> %s" % tgpath self.description.append(ldesc) def __parsenode(self, node, tgpath=None): """parses the node and add it into the description list :param node: nexus node :type node: :class:`filewriter.FTField` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTAttribute` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` :param tgpath: target path of the link target or `None` :type tgpath: :obj:`str` """ self.__addnode(node, tgpath) names = [] if isinstance(node, filewriter.FTGroup): names = [ (, str(ch.target_path) if hasattr(ch, "target_path") else None) for ch in filewriter.get_links(node)] for nm in names: try: ch =[0]) self.__parsenode(ch, nm[1]) # except Exception: # pass finally: pass def __parsemetaentry(self, node, lst): """parses the node and add it into the description list :param node: nexus node :type node: :class:`filewriter.FTField` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTAttribute` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` :param lst: metadata list :type lst: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ dct = {} name = self.__addmeta(node, dct, self.scientific) names = [] if isinstance(node, filewriter.FTGroup): names = [ (, str(ch.target_path) if hasattr(ch, "target_path") else None) for ch in filewriter.get_links(node)] for nm in names: try: if name in dct.keys(): gr = dct[name] if not isinstance(gr, dict): nm = name + "_" while nm in dct.keys(): nm = nm + "_" dct[nm] = gr gr = dct[name] = {} else: gr = dct[name] = {} ch =[0]) self.__parsemeta(ch, gr) # except Exception: # pass finally: pass lst.append(dct) def __parsemeta(self, node, dct): """parses the node and add it into the description list :param node: nexus node :type node: :class:`filewriter.FTField` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTAttribute` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` :param dct: metadata dictionary :type dct: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ self.__addmeta(node, dct) names = [] if isinstance(node, filewriter.FTGroup): names = [ (, str(ch.target_path) if hasattr(ch, "target_path") else None) for ch in filewriter.get_links(node)] for nm in names: try: name = + self.group_postfix if name in dct.keys(): gr = dct[name] if not isinstance(gr, dict): nm = name + "_" while nm in dct.keys(): nm = nm + "_" dct[nm] = gr gr = dct[name] = {} else: gr = dct[name] = {} ch =[0]) self.__parsemeta(ch, gr) # except Exception: # pass finally: pass def __addmeta(self, node, dct, scientific=False): """adds the node into the description list :param node: nexus node :type node: :class:`filewriter.FTField` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTLink` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTAttribute` or \ :class:`filewriter.FTGroup` :param dct: metadata dictionary :type dct: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> :param scientific: scientific flag :type scientific: :obj:`bool` """ desc = {} # path = filewriter.first(node.path) # desc["full_path"] = str(path) # desc["nexus_path"] = str(self.getpath(path)) if isinstance(node, filewriter.FTGroup): if scientific: smname = "scientificMetadata" counter = 1 while smname in dct.keys(): counter += 1 smname = "scientificMetadata_%s" % counter nd = dct[smname] = {"name":} else: smname = + self.group_postfix if smname in dct.keys(): nd = dct[smname] if not isinstance(nd, dict): nm = smname + "_" while nm in dct.keys(): nm = nm + "_" dct[nm] = nd nd = dct[smname] = {} else: nd = dct[smname] = {} else: smname = if smname in dct.keys(): nd = dct[smname] if not isinstance(nd, dict): nm = smname + "_" while nm in dct.keys(): nm = nm + "_" dct[nm] = nd nd = dct[smname] = {} else: nd = dct[smname] = {} if hasattr(node, "dtype"): desc["dtype"] = str(node.dtype) if hasattr(node, "shape"): desc["shape"] = [int(n) for n in (node.shape or [])] if hasattr(node, "attributes"): attrs = node.attributes anames = [ for at in attrs] for key, vl in self.mattrdesc.items(): if vl[0] in anames and \ (self.attrs is None or key in self.attrs) and \ (self.hiddenattrs is None or key not in self.hiddenattrs): nd[key] = vl[1](filewriter.first(attrs[vl[0]].read())) if self.attrs is not None: for at in self.attrs: if at in anames: if at in self.attrs and \ at not in self.mattrdesc.keys() and \ (self.hiddenattrs is None or at not in self.hiddenattrs): nd[at] = filewriter.first(attrs[at].read()) else: for at in anames: if at not in self.mattrdesc.keys() and \ (self.hiddenattrs is None or at not in self.hiddenattrs): nd[at] = filewriter.first(attrs[at].read()) if self.scientific and "NX_class" in nd.keys() and \ nd["NX_class"] == "NXentry": nd.pop("NX_class") if not isinstance(node, filewriter.FTGroup): if ( in self.valuestostore and node.is_valid) \ or "shape" not in desc \ or desc["shape"] in [None, [1], []] \ or ((self.oned) and len(desc["shape"]) == 1): if hasattr(node, "read"): try: vl = cont = True while cont: try: if isinstance(vl, np.ndarray) and \ vl.shape == (): vl = vl.item() cont = False elif not isinstance(vl, str) and \ (hasattr(vl, "__len__") and len(vl) == 1): vl = vl[0] else: cont = False except Exception: cont = False if self.maxonedsize >= 0 and len(desc["shape"]) == 1 \ and hasattr(vl, "__len__") and \ len(vl) > self.maxonedsize: try: nd["value"] = [min(vl), max(vl)] except Exception: nd["value"] = [vl[0], vl[-1]] else: nd["value"] = vl if self.emptyunits and "unit" not in nd.keys(): nd["unit"] = "" except Exception: pass if "shape" in desc and desc["shape"] not in [None, [1], []]: if "shape" in nd.keys(): shp = nd["shape"] nm = "shape" + "_" while nm in nd.keys(): nm = nm + "_" nd[nm] = shp nd["shape"] = desc["shape"] return smname def __filter(self): """filters description list """ res = [] if self.filters: for elem in self.description: fpath = elem['full_path'] found = False for df in self.filters: found = fnmatch.filter([fpath], df) if found: break if found: res.append(elem) self.description[:] = res
[docs] def parse(self): """parses the file and creates the filtered description list """ self.__parsenode(self.__root) self.__filter()
[docs] def parseMeta(self): """parses the file and creates the filtered description list """ for entry in self.__root: nm = try: at = entry.attributes["NX_class"] except Exception: at = None if len(self.entryclasses) == 0 or \ at and (filewriter.first( in self.entryclasses): if len(self.entrynames) == 0 or \ (nm and nm in self.entrynames): self.__parsemetaentry(entry, self.description)
[docs]class FIOFileParser(object): """ Metadata parser for FIO files """ def __init__(self, root): """ constructor :param root: fio file content :type root: :obj:`str` """ #: (:obj:`list` <:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> >) \ # description list of found nodes self.description = [] #: (:obj:`str`) group postfix self.group_postfix = "" #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`>) metadata dictionary self.__dctmetadata = {} #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`>) columns dictionary self.columns = {} # (:obj:`str`) text content of the file self.__root = root # (:obj:`bool`) oned value flag self.oned = False # (:obj:`int`) maximal 1d record size self.maxonedsize = -1 def _appendComments(self, lines, meta): """append comments :param lines: comment fio lines :type lines: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param meta: metadata dictionary :type meta: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ comments = {} counter = 0 for line in lines: if not line.startswith("!"): counter += 1 comments["line_%s" % counter] = line if counter == 1: meta["ScanCommand"] = line if "Acquisition started at " in line: sline = line.split("Acquisition started at ") if sline and sline[-1].strip(): meta["start_time"] = { "value": isoDate(sline[-1].strip()), "unit": "" } elif "Acquisition ended at " in line: sline = line.split("Acquisition ended at ") if sline and sline[-1].strip(): meta["end_time"] = { "value": isoDate(sline[-1].strip()), "unit": "" } if comments: meta["comments"] = comments def _appendParameters(self, lines, meta): """append comments :param lines: parameter fio lines :type lines: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param meta: metadata dictionary :type meta: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ params = {} for line in lines: if not line.startswith("!") and "=" in line: sline = line.split("=") if len(sline) > 1 and sline[0].strip() and \ sline[1].strip(): if '@' not in sline[0]: try: params[sline[0].strip().replace(" ", "_")] = \ eval(sline[1].strip()) except Exception: params[sline[0].strip().replace(" ", "_")] = \ str(sline[1].strip()) for line in lines: if not line.startswith("!") and "=" in line: sline = line.split("=") if len(sline) > 1 and sline[0].strip() and \ sline[1].strip(): if '@' in sline[0]: field, attr = sline[0].strip().replace(" ", "_"). \ split("@")[:2] try: avl = eval(sline[1].strip()) except Exception: avl = str(sline[1].strip()) if field in params: if not isinstance(params[field], dict): params[field] = {"value": params[field]} if attr in ["unit", "units"]: params[field]["unit"] = avl else: params[field][attr] = avl if params: meta["parameters"] = params def _appendData(self, lines, meta): """append comments :param lines: data fio lines :type lines: :obj:`list` <:obj:`str`> :param meta: metadata dictionary :type meta: :obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, `any`> """ self.columns = {} data = {} for line in lines: if line.startswith("Col"): sline = line.split(" ") name = None if len(sline) > 2: try: if sline[1].strip(): cid = int(sline[1].strip()) if sline[2].strip(): name = str(sline[2].strip()) self.columns[cid - 1] = [name, []] except Exception: pass elif not line.startswith("!"): sline = [word.strip() for word in line.split(" ") if word.strip()] for wid, word in enumerate(sline): if wid in self.columns.keys(): try: self.columns[wid][1].append(float(word)) except Exception: self.columns[wid][1].append(str(word)) for wid, nmvl in self.columns.items(): if self.maxonedsize >= 0 \ and hasattr(nmvl[1], "__len__") and \ len(nmvl[1]) > self.maxonedsize: data[nmvl[0]] = [nmvl[1][0], nmvl[1][-1]] else: data[nmvl[0]] = nmvl[1] if data: meta["data"] = data
[docs] def parseMeta(self): """parses the file and creates the filtered description list """ smname = "scientificMetadata" dct = {} self.description = [dct] nd = dct[smname] = {} if self.__root and isinstance(self.__root, str): lines = [line.strip() for line in self.__root.split("\n")] dcpmap = {"%d": [], "%c": [], "%p": []} last = None for line in lines: if line in dcpmap.keys(): last = line elif last and not line.startswith("!"): dcpmap[last].append(line) elif line.startswith("!"): dcpmap["%c"].append(line) if dcpmap["%c"]: self._appendComments(dcpmap["%c"], nd) if dcpmap["%p"]: self._appendParameters(dcpmap["%p"], nd) if dcpmap["%d"] and (self.oned): self._appendData(dcpmap["%d"], nd)